- Trust is the fragrance of a silent, peaceful being. Let me remind you: Trust is the fragrance of nothingness.
- A simple and innocent religion would have changed the whole earth. But the cunning priests would not allow a pure and innocent and childlike religion, with wondering eyes, with joy, not bothering about stupid ideas about heaven and hell but living each moment with great love.
- Logic ridicules love, and love smiles knowingly at the whole foolishness of logic.
- Priests are exploiting religion. They are exploiting people’s trust. They are the greatest cheaters in the world, because to exploit people’s trust is the greatest crime. You are destroying their trust. But they live on that kind of cheating; that is their whole trade secret.
- Meditation is beyond psychology. It is not psychology. It has nothing to do with brain, it has nothing to do with the mind either. It is a state of no-mind. Even Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung and Alfred Adler, had no idea of meditation, what it is. They all thought in terms of concentration. Concentration has nothing to do with meditation. Concentration is a method of the mind and meditation is a way how to transcend the mind, how to go above the mind — so you are on the top of the hills and all your thoughts are just in the valley — and you can watch them and you can have a bird’s eye view of what kind of mind you have.
- We can create a world without poverty, a world without crime, a world without war, and that will be a civilized world. Man is capable of it, and we have to show it with existential proof. We have to make communes all around the world in every place, so people can see that what I am saying is not just a philosophy — it can be done, it can be made into reality.
- Unless western psychology incorporates meditation, it is going to remain attached with the ego. It cannot leave the ego, because without ego then there is no center to man. At least there is something — it may be false — but something to hang around… but it destroys the whole life of man. It drives him into more and more, it makes him speedier without knowing where he is going, why he is going, without even inquiring who he is.
- Whenever you are surrendered to existence, whenever you live in trust, love, prayer, joy, celebration, you are in heaven.
The whole existence is in continuous celebration, just we have to drop our constant traffic of the mind, which goes on keeping us away from existence. It is far thicker than the China Wall, thousands and thousands of thoughts, layer upon layer — dreams, imagination, feelings, emotions, sentiments. They all constitute the mind — and you are not the mind. That’s the fundamental finding of the East: you are not the mind, you are no-mind. You are pure consciousness without any thoughts. Then everything is joy, then everything is blissfulness, then everything is a benediction.
- Man is the only being on the earth who can attain to buddhahood. Elephants and lions and tigers can’t become buddhas. Only man can become a buddha, only man can become a thousand-petaled lotus, only man can release the fragrance called God. Don’t waste a single moment in anything else. Do the necessary things, the essential things, but pour more and more energy into watchfulness, awareness. Wake up!
- Unless you become a buddha you have not lived at all, because you will not know the great poetry of life, the great music of existence. You will not know the celestial celebration that goes on and on, you will not know the dance of the stars. It is for you to become part of this celebration. This bliss is for you! All these flowers and all these songs and all these stars are for you. You are entitled to miracles — but grow up, wake up!
- Intelligence needs constant challenges, encounters with reality, because only through those encounters is your intelligence sharpened; your potential becomes actual.