top 10 osho quotes on any topic

Osho Short Quotes and Sayings

Osho Short Quotes and Sayings Enlightenment is nothing but your consciousness being concentrated on a single point — now and here. Love knows how to forgive. Love cannot hurt and cannot be violent. Love is always an emperor. Meditation is...

osho quotes and sayings

osho quotes and sayings If one can know what god is, one need not know anything else, and if one knows everything else and has not come across god, all that is just absurd, meaningless; it is not going to...

Osho Quotes on Regularity in Meditation

Osho Quotes and Sayings

Osho Quotes and Sayings Drugs cannot give you reality. They can only give you very beautiful dreams. With meditation, whatsoever is attained remains with you. If you stop the technique you will not proceed further, but whatever you have attained...

Osho on Self Knowledge

osho quotes and sayings

osho quotes and sayings Just remember one criterion: whatever you do should not be in the service of destruction, it should be in the service of creativity. I have no consolation for you. And I don’t believe in consoling you,...

osho quotes and sayings

tomorrow 21st march is the osho enlightenment day. lets remember the master, meditate and celebrate on this fortunate day of osho enlightenment osho quotes and sayings Just remember one criterion: whatever you do should not be in the service of...