top 10 osho quotes on any topic

Osho Quotes and Sayings

Osho Quotes and Sayings Unless you become aware, thoughts will continue. The more a religion is well-organized, the less is the possibility of its being a religion. When joy is inside the heart, when silence is inside, peace surrounds you,...

Osho Quotes on Unconsciousness

Osho Quotes and Sayings

Osho Quotes Once you have found that eternal witness in vou. you have found God. Remember never to compromise. Compromise is absolutely against my whole vision. Mind is very cunning, clever, logical. It is a great rationalizer. Whatsoever the mind...

Osho Quotes

Osho Quotes on Maturity

Osho Quotes on Maturity To grow old is not to grow up, to become old is not to become mature. Maturity has nothing to do with old age, nothing to do with age at all. Maturity has something to do...

Osho Quotes on Wholeness

Osho Quotes on Old Age

Osho Quotes on Old Age This is the whole art of life! You enjoy your youth, and when you become old you enjoy your old age. Old age has its own beauties; no young man can have those beauties. Youth...

Osho Quotes on Remembering God

Osho Quotes on Consolation

Osho Quotes on Consolation Always remember: that which nourishes you is real, and that which simply gives you a consolation is very dangerous. Because of this consolation you will not seek the real food. If you start living in dreams...

Osho Quotes on Satsang

Osho Quotes on Satsang Only a living Master is fire enough, flame enough, to bum you totally, utterly, absolutely. SATSANG, to be with the Master, is the ultimate in love and the beginning of death. Unless you are present here...

Osho Quotes on Remembering God

Short Quotes of Osho

Short Quotes of Osho Love is not a higher quality than truth. A religious person is a desireless person. Just a little detachment from the ego is needed. When it comes to deciding between your love and your truth, truth...

Osho Quotes and Sayings

Osho Quotes and Sayings Go beyond the mind. That is the essence of the whole teaching of all the awakened ones. An obsession simply means a wound in your being, which keeps attracting you again and again, which goes on...