

  1. 上师比神还神秘. 上帝很简单. 人很简单. 大师很神秘 — 因为悖论在他身上相遇, 矛盾在他身上相遇. 上师是人与神相会的地方, a crossroads, 桑加玛, 两条河流的相遇, 两个不同的维度. 寻求者是无知的; 上帝知道, 智慧. 寻找者是黑暗; 上帝是光. 大师是暮光之城.
  2. “大师”这个词’ 无法翻译. “老师”这个词也不’ 也不是“大师”这个词’ 拥有那种美. 实际上, 古鲁的现象是如此深刻的印度,任何国家的其他语言都无法翻译它. 它本质上是东方的东西. “大师”这个词’ 由两个词组成, ‘顾’ 和“汝”. ‘顾’ 意味着黑暗, 汝’ 意思是驱散它的人. Guru 的字面意思是“光”. 而你内在有光, yes! 如果你遇到佛陀、耶稣、克里希纳或马哈维亚, it will be of tremendous help to you in finding your inner guru, because seeing Buddha, suddenly a great enthusiasm and hope will arise in you: “If it can happen to Buddha” — who is just like you, the same body, the same blood, bone, marrow — “if it can happen to this man, why not to me?” The hope is the beginning. Meeting with the Master on the outside is the beginning of a great hope, a great aspiration.
  3. 这个单词 “guru.Guru means one who has gravitation, 突然觉得自己被拉着. 大师是一个巨大的磁铁, with only onedifference. There is a man who has charismayou are pulled, 但你被拉向他. 那是有魅力的人. 他可能成为伟大的领袖, 伟大的政治家. 阿道夫希特勒有那种魅力; 数百万人被拉向他. 那么有魅力的领导者和大师之间有什么区别? 差异是巨大的. 区别在于: 当你被拉向一位大师时,你会突然觉得自己被拉向了内心, 不向外. 当你被拉向卡比尔, 纳纳克, 佛, 你有一种奇怪的感觉. The feeling is that you are being pulled towards them and at the same time you are being pulled inwardsa very strange paradoxical phenomenon at the closer you come to your guru, 你离自己越近. 你越被上师吸引, 你越独立. 你越是臣服于上师, 你越觉得自己拥有前所未有的自由.
  4. If you find a man and you feel that you have found your Master, that simply shows that in his voice, in his being, there is a reflection of that still, small voice of God. The guru outside you is but a mirror. He reflects you, reflects God. And the real Master will throw you back to yourself. The real guru will not bind you to himself, because the real guru is life itself, the real guru is God himself.
  5. 如果你被拉向一个男人,而这种拉力创造了一种奴役, 那不是大师. 那个男人可能有魅力, may have magnetic powermaybe his great intelligence, 他的身体美, or his sheer vitality pulls youbut you will be going away from yourself. 会是一种痴情. 你会为这个男人着迷, 你会偏离你的中心. 避开这样的人; 这些是世界上最大的恶作剧贩子. 阿道夫·希特勒, 拿破仑, Alexanderthese are the people who have created great havoc, 因为人们感到被极大地吸引并且人们想要投降.
  6. 上师是将你拉向他自己,只是为了让你回到你自己的存在中. 他担任调解员; 通过大师, 你到达你自己. 因为不能直接去, 他通过他帮助你. 但他的全部努力都是为了让你成为你自己. 真正的导师永远不会把自己强加给你. 他永远不会把他的生活方式强加给你. 他永远不会给你任何严格的纪律. 他不会对你强加任何东西, 团你. 他不会试图制造你的士兵. 不, 他会帮助你成为你自己. 他会帮助你做你自己, 不管是什么. 他会帮助你越来越了解自己. 你会越来越集中, 根, 在他附近. 你会越来越觉得他把你还给了自己 — 丢失或遗忘的东西, 他已经让你意识到了.
  7. 答案就在你身上, it is nowhere else. So if you want to follow a man, follow the man who throws you back to yourselfbecause the answer is in you. The outer guru’s function is to help you to find your inner guru. If the outer guru wants you to cling to him and hang around him and if he wants you to remain always dependent on him, then he is dangerous. Avoid him. Then he is not a Master. Then he has need of followers but he is not a Master. Then through followers he is fulfilling his own ego.
  8. The guru is human, and yet divine. The guru is like us, and yet not like us. He is a bridge between man and God; he is just at the middle point. Exactly, the guru balances existence. The disciple is man; the God is not man; the guru is both. On one side, he belongs to humanity; on another side, he belongs to God. One of his hands is with the humanity; his other hand is in the hands of God. He becomes the bridge. That’s why we call the guru a god-man or a man-god. That’s why Jesus goes on saying, again and again, “I am the son of God, and I am the son of man.He is a guru, he is a Master.
  9. 师父不能给你解脱, 但他可以把你带到它的边缘. 他不能给你解放; 这必须由你来实现, 因为别人给的东西可以被别人拿走. 只有属于你的才能属于你. 师傅给不了你, 他只能祝福你 — 但他的祝福是一个重要的现象. 通过他,你可以展望自己的未来. 通过他,你可以了解自己的命运. 通过他,最远的山峰越来越近, 更近. 通过他你开始上升, 像一颗试图向天空发芽的种子. 他的祝福可以浇灌你的种子.
