Citazioni e detti brevi di Osho

Citazioni e detti brevi di Osho

  1. Enlightenment is nothing but your consciousness being concentrated on a single point — ora e qui.
  2. L'amore sa perdonare. L'amore non può ferire e non può essere violento.
  3. L'amore è sempre un imperatore.
  4. La meditazione è forse la chiave principale per tutti i nostri problemi.
  5. Only authentic human beings can create a society which will be joyous, estatico, and in the real sense, human.
  6. Your torch of consciousness should be burning continuously; then there will not be any darkness.
  7. Dance as if this is the last dance. Dance with abandon, holding nothing back. That will bring transformation to your being, and a possibility of transformation for other people too.
  8. I have a deep reverence for everything that is alive, a reverence for life itself.
  9. God happens only when you have moved out of the way and left yourself totally empty, spacious. It is a very strange phenomenon: The guest only comes inside the house when the host disappears.
  10. La meditazione non sta facendo nulla direttamente alla tua violenza, non fare nulla per la tua gelosia, al tuo odio. Sta semplicemente portando luce nella tua casa, e l'oscurità scompare.
  11. Remain alert about your blindness, about your fear, about your ignorance, and just your alertness will dispel the whole darkness of blindness, of fear, of ignorance.
  12. Unless you know yourself as eternal beings, part of the whole, you will remain afraid of death.