Citazioni brevi di Osho

Citazioni brevi di Osho

  1. Love is not a higher quality than truth.
  2. UN religious person is a desireless person.
  3. Just a little detachment from the ego is needed.
  4. Quando si tratta di decidere tra il tuo amore e la tua verità, truth has to be the decisive factor.
  5. Non aggrapparti a nulla. L'attaccamento è la causa del nostro essere inconsci.
  6. Verità is not found by knowledge, it is found by silence. And knowledge is noisy.
  7. Only a amore free from attachment brings health and wholeness.
  8. Fire is a great symbol of purification, of detachment, of rising vertically towards the ultimate space which is our home.
  9. Keep only one goal: constantly be mindful of it, ricordatelo — that you have to become a buddha. Less than that is not going to fulfill you.
  10. Whenever you punish somebody you are punishing yourself. Whenever you torture somebody you are torturing yourself — perché non c'è nessun altro.
  11. Precious are those moments when you feel like a disciple. Nourish them. Those moments have to be nourished more and more.
  12. Old age is your own creation: it can be a misery, it can be a celebration; it can be simply a despair, and it can also be a dance. It all depends how deeply ready you are to accept existence, whatsoever it brings.
  13. Love is a wine; you have to taste it, you have to drink it, you have to become drunk with it, only then do you know what it is.
  14. I am teaching you to live simply. To live with an idea is a very complicated living, it is cunning. To live simply, just like trees and birds….
  15. The whole search of religion is for that witness: how to find that which is real.