Swami Anonymous

Osho Quotes and Sayings

Osho Quotes and Sayings REMEMBER remain alert that you don t get too much attached to the accidental — and all is accidental except your consciousness. Except your awareness, all is accidental. Pain and pleasure, success and failure, fame and...

Osho Quotes on Indifference

Osho Quotes and Sayings

Osho Quotes The first step is: accept yourself as you are; drop all shoulds. Don’t carry any ought on your heart! You are not to be somebody else; you are not expected to do something which doesn’t belong to you...

Osho Quotes

Osho Quotes Look at the fact that desiring creates misery. If you don’t desire, there is no misery. So drop desiring. And don’t create a new desire; simply drop desiring. Don’t create a spiritual desire. Don’t say, `Now I am...

Osho Quotes

Osho Quotes Remember, you are all the same. There may be differences of quantity, but every mind is qualitatively the same, because mind thinks, argues, collects and gathers knowledge and becomes dull. Only children are intelligent. And if you can...

Osho Quotes

Osho Quotes One has to choose between ego or consciousness. Those who choose ego remain unconscious; those who choose egolessness one day become perfect consciousness — that is the meaning of the word “buddha” — they become the awakened. Be...

Osho Quotations and Sayings

Osho Quotations and Sayings If someone dies with the ego, he has died as a seed. He has died without really attaining the destiny that was possible, without attaining existence consciously. Empathy means you have become so sympathetic that really...