Citazioni di Osho sull'amore
- L'amore non potrà mai possedere. L'amore è dare libertà all'altro. L'amore è un dono incondizionato, non è un affare.
- Diventi così intenso che non ci sei, because if you are there then the intensity cannot be total; then two are there. If you love and the lover is there, then love cannot be intense. Love so deeply, così totalmente, that the lover disappears. Then you are just an energy moving. Then you will know love, you will know life, you will know death.
- When you love a woman don’t be bothered about what others have said about love, because that is going to be an interference. You love a woman, the love is there, forget all that you have learned about love. Forget all Kinseys, forget all Masters and Johnsons, forget all Freuds and Jungs. Please don’t become a language professor. Just love the woman and let love be there, and let love lead you and guide you into its innermost secrets, into its mysteries. Then you will be able to know what love is.
- You can come to know the truth only when you are in love. But love never argues. There is no argument in love, because there is no aggression.
- Se ami, love totally; if you hate, hate totally. Non essere frammentario; suffer the consequences. Because of consequences you try to deceive.
- If you love a woman, you can dominate her. That’s why lovers go on playing politics with each other, dominating, possessing; the fear is there that if you don’t dominate you will be lost and the other will dominate, so they continuously fight. Husbands and wives, amanti, go on fighting; the fight is for existence, to survive. The fear is there, “I may be lost in the other.”
- La resa è proprio come l'amore. Ecco perché dico che solo gli amanti possono diventare sannyasin — perché sanno un po' come arrendersi. L'amore è il primo passo verso il divino, la resa è l'ultima. E due passi è l'intero viaggio.
- Non permettere alla paura di sopraffarti, permetti all'amore di sopraffarti. L'amore viene dal centro, la paura viene sempre dalla periferia; non permettere a questa periferia di essere dominante. E cosa hai da perdere?
- Occorre un silenzio prima della morte, prima della vita, prima dell'amore. Se ami una persona, ti siedi in silenzio con quella persona. Non vorresti chiacchierare, vorresti solo tenergli la mano e vivere e tacere in quel momento. Se chiacchieri, ciò significa che stai evitando la persona — l'amore non c'è davvero. Se ami la vita, le chiacchiere cadranno, perché ogni momento è così pieno di vita che non c'è modo, non c'è spazio per chiacchiere. Ogni momento la vita ti sta inondando in modo così vitale — dov'è il momento di spettegolare e chiacchierare?
- Ricordare, if you cannot love a person you cannot love humanity. That may be a trick. Those who cannot love persons — because it is very dangerous to love a person — they always think they love humanity. Where is humanity? Can you find it anywhere? It is just a word. Humanity exists nowhere. Wherever you go you will find a person existing. Life is persons, not humanity. Life is always personified, it exists as an individual. Società, country, humanity, are just words. Where is society? Where is the country, the motherland? You cannot love a mother, and you love a motherland? You must be deceiving somewhere. But the word is good, Bellissimo: motherland. You need not bother about the motherland, because the motherland is not a person, it is a fiction in your mind. It is your own ego.
- If you love a person, by and by the person becomes the door to the whole. But one has to start with the person, with the small, with the atomic. You cannot take the jump. The Ganges cannot simply jump into the ocean, it has to start in the Gangotri, just a small stream; then wider and wider and bigger and bigger it goes, and then finally it merges with the ocean.
- Deep love creates deep fear. It looks like death because the I disappears, the you disappears — and it is a sort of death. And when you die, only then do you enter into the divine.
- I have been continuously surprised by people who come to me and say they are afraid of love. What is the fear of love? It is because when you really love somebody your ego starts slipping and melting. You cannot love with the ego; the ego becomes a barrier. and when you want to drop the barrier the ego says, ‘This is going to be a death. Beware!’
- Questo è il caso di milioni di persone. They talk about love, conoscono tutte le poesie sull'amore, ma non hanno mai amato. O anche se pensavano di essere innamorati, non sono mai stati innamorati. That too was a ‘heady’ thing, non era del cuore. Le persone vivono e continuano a perdere la vita. Ci vuole coraggio. Ci vuole coraggio per essere realistici, ha bisogno di coraggio per muoversi con la vita ovunque essa conduca, perché le strade sono inesplorate, non esiste una mappa. Bisogna andare nell'ignoto.
- When you see love between two persons, something is flowing, moving, cambiando. When there is love between two persons they live in an aura, there is a constant sharing. Their vibrations are reaching to : each other; they are broadcasting their being to each other. There is no wall between them, they are two and yet not two — they are one also.
- People have become afraid of love because in love also, death penetrates. If two lovers are sitting side by side in deep love and intimacy, not even talking…. Talking is an escape, an escape from love. When two lovers are talking that simply shows they are avoiding the intimacy. Words in-between give distance — with no words distance disappears, death appears. In silence there is death just lurking around — a beautiful phenomenon. But people are so afraid that they go on talking whether it is needed or not. They go on talking about anything, Tutto quanto — but they cannot keep silent.
- I am not talking against life. How can I talk against life? I am madly in love with life! I am so madly in love with life, that because of it I have fallen in love with death also. It is part of life. When you love life totally how can you avoid death? You have to love death also. When you love a flower deeply, you love its withering away also: When you love a woman deeply, you love her getting old also, you one day love her death also. That is part, part of the woman. The old age has not happened from the outside, it has come from the inside. The beautiful face has become wrinkled now — you love those wrinkles also. They are part of your woman. You love a man and his hair has grown white — you love those hairs also. They have not happened from the outside; they are not accidents. Life is unfolding. Now the black hair has disappeared and the grey hair has come. You don’t reject them, you love them, they are a part. Then your man becomes old, becomes weak — you love that too. Then one day the man is gone — you love that too. Love loves all. Love knows nothing else than love. Hence I say love death. If you can love death it will be very simple to love life. If you can love even death, non c'è nessun problema.
Non permettere alla paura di sopraffarti, permetti all'amore di sopraffarti. L'amore viene dal centro, la paura viene sempre dalla periferia; non permettere a questa periferia di essere dominante. E cosa hai da perdere?
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