Citazioni e detti di Osho

Citazioni e detti di Osho

  1. All that is valuable in vita flowers in the innocent, Citazioni e detti di Osho Tutto ciò che è prezioso nella vita fiorisce negli innocenti.
  2. Citazioni e detti di Osho Tutto ciò che è prezioso nella vita fiorisce negli innocenti, Citazioni e detti di Osho Tutto ciò che è prezioso nella vita fiorisce negli innocenti, Citazioni e detti di Osho Tutto ciò che è prezioso nella vita fiorisce negli innocenti. That’s the meaning of the word maya. Man lives in illusion. The way out of illusion does not exist, because the way out of illusion will be another illusion. You have simply to wake up. Non vi è alcun modo, no bridge. One state is of unawareness, another is of awareness. And from unawareness to awareness the distance is niljust a little effort, a little jogging.
  3. Meditation is the only bridge between you and the beyond. Start with meditationand that’s what is happening to you, senza sforzo. Sitting with me, listening to me, a silence enters into your heart and suddenly you feel springs of love unaddressed, radiating in all directions. It is not love to someone, it is simply being loving.
  4. Amore is a dangerous path and only those who have courage can travel it. E io ti dico che è lo stesso, proprio come la meditazione — solo per chi è coraggioso. E ci sono solo due modi per raggiungere il divino: o meditazione o amore. Scopri qual è la tua strada, che può essere il tuo destino.
  5. l'agente deve essere perso nel fare, tutto è bello. l'agente deve essere perso nel fare. l'agente deve essere perso nel fare, l'agente deve essere perso nel fare. l'agente deve essere perso nel fare. l'agente deve essere perso nel fare. l'agente deve essere perso nel fare, il suo atteggiamento, l'agente deve essere perso nel fare.
  6. Help your parents. Pay the debt. And if you can see them again painting, dancing, perhaps they may fall again in love. Perhaps they will come closer to each other. My feeling is that people get divorced only because they both become too much to each other. It becomes simply impossible to live together, it becomes a constant harassment to both.
  7. Awareness is never lost. It simply becomes entangled with the other, with objects. So the first thing to be remembered: it is never lost, it is your nature, but you can focus it on anything you want. When you get tired of focusing it on money, on power, on prestige, and that great moment comes in your life when you want to close your eyes and focus your awareness on its own source, on where it is coming from, on the rootsin a split second your life is transformed.
  8. The known is the mind, the unknown is God. And Jesus says: God is love. Love comes through the unknown, with the unknown, as part of the unknown. To move into the unknown one needs courage, tremendous courage. To cling to the known there is no need to have any courage: any coward can do it, cowards only do that.
  9. Don’t leave this world without making it a little more beautiful than you found it when you came into it.
  10. Meditation is nothing but your mind in a silent state. Just as a lake is silent, not even ripples on itthoughts are ripples. Meditation is mind relaxeddon’t make things very complexmind in a state of not doing anything, just at ease.
  11. An unconscious life comes to die unconsciously. A conscious life is rewarded by existence with a conscious death. And to die consciously is to know the ultimate orgasmic experience of life, and to know simultaneously that nothing dies, only forms change. You are moving into a new houseand of course a better house, on a higher level of consciousness. You use the opportunity to grow.
  12. When you stop thinking and you start thanking. If you can thank, all becomes possibleeven the impossible becomes possible. If you can thank, then doors open. They open only for those who live in gratitude. God gives his keys only to those who are grateful. God’s keys remain unavailable to those who complain. And all thinking is a kind of complaining. Thanking is the most beautiful flower that arises in one’s soul.