Osho Short Quotes

Osho Short Quotes and Sayings

Osho Short Quotes and Sayings Enlightenment is nothing but your consciousness being concentrated on a single point — now and here. Love knows how to forgive. Love cannot hurt and cannot be violent. Love is always an emperor. Meditation is...

Osho Quotes on Remembering God

Short Quotes of Osho

Short Quotes of Osho Love is not a higher quality than truth. A religious person is a desireless person. Just a little detachment from the ego is needed. When it comes to deciding between your love and your truth, truth...

Osho Quotes on Nirvana

Osho One Liner Quotes and Sayings

Osho One Liner Quotes and Sayings Love is life, love is god, love is sannyas! Love makes you aware of something which cannot be known by the intellect; it makes you available to the presence of God. Learn to become...

Osho Quotes on Expectations

Osho Short Quotes and Sayings

Osho Short Quotes My meditation is not something separate from life, it is something that has to be spread all over life. To come across a Master and to miss the Master is the greatest accident, very unfortunate, that can...

Osho Short Quotes and Sayings

Osho Short Quotes  and Sayings To be here and now, you have to be in meditation, beyond mind. Love happens when you are ready to share with another human being. Prayer happens when you are ready to share with God....

Osho Short Quotes

Osho Quotes I want every one of my sannyasins to be utterly unique. Sannyas is only a declaration. The work is meditation. In one single word, my religion is complete, and that is meditation. Every man has the potential to...

Osho Quotes on Hate

Short Quotes and Sayings of Osho

Osho Short Quotes and Sayings The only refuge is the perfection of wisdom, the perfection of meditation. Anybody who becomes a Buddha becomes one through meditation. Take refuge in meditation. Take refuge in nothingness. When you cheat somebody, you are...

Osho Quotes on Stupid Person and Stupidity

Short Quotations of Osho

Short Quotations of Osho Make yourself more and more alert. The whole play of existence is so beautiful that laughter can be the only response to it. Only laughter can be the real prayer, gratitude. Meditation cannot be a fragmented...