

  1. 昏迷, 无意识, 是执着的原因.
  2. 佛说人愚昧, 不是因为他无知, 不是因为他不识货. 据佛说, 一个人如果没有意识就是傻瓜, 如果他的行为不自觉, 如果他睡着了, 如果他是一个梦游者. 如果他继续没有正念地行事, 那他就是个傻瓜. 这个词有特殊的含义, 记住: 无意识, 无意识, 漫不经心 — 这是佛陀对傻瓜的定义.
  3. 真正的宗教问题与你有关, 与你的无意识以及如何将你的无意识转化为意识. 真正的宗教不是形而上学的; 它植根于心理学, 这是心理上的, 因为真正的宗教意味着一种超越思想的方式. 除非你了解头脑,否则你无法超越它.
  4. 最大的并发症, 所有并发症的根源是无意识, 无意识. 我们专注于客观世界,我们完全不知道我们是谁. 佛陀乔达摩的全部信息就是上交.
  5. 佛陀的整个教义都与意识有关: 如何提高人类的意识, 如何让他更警觉, 更有能力看清事物的本来面目, 如何使他能够变得更加自发,并在有意识而不是无意识的情况下运作. 我们在无意识中运作.
  6. 需要的是: 从睡到醒. 旅程是向内的; 不是从这个地方到那个地方, 不是从这里到喜马拉雅山 — 但从无意识到有意识, 从无知到有意识.
  7. 在冥想中, 当你在见证, 你很快就会, 在你不知情的情况下, 消除无意识. 你越来越有意识. 薄薄的意识层越来越厚越来越厚, 当你的整个人都充满意识的那一刻到来了. 这是在见证. 所以当死亡来临时, 你见证死亡. 当生命在那里, 你见证了生活. 这不是什么新鲜事: 死亡只是一个客体, 就像生命是一个物体. 如果你学会了如何见证, 没有害怕的问题. 你也会成为你死亡的见证人.
  8. 欲望是一种混乱的状态, 欲望是一种无意识的状态, 欲望是疯狂的. 当你沉默, 疯狂消失.
  9. 地狱不是地理上的东西; 这是心理上的东西. 地狱是病态心灵的另一个名字, 内心的痛苦, 动荡, 心灵痛苦的噩梦, 基本上生活在无意识中的思想. 潜意识就是地狱的全部, 有意识的头脑正在超越地狱.
  10. 觉悟就是有德行. 保持无意识是唯一的罪过. 你可能在不知不觉中做好事. 但那些美好的东西不再美好, 因为他们从黑暗中出来, 无意识, 失明. 就意识而言, a man who is full of awareness, 警报, cannot do anything wrong. It is intrinsically impossible. Awareness brings so much clarity, so much perception, so much understanding that it is impossible to do anything that can be harmful to anyone. It is impossible to interfere with somebody’s freedom or somebody’s life. You can only be a blessing to existence, 如果她觉得自己被利用了,没有女人会尊重你.
  11. 傻瓜继续为自己创造沟渠. 你创造了你自己​​的痛苦, 因为你的行为是出于无意识, 你的行为是出于喧闹, 多云的头脑. 你的行为不明确; 你的行为并非出于自发; 你的行为不是出于沉思的沉默. 它会生火. 你可能认为你正在为别人创造它, 但一切都会反弹到你身上. 除非你创造它,否则别处没有地狱火. 每个人都必须在自己身上承载他的天堂或地狱 — 这是你自己的创造.
  12. 苦难是心灵的阴影: 头脑意味着睡眠, 头脑意味着无意识, 头脑意味着无意识. 头脑意味着不知道你是谁,仍然假装你知道. 头脑意味着不知道你要去哪里,仍然假装你知道目标, 你知道生命的意义 — 对生活一无所知,仍然相信你知道.
  13. The people who want to be blissful have to seek light, they have to find their inner flame; they have to find their inner awareness. Light represents awareness, darkness represents unawareness. Light means consciousness, darkness means unconsciousnessand we are all living in unconsciousness. We have to move towards the dawn, towards light, towards awareness.
