
Osho Quotes and Sayings

Osho Quotes and Sayings To be aflame with silence, with joy, is wisdom. It is not through logic but through love. It is not through words but through a wordless state called meditation or a state of no-mind, satori, samadhi....

Osho Quotes and Sayings

Osho Quotes and Sayings All moments are beautiful, only you have to be receptive and surrendering. All moments are blessings, only you have to be capable of seeing. All moments are benedictions. If you accept with a deep gratitude, nothing...

Osho Quotes on Wholeness

Osho Quotes on Seriousness, Osho on Seriousness

Osho Quotes on Seriousness Never misunderstand seriousness for sincerity. Sincerity is very playful, never serious. It is true, authentic, but never serious. Sincerity does not have a long face, it is bubbling with joy, radiating with an inner joyousness. When...

Osho on Upanishads

Osho Quotes and Sayings

Osho Quotes and Sayings If you concentrate you can become a scientist of the objective world; if you contemplate you become a great philosopher. But unless you know what meditation is you will never be a mystic; and without being...

Osho Quotes and Sayings

Osho Quotes and Sayings Go beyond the past and the future and you will go beyond anxiety. And to live without anxiety is the only way to live. The people who are living full of anxiety are simply dying, not...

Osho Quotes on Expectations

Osho Short Quotes and Sayings

Osho Short Quotes My meditation is not something separate from life, it is something that has to be spread all over life. To come across a Master and to miss the Master is the greatest accident, very unfortunate, that can...

Osho Short Quotes and Sayings

Osho Short Quotes  and Sayings To be here and now, you have to be in meditation, beyond mind. Love happens when you are ready to share with another human being. Prayer happens when you are ready to share with God....