- Every man is born to be a Buddha, 每个人都有成佛的种子.
- 一个人的佛性是一个人的本质. 我不要你拜佛, I want you to become buddhas. That is the only right worship. 如果你爱, 成为它.
- Man is the only being on the earth who can attain to buddhahood. Elephants and lions and tigers can’t become buddhas. Only man can become a buddha, only man can become a thousand-petaled lotus, only man can release the fragrance called God. Don’t waste a single moment in anything else. Do the necessary things, the essential things, but pour more and more energy into watchfulness, 意识. 醒来!
- 佛是活在当下的人, 谁不活在过去, 谁不活在未来, 谁现在住在这里. 成佛是此时此地存在的品质 — 成佛不是目标, 你不需要等待, 你可以成为此时此地.
- The buddha has only one quality, and that quality is witnessing. The buddha is made of witnessing, of watching. Just watch, and in your very watching your buddhahood deepens.
- if you have your buddha awakened, you have all the treasures of existence in your hands. 你必须带着这种意识, 这个见证, 此佛道, 从日常生活的中心到圆周. In every action, buddha should be expressed.
- 记住, buddhahood is not an ultimate goal. It is not something which has to be achieved somewhere else. It is available right now — immediately it is available, not ultimately. Remember these two words: the ultimate and the immediate. The ultimate brings the mind in, the immediate helps the mind to disappear.
- The moment you know your own Buddhahood you have come to know all the Buddhas; the experience is the same. All differences are in the mind; the moment you transcend mind there are no differences left. How can there be differences in absolute void? Two voids can only be exactly the same. Minds are bound to be different because they consist of thoughts. When there are clouds in the sky then each cloud is different, but when there are no clouds at all then the sky is one and the same.
- Man is a seed of great potential: man is the seed of buddhahood. Each man is born to be a buddha. Man is not born to be a slave but to be a master. But there are very few who actualize their potential. And the reason why millions can’t realize their potential is that they take it for granted that they already have it. Life is only an opportunity to grow, to be, to bloom. Life in itself is empty; unless you are creative you will not be able to fill it with fulfillment.
- Everybody is a buddha, and naturally I am not an exception. Please don’t exclude me out. But this buddhahood is only a seed, and out of millions of seeds perhaps one seed comes to blossom. It indicates that every seed can come to blossom. It is a tremendous encouragement to every human being. In this sense your seeing me as a born buddha is right, but don’t forget your responsibility. It means you have to prove it too — that you are also a born buddha. Maybe you started growing a little late. And in the eternity of time, what is “late”? There are only seven days. Choose any day, but start.
- The first step towards buddhahood, towards the realization of your infinite potential, is to recognize that up to now you have been wasting your life, that up to now you have remained utterly unconscious.
- 这是菩提达摩最重要的重点之一. 你们都有 — 每个人都有 — 你内在的同一个空间, 同样的没脑子, 并具有开出独特花朵的相同潜力. 就内在存在而言,没有人是贫穷的,也没有人是富有的. 你一直都有. 就是这一刻你们都是佛. 但你从未审视过自己, 你从来没有发现它. 记佛道, enlightenment, 唤醒, liberation, moksha, nirvana; 所有这些词都意味着同一件事.
- Remember your own buddhahood, awaken to your own buddhahood, and this awakening will make your no-mind one with the buddha. Don’t misdirect your worship. You have to worship your own innermost consciousness. You are the temple, you are the worshiper, and you are the worshiped.
- To be conscious means to take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders. To be responsible is the beginning of buddhahood.
- All the actions that are enumerated here and many more in your life, you can do in two ways. One is out of awareness, in the present moment — unprepared, spontaneous, allowing existence to possess you, to speak through you or act through you. Then you are absolutely out of the trap of your actions or your words. 你只是一个旁观者. You are not acting, you are simply watching whatever is happening. 这种警惕, 这种见证是创造宗教生活的终极秘诀, 创造超越的生活, 灵性生活, 启蒙的, 成佛的.
- When I say be free of all desires I simply mean be free of all objects of desires. Then there is a pure longing. That pure longing is divine, that pure longing is God. Then there is pure creativity with no object, with no address, with no direction, with no destination — just pure energy, a pool of energy, going nowhere. That’s what buddhahood is. Atisha calls it bodhichitta, buddha consciousness.
- When there are no more desires, no more clinging to the possessions, you are free from past and future. To be free from past and future is to be free in the present. That brings truth, 上帝, 自由. That, only that, brings wisdom, buddhahood, 唤醒.
- Morality has to be cultivated; it is false. But to remember one’s buddhahood… the morality comes as a shadow, on its own. Then it has a beauty, a tremendous grace; then you are not doing it, it is simply happening.
- Look inwards, as deep as possible, because the life source is not very far away. It is just in your empty heart. An absolutely concentrated look into your being, and you have encountered your buddhahood. Your very life source is also the life source of the whole universe. Deeper and deeper, so that you can gather the inner experience and bring it out into your daily life. Slowly slowly your buddha has to become your very expression, your very lifestyle.
- Christhood or Buddhahood or nirvana, MOKSHA, enlightenment — they happen in a split second, they have no gradualness about them. They are sudden transformations.
- 成佛是两者的超越. 成佛无所缘, 无主题; 所有二元性都消失了. 没有知者, 不知道; 没有观察者,也没有被观察到的东西 — 只有一个. 无论你想怎么称呼它,你都可以称呼它: 你可以称之为上帝, 你可以称之为涅盘, 你可以称之为三摩地, satori… 管他呢, 但只剩下一个. 两者已融为一体.
- It is rare to find a buddha and more rare to recognize him, because you go on seeing with your old eyes, with your old, stupid mind. Your stupid mind is unable to see buddhahood. It can see only things; it cannot see the immaterial, the mysterious. It can only see the gross, not the subtle.
- That is the last thing to be remembered. Once you are enlightened, you cannot find a person who is not enlightened. Not that everyone becomes enlightened, but if I see into you, I cannot see anything else — you are enlightened. That’s why I go on saying you are all buddhas. Buddhahood is your intrinsic nature. The day I looked into myself, that very day the whole world became enlightened to me.
- One’s joy, one’s peace, one’s blessings are small things; don’t be contented with them. Remember always that one day you have to share, one day you have to help others to be awakened. This seed must be planted deep in your heart, so that when your Buddhahood blooms you don’t disappear from the world.
- You are all Buddhas. Whether you know it or not, it doesn’t matter — your Buddhahood is not affected by it, you still remain a Buddha. You can believe that you are not a Buddha; your belief is not going to transform your nature. You can believe anything! Your belief remains superficial. At the very core of your soul, you are a Buddha. The moment you are not in desire, you will become aware of your innermost center. Desire takes you away from yourself.