  14. I say over and over again that ignorance, unconsciousness and unawareness are a fire in which life is being consumed, and that understanding, consciousness and awareness bring about a totality in which one’s life is transformed into bliss. The very energy that consumes a life of ignorance is transformed into bliss through awareness. There is nothing worse than ignorance and unawareness, but if a man lives in awareness every power he has becomes blissful. Energy is neutral, impartial. How energy is used depends totally on the individual.
  15. Keep it as a key and transform each act of your life from unawareness into awareness. Reclaim yourself from the darkness of unconsciousness as much as you can; become more and more conscious. This is what sannyas is all about. Nothing else has to be changed: only something in the inner world, the inner approach, the inner light. The whole world remains the same. I don’t teach renunciation, that you have to leave this and that. You live the same life, you live in the same life, you live in the same world, but if you bring awareness to your acts your world is transformed. It is not the same world, although it is the same.
  16. Witnessing is the key of my sannyas, 万能钥匙. I don’t give you any other discipline, because giving you any discipline will not help. Your unconsciousness will be there, and the discipline will only cover it. You can look like a saint but you will be as unconscious as before. 你的圣洁将像你的罪恶一样无意识; 不会有质的区别.
  17. You cannot hide your unconsciousness; it surfaces. Your reality goes on expressing itself — 你可能看不到它, 但其他人都能看到. 这是一个奇怪的世界! 你可能看不到你的无意识, 但每个人都知道, 正如你对其他人的了解一样. 因为我们对人的关注多于对自己思想的关注, 我们有能力知道他们的错误, 他们痛苦的原因, 他们下地狱的原因. 对别人而言,我们很聪明,对我们自己而言,我们很不明智 — with our own inner being.
  18. 如果你见证, 任何在无意识中被压抑的东西都会消失, 会蒸发.
  19. 伤口是由无意识造成的, 无意识. 伤口是无知的一部分, 睡觉. 当你有意识地倒退看伤口, consciousness is a healing force. In the past, when the wound happened, it happened in unconsciousness. You were angry, you were possessed by anger, you did something: you killed a man and you have been hiding the fact from the world. You can hide it from the police, you can hide it from the court and the law, but how can you hide it from yourself? — 你知道, it hurts. And whenever somebody gives you an opportunity to be angry you become afraid because it could happen again, you could kill the wife. Go back, because at that moment when you murdered a man or you behaved in a very angry and mad way, you were unconscious. In the unconscious those wounds have been preserved. Now go consciously. Prati-prasav, going back, means going consciously to things which you have done in unconsciousness. Go backjust the light of consciousness heals. 这是一种治愈的力量. 任何你能意识到的都会被治愈, 然后就不会再疼了.
  20. 警醒清醒才是真实. 所以, 让我们定义. 不真实是无意识, 真理就是意识. 谎言就像梦游者一样生活; 真理就是活得像佛, 警报, watchful, 见证.
  21. 看看你的想法, 头脑是个乞丐. 放下头脑,你会感到惊讶: 你的意识是主人. 但思想通过分裂而存在, 它总是生活在对立面: 它反对这个, 然后继续选择. 头脑意味着选择, 选择意味着无意识. 意识意味着无选择, 没有选择就是摆脱所有的欲望, 是摆脱所有投射, 是摆脱所有的想象, 是摆脱未来. 当你从未来中解脱出来的那一刻, the present suddenly bursts forth in all its splendor before you; its glory is infinite, its joy is unbounded, its ecstasy is inexpressible. It transforms your beggar into a master.
  22. The real fight is in, not there on the outside, and the real fight is not with others. The real fight is with your own unconsciousness, with your own unawareness.
  23. If you commit a sinThe word `sinhas been contaminated by the religions; otherwise it simply means in its roots, 健忘, 无意识. It means exactly what I am saying to you. Sin is your unawareness. Any action done in unconsciousness is sin. But religions have completely destroyed the original meaning of the word. Whatever you are doing consciously is virtue and there is no ready-made list of what are virtues, because in a different situation, the same thing may become sin. The thing that was virtue in one condition, in one context, may not be virtue in another context; it all depends. But how are you going to know whether in this context it is virtue or sin.
