Citazioni di Osho sulla mente
- Truth is always here. Questo è l'unico modo in cui la verità può essere. La verità non può essere altrove. L'unica volta che può essere è qui, e l'unico posto in cui può essere è adesso. But the mind is never here and is never now. Quindi, mind and truth never meet.
- The mind goes on thinking about truth, and the truth goes on waiting to be realized, but the meeting never happens. The meeting is possible only if mind stops functioning, because mind means the past, mind means the future. Mind is never herenow. Whenever you start thinking, you are going astray. If you stop thinking, suddenly you arc at home. You had never gone from there; the whole wandering is like a dream. Altrimenti, you have lived in God, you have lived as gods — that’s the only way to be. But you don’t realize it, because you go on thinking about it.
- The human mind always tends to throw the responsibility on to somebody else. Then you arc freed of it. In the old days people used to throw the responsibility on to God, fate, kismet — a thousand and one words they had found. Then they were no more responsible; then they were unburdened.
- La consolazione non vale; è un trucco della mente. Non accontentarti. È proprio come una madre che non vuole dare il suo seno al bambino, e lei dà qualsiasi cosa al bambino, solo il suo stesso pollice in bocca, per consolarlo. Questo gli dà una certa consolazione, ma nessun nutrimento. È semplicemente ingannato. Oppure puoi prendere i ciucci dal mercato e dare un ciuccio al bambino. Solo un seno di gomma — continua a succhiarlo pensando e credendo che qualcosa ne verrà fuori. Non ne esce niente.
- Sii umile. Before the child, the temptation is great in the parents to be knowledgeable — that is foolishness. You don’t know anything about God and you go on teaching the child, you go on conditioning his mind. Don`t condition anybody’s mind. Leave him — intact, untouched, vergine.
- The mind hankers for that which it has not got, and the mind gets bored with whatsoever it has got.
- A mind which is possessive will be possessed. To possess anything is to be possessed by it. Bisogna vivere nella consapevolezza e nella comprensione, the more slavery you create around yourself. The freedom comes when you unlearn possessiveness.
- Cerca solo di capire il funzionamento della mente, altrimenti sarai sempre nel caos, confusion, in una sorta di follia. Diventa un osservatore. Esci dal traffico della mente, stare sul ciglio della strada e vedere. E quando dico basta vedere, Voglio dire, non valutare, non giudicare. Non dirlo,'Questo è buono, Questo è sbagliato.’ Once you say,'Questo è buono,’ non sei più un testimone: sei saltato nel fiume; sei già identificato, sei già nei guai. Basta stare sul ciglio della strada, o, sit on the bank of a river and let the river flow wherever it goes. You are not concerned; Sono peccatori. Unconcerned, indifferente, just watching, you will suddenly be in between: neither this nor that. That in between point is the point of transcendence. Ad un tratto, the mind disappears with all its traffic. Sei rimasto solo, alone in tremendous purity, alone in absolute innocence, alone with no movement — silenzioso, eterno — not going anywhere, just being here.
- Loneliness is a state of mind when you are constantly missing the other, aloneness is the state of mind when you are constantly delighted in yourself. Loneliness is miserable, aloneness is blissful. Loneliness is always worried, missing something, hankering for something, desiring for something; aloneness is a deep fulfillment, not going out, tremendously content, happy, e come puoi celebrarlo. In loneliness you are off center, in aloneness you are centered and rooted. Aloneness is beautiful. It has an elegance around it, Ecco perché nelle antiche scritture è stata chiamata rivelazione, a climate of tremendous satisfaction.
- Remember the human tendency, the tendency of the human mind, that first it clings to worldly things: soldi, energia, prestigio; then it leaves them, frustrated. Then it starts clinging to God, SAMADI, illuminazione, MOKSHA; but the mind is the same. All clinging must go. All desire must disappear. Only in a desireless moment, that for which you are asking. accade — but only in a desireless moment.
- NOTHING is new under the sun, and nothing is old also. It all depends on the mind. If the mind is old, then everything is old; if the mind is new, then everything is new. And a new mind is a no-mind; only an old mind is a mind.
- Mente significa passato, the accumulated past, the accumulated dust of the past. Mind is a rut, a routine. It is never new. It goes on repeating itself: it is like a gramophone record, stuck. The needle is stuck somewhere, and it goes on repeating the same line, the same line. Centuries have passed, but the mind continues behaving in the same pattern. It killed Socrates, poisoned him. It crucified Jesus, it killed Mansur, and nothing has changed yet. If Jesus comes again, he is going to be crucified.
- If you are identified with the heart, then your desires will be of a still higher nature, higher than the mind. You will become more aesthetic, più sensibile, più attento, more loving. The mind is aggressive, the heart is receptive. The mind is male, the heart is female. La mente è logica, il cuore è amore. So it depends where you are stuck: at the body, at the mind, at the heart.
- This is the dichotomy of the mind. It exists in every dimension. If you are poor you hanker to be rich; this is a well-known fact. But the other side has not been recognized: everybody knows the beggar wants to be the emperor, but have you not watched Mahavira renouncing his kingdom, Buddha escaping from his marble palaces? What is that? It is the same phenomenon! The poor man wants to be rich, and the rich man wants to be poor. And when Buddha started initiating disciples he called them BHIKKHUS. La parola “bhikkhu” means beggar.
- The mind functions in duality; it is like a pendulum. When the pendulum moves towards the right, you see it moving towards the right, but at the very same time it is gathering momentum to go to the left. When it is moving towards the left it is gathering momentum to go to the right. This inner duality in the pendulum represents your mind. The mind is a pendulum; ti ha amato per anni., when you are alone you cannot enjoy aloneness, you start gathering momentum to be with people.
- This is the way the mind functions: its whole interest is in that which you have not got.
i am very much got interested in osho thoughts i really liked each and every points