  10. Buddha is really a mahaguru. The word guru means heavy with heaven, 喜极而泣, 带着狂喜, 沉重的svaha; 沉重如雨云, 准备给口渴的人洗澡, 准备分享. Guru的意思是沉重的, 沉重的天堂. Guru 也意味着破坏他人黑暗的人. 我不是在谈论那些继续在世界各地漫游的所谓大师. 他们不会摧毁你的黑暗; 他们把黑暗强加给你, 他们把他们的无知强加给你. 这些大师像任何东西一样如雨后春笋般涌现. 你可以在任何地方找到它们: 一个 Muktananda 在这里如雨后春笋般冒出, 另一个Maharishi Mahesh Yogi在那里如雨后春笋般涌现 — 他们到处都是雨后春笋. 大师是让你自由的人. 大师是给你自由的人. 上师是解脱你的人. 佛陀是摩诃古鲁之一. 他的信息是传递给人类的最伟大的信息. 而这部经是佛陀最伟大的表达之一. 他谈了四十二年, 他说了很多话, 但没有什么比这. 这是独一无二的. 你很幸运,你一直在这里聆听并冥想它. 现在更加幸运 — 成为它.
  11. 大师, 大师, 是一个你深爱、信仰和崇敬的人. 这不仅仅是一种关系; 这是一种深刻的创造力. 他可以创造你, 他可以改变你, 他可以给你一个新生. But then, 你必须准备好经历很多事情. 许多未知的道路将不得不走, 许多未知的门将不得不通过, 许多未知的锁将不得不打开. 如果你没有深度投降, 你不会进入这个未知的领域; 你会抗拒. 你需要深深的信任,这样当主人进入未知世界时,你可以像影子一样跟随他. 投降意味着对主人的一种深刻的肯定态度 — 从不说不. 如果你说不, 你把自己掌握在自己的手中. 如果你说是, 你在他的手中.
  12. 谨防虚假大师 — 他们很多. 假上师会答应你世间的事; 即使他在另一个世界向他们承诺,他也在承诺同样的事情. 他会答应你天堂里的美女 — 天堂. 他会答应你天堂里的美酒. 但他承诺同样的事情. 他可能会答应你金色的城堡, 天堂里镶满钻石的宫殿, 但是钻石、金银、女人和酒 — 他们都属于这个世界. 他只是在逗你; 他只是在愚弄你. The real Master only promises one thing: your death. So wherever you find death waiting for you, then gather courage. You have to disappear for God to be.
  13. The word guru has become almost condemnatory. The root meaning of the word is beautiful. The word originally means one who is more consolidated, crystallized, one who has more weight. In Hindi, gravitation is called guruthwa karshan. Just as the earth gravitates, the guru gravitates people towards himself — 什么都不做. The earth is not doing anything while gravitating you; it is just the nature of the earth that anything that is within its area of two hundred miles will start being pulled towards it. Guru means one who is weight-full, 关于禅的奥修行情, 根, and has the quality of gravitation. But that original meaning has been lost, and particularly since Indian gurus started appearing in the West, it has become almost a dirty word. And it has to become so because the people who came to the West were not gurus at all. They came to the West to exploit people. They knewat least they were knowledgeableabout many things of which the West was unaware. They were more philosophical, more theological, more argumentative. That has been a professional thing in India for centuries. So when they came to the West they immediately had a great impact. The Christian minister looked very poor. Even the best scholarly rabbi was no competition.
  14. 记住这一点. It is impossible to help others till you have obtained some certainty of your own. Resist the temptation to help others. It is evil unless you have obtained some certainty of your own. Don’t try to be a guru, don’t try to be a helper. because you will disturb; you will create more problems. Remember well that you cannot help. you cannot guide anyone. unless you have got the inner light. When the inner light is there, the help, the guidance, will flow from you.
  15. I am not the guru at all of anybody, poor or rich. I am just a friend who is available to help if you need the help. And that, 也, is your freedomto come with me or not to come with me. When you come, I welcome you; and when you depart, I give you a goodbye with the same love. There is no question of loyalty, 没有背叛的问题.
  16. 这就是大师和精神分析师之间的区别: 只有大师才能真正成为精神分析师, 只有大师才能真正成为治疗师. 只有一个已经完全成熟的人,才能真正帮助正在路上的其他人, struggling, 在黑暗中跌跌撞撞. 否则盲人正在带领另一个盲人 — 两者都会掉进一些井里.
  17. So remember, 这必须是标准: 如果你觉得某位上师很享受有这么多弟子的想法,给你制造障碍,让你进入自己的存在,渴望你继续依附他,让你越来越无助,让你越来越并且更加依赖, 让你越来越害怕,让你内疚, 并继续说, ‘It is only through me that your salvation is possible,’ takes away your freedom, destroys youthen escape from that man, he is the devil incarnate. Avoid him.
  18. Search out somebody who is not in any need of having followers, who has no need of having a big crowd around him, who is utterly satisfied with himself even when he is alone, who is absolutely contented with his own self. Then he can be of tremendous help.