top 10 osho quotes on any topic

Osho Quotes


This is an invitation to all friends and lovers of OSHO to join in a worldwide Sunday July 22nd 10:30am local time or another time that day, to meditate alone or together in locally created events to sit and celebrate...

Osho Quotes on Dying Consciously

Osho Quotes on Attachment

Osho Quotes on Attachment Attachment is the root cause of all misery. Possessiveness is nourishment for the ego. Misery is nothing but the shadow of attachment. And hence all stagnancy. The attached person becomes a stagnant pool — sooner or...

Osho Quotes on Rebels and Rebellion

Osho Quotes on Fear of Death

Osho Quotes on Fear of Death If you know your real Self you will never be afraid of death-there is no question. Identifying yourself with the body, you become the body. Then you are a mortal. Then there is fear...

Osho Quotes on Remembering God

Osho Quotes on Suicide

Osho Quotes on Suicide I know you are bored with life. If you are really bored, then meditation is the way, not suicide — because suicide will bring you to the SAME life, maybe an uglier life than you have...