Citazioni di Osho – Sei qui per mangiarmi, per bere me, assorbimi, digerimi

Citazioni di Osho – Sei qui per mangiarmi, per bere me

  1. The truly wise gives you his being, si dà. Il vero saggio si mette semplicemente a tua disposizione, and if you are courageous you can drink and eat out of his being. That’s what Jesus means when he says to his disciples: “Eat me! Drink me!” The master has to be eaten. The master has to be absorbed, digested, only then will you stumble upon your own truth. There is nothing to learnno Dhamma to learn, no doctrine to learn, no philosophy to learn.
  2. Living with a Master you can drink, you can drink the invisible nectar, you can be filled with it, but you will have to fulfil one condition: you have to put the mind aside.
  3. Sei qui per mangiarmi, per bere me. A disciple has to be a cannibal; he has to absorb and digest the Master. Words are peripheral; they don’t matter. That’s why I can easily be inconsistent, contradictorywords don’t matter. I am not conveying anything through the words, just keeping you engaged so your heads are somewhere else in the words and your total being is available to me, is exposed to my energy.
  4. I say something to youit can have two types of possibilities within you. One is that it may remain in the mind: you may become more knowledgeable, you may become a rabbi, a pundit, a scholar. That was not meant to be; hai frainteso. Let it move deep down into the valley of your body. Let it become your blood, let it circulate, let it become your bones, let it become your breathing, let it become your very marrow so that you can live it. It becomes your life. Not that it adds to your information; it adds to your BEING. Let me be part of your being, not part of your knowledge. Eat me, bevimi, assorbimi, digerimi.
  5. A Master has to be eaten, ubriaco. A Master has to be digested, chewed, so he enters into the deepest matter of your being. The body is the beginning and the beginning has to be transformed. Only a transformed body will know a transformed being. Only in a different rhythm of the body will you know God, because the gestalt will change.
  6. The master is a womb. He takes the disciple inside his womb. We call that womb the buddhafield. And then the disciple grows in his love, is nourished through his love, in his light. He is showered continuously with his compassion, with his understanding. And one day he comes out of the womb of the master, a totally new man. The old dies and the new is born. This is how you become twice-born.
  7. A est, SATSANGA è stato uno dei metodi più preziosi per l'illuminazione. L'Oriente ha detto che se sei alla presenza del Maestro, nient'altro è necessario. Sii solo in sua presenza, siediti in silenzio con lui, state semplicemente con lui e l'illuminazione si prenderà cura di se stessa. Ogni volta che arriverà il momento giusto, accadrà. Non devi preoccuparti di questo, non è necessario pianificarlo, altrimenti sarai in subbuglio: 'Quando avverrà questa illuminazione??’ Allora anche l'illuminazione è diventata un desiderio, concordato, una lussuria.
  8. God is like an oceanyou may feel afraid. The Master is like a small spring; you need not be afraid. You can dance with the spring, you can let the spring fall on you, you can allow the showering. But in that very showering slowly, slowly you will be gone. And then you will be ready to go into the ocean, into the enormous, into the infinite.
  9. Becoming a sannyasin means you have become a disciple. Now you will put your mind aside, now you will get more and more in tune with my vibe. This in the East WE call SATSANGA: to be in the presence of the Master, to see the Master, to touch the Master, to be touched by the Master, to be seen by the Master. It is not a verbal communication. Verbal communication has its own purpose. Because you cannot start without verbal communication, that’s why I have to go on speaking. If I had been totally silent here you would not be here. You are here because I have spoken.
  10. Stare con un maestro significa semplicemente vivere con qualcuno che è sveglio, che non dorme più, i cui sogni sono finiti, i cui incubi sono finiti. E solo essere in sintonia con il maestro ti sveglia lentamente. L'energia stessa del maestro inizia a penetrare nel tuo essere. Lentamente lentamente si insinua nel tuo cuore, piano piano ti dona un cuore nuovo, un nuovo ritmo. E non puoi rimanere a lungo con un maestro senza svegliarti, E non puoi rimanere a lungo con un maestro senza svegliarti, E non puoi rimanere a lungo con un maestro senza svegliarti, E non puoi rimanere a lungo con un maestro senza svegliarti.
  11. Di fatto, discipleship, the very phenomenon of disciplehood is a kind of cannibalism. The relationship between the Master and the disciple is pure cannibalism! Jesus says to his disciples, ‘Eat me. Drink me.And that’s what I go on saying: Eat me, bevimi, digerimi, so that I can become your blood, your bones, your very marrow. The disciple has to eat the Masterabout that he is right.