無意識についての Osho の言葉
- Awareness is virtue, 無意識は罪.
- 悲惨さは無意識の象徴; 至福は気づきの象徴.
- 意識とは記憶を意味する, 意識; そして罪は無意識を意味します, 物忘れ.
- 自我は完全な無意識の状態です. The mind has taken possession of your whole being; it has spread like a cancer all over you, nothing is left out. The ego is the cancer of the inner, the cancer of the soul.
- What is needed is: Move from sleep to awakening. The journey is inward; not from this place to that place, not from here to the Himalayas — but from unconsciousness to consciousness, from unawareness to awareness.
- Awareness is eternal, it knows no death. Only unawareness dies. So if you remain unconscious, asleep, you will have to die again. If you want to get rid of this whole misery of being born and dying again and again, if you want to get rid of the wheel of birth and death, you will have to become absolutely alert. You will have to reach higher and higher into consciousness.
- If you go deeply into Jesus you will understand only one thing: that to act with awareness is virtue and to act with unawareness is sin. Sin is not a quality of any act. Neither is virtue. Sin and virtue belong to the presence or absence of awareness. It is not WHAT you do which is sin or virtue. it is HOW you do it: aware or unaware. It doesn’t depend on the action. It depends, deep down, on the consciousness — what quality you bring to it.
- There is only one sin and that is unawareness, and only one virtue and that is awareness. あなたがしていることは何でもしなさい, but remain a witness to it, and immediately the quality of your doing is transformed.
- What is right and what is wrong — it depends. All I can say to you, all I would like you to be aware of is: any act done in awareness is right and any act done in unawareness is wrong. The act does not matter as far as I am concerned, my approach is concerned, my philosophy of life is concerned; the act does not matter, what matters is your consciousness. Are you acting unconsciously or consciously?
- 覚えて, there are two natures. One is when you are asleep; then many things are natural. Somebody insults you, you become angry, and that is NATURAL — but only in unconsciousness, in sleep. You insult the Buddha, he does not become angry — that is higher nature, a totally different kind of nature. He is functioning from a different center altogether. He may feel compassion for you, not anger. He functions through awareness, you function through unawareness.
- 覚えて, 瞑想は頭で行うものではありません, それは心の不在です. 心が止まると瞑想が起こります. それは気のせいではありません, それは心を超えたものです. そして、あなたが警戒しているときはいつでも, 心はそうではない. つまり、あなたの眠気はあなたの心であると結論付けることができます, あなたの無意識はあなたの心です, あなたの夢遊病はあなたの心です. あなたは酔ったように動く, あなたが誰なのかわからない, どこへ行くのかわからない, なぜ行くのかわからない.
- Our consciousness is in a deep bondage; we are chained. Inside is our prison, not outside. The walls of the prison are not outside us; it exists deep in our unconscious. It exists in our instincts, it exists in our desires, it exists in our unawareness. Freedom is the goal. Awareness is the method to reach that goal.
- Either you can think or you can watch your breathing. You can’t do both together. Breathing and thinking are such processes that only one can exist in you — in awareness. In unawareness, both can continue: you can go on breathing and you can go on thinking. But if you become aware, either you can think or you can breathe; and when you breathe with awareness, thinking disappears. Your whole consciousness becomes focused on breathing. And breathing is such a simple process: you need not do it, it is already happening. You can just bring your consciousness to it.
- 惨めさは心の影: 心は眠りを意味する, 心は無意識を意味する, マインドは無意識を意味する. マインドとは、自分が誰であるかを知らず、知っているふりをすることを意味します. 心とは、自分がどこに向かっているのかわからず、それでも目標を知っているふりをすることを意味します, 人生の意味を知っていること — 人生について何も知らなくても、自分は知っていると信じている.
- Bring your whole mind to light and you will see — all that is miserable starts dying, and all that is beautiful and blissful starts sprouting. In the light of consciousness, that which remains is good, and that which dies is bad. That’s my definition of sin and virtue. Virtue is that which can grow with absolute awareness; there is no difficulty. Sin is that which cannot grow with awareness; it needs unawareness to grow. Unawareness is a must for it.
- Misery is caused by your unawareness, bliss is caused by your awareness; and between the unaware mind and the aware mind is the whole of life — the world and nirvana. Unconscious you are in the world conscious you are in nirvana. Unconscious you belong to Caesar, conscious you belong to Christ. You are the same person, and the energy that becomes conscious or remains unconscious is also the same. When consciousness is asleep — it is unconscious. It can be provoked, it can be brought to awareness, it can burn as a bright light. Consciousness burning like a flame, like a bright light, is bodha. And when your whole being becomes full of light you have become awareness. That’s why Siddharth Gautama is called Buddha; the name comes from the root ‘bodha’. Bodha is the process, buddha is the ultimate result.