  24. 佛说: When you become aware, all that you have done in your unawareness, in your unconsciousness, in your sleep, in your metaphysical sleep, is nothing but a dream. 记住: bad deeds are dreams, good deeds are dreams. Your being a sinner in a dream is a dream as much as your being a saint. When you wake up you are neither a sinner nor a saint. You are simply awareness.
  25. This desiring creates a drunkenness in man. It creates unawareness, it creates unconsciousness, you become alcoholic. Because you are not hereso how can you be rooted? how can you be grounded? how can you be centered? You are roaming all around the world, all over the worldto be this, to be that, 到那里, 去别的地方…. 除了这个你发现自己的地方, 你想去别的地方. 除了你所在的这一刻, 你想在每一个其他时刻. 你想到死后的生命 — 但你永远不会过死前的生活.
  26. 怀旧意味着不冥想, 无意识, 无意识, 这是一个完全徒劳的练习, 绝对徒劳的练习. 你不能被过去滋养, 没有办法再活一次, 但你可以活在回忆中. 活在回忆里是一种空洞的姿态.
  27. 心无旁骛是一种漫不经心的状态, 但不是睡觉, 不是无意识的. 漫不经心的意识, 无内容的意识 — 一面空空如也的镜子, 准备镜像任何东西.
  28. 就诸佛而言, 就我而言, 任何化学物质都无法获得意识. 无意识可以由化学品产生, 因为无意识是一种非常粗暴的行为, 较低的现象. 意识是成长的最高峰, 开放的, 回家的; 不可能通过化学品. 只有你不断提高你的智力才有可能; 如果你继续致力于你的见证灵魂; 如果你越来越多地见证你所做的一切, 你想的一切, 你所感受到的一切. 如果你很不幸 — 每个人都是 — 然后记住, 它只是表明你失去知觉.
  29. 一个人必须超越无意识; 只有一个是. 不知不觉, 我们还没有出生. 就像母亲子宫里的孩子是活着的,但还没有出生, 所以就我们的灵魂而言,我们还活着, 但未出生. 我们在某种子宫里, 黑暗的无意识子宫. Real life starts only with the second birth. The first birth only gives you a physical life, the life of the body. The second birth gives you a spiritual birth, then you are born as a soul. And when body and soul are both there great music is created out of their meeting. Something of the beyond immediately starts happening. Just as when a man and a woman meet in deep love and there is orgasmic joy, exactly like that but a millionfold more when the body and the soul meet there is an orgasmic joy which is infinite, which is unbounded. But we live as the body and we have completely forgotten that another birth is needed. That’s what Jesus means when he says to Nicodemus: You will not enter into my kingdom of god unless you are born again. All the initiative processes of religion are nothing but processes of rebirth. Nobody can give you this rebirth except yourself. Help can be given, support can be given, a supportive atmosphere can be given, but still the central thing has to be done by you. It can only be done by you; it cannot be done by anybody else on your behalf. The master functions as a midwife. That’s what Socrates used to say to his disciples: I am a midwife. The midwife can help, can make it easier, but still the birth has to be given by you. It has to happen at the innermost core of your being, in the recesses of your being. And the gestalt that has to be changed is from unawareness to awareness.
  30. Bear in mind, unconsciousness or unawareness will not do. 如果你继续对头脑的运作保持无意识和麻木不仁, 那么你的头脑就会重复昨天的事情.
  31. 你的罪是在不知不觉中犯下的, 你的善行也! 所以你的善行和你的恶行之间几乎没有什么区别; 质量是一样的. 无论你是居士还是门徒都是一样的, 因为你是无意识的. 你在你的店里不省人事; 你在你的寺庙里失去知觉; 你在办公室不省人事; 你在你的修道院里失去知觉. 穿上或丢弃衣服都没有区别; 你还没有意识. 真正的问题是打破这种无意识, 而不是改变你的行动方式, 因为那很容易. 如果您在一种行为中失去知觉, you are bound to be unconscious in another form of action also.
  32. Witnessing becomes your very base of transformation. The more you see your mind, the more you witness it, the less you will find it. It needs unconsciousness to be there. It is an animal that exists only in darkness. As you bring the light in, the mind with its thoughts starts disappearing.