

  1. Sincerity is the fragrance of meditation.
  2. 不诚实的生活不可能是幸福的生活. You think you are deceiving others; you are simply destroying yourself and destroying all possibilities of growth, because growth comes through sincerity, 诚实, 真实性. Growth comes through accepting your truth in its total nudity. And then life is certainly a joy, then life is certainly a bliss.
  3. A sincere person is totally different. Sincerity is of the heart. He is true, but not serious. He is seeking, but not as a goal. He is seeking it just like a child seeks things: if he finds, it is okay: if he doesn’t find, it is okay also. A child is running after a dog, and just in the middle he finds a butterfly; he changes. He starts running after the butterfly; and then, by the side, there comes a flower — and he has forgotten the butterfly and the flower takes his total attention. 他不认真, but very sincere. Whenever he takes anything into mind he is totally with it — that is sincerity. Now he has forgotten the butterfly and the dog, and the flower is everything. When you can pay your total attention to something, it is sincerity. And when you are paying your attention only as a means, you are cunning. You really want to reach the goal, and this is only a means. You are exploiting; you are exploiting the path to reach the goal. For the child, the path is the goal. And for the religious person also, the path is the goal.
  4. Sincerity means not living a double life — and almost everybody is living a double life. He says one thing, he thinks something else. He never says that which he thinks, he says that which is convenient and comfortable, he says that which will be approved, 公认. he says that which is expected by others. Now what he says and what he thinks become two different worlds. He says one thing, he goes on doing something else, and then naturally he has to hide it. He cannot expose himself because then the contradiction will be found, then he will be in trouble. He talks about beautiful things and lives an ugly life.
  5. Compromise simply means you are on uncertain ground. Rather than compromising, find grounding, roots, 个性. Find a sincerity of feeling, the support of your heart. Then whatever the consequence, 新的反叛者不会顺从当权派及其利益.
  6. A religious person has to drop all diplomacy. He has to be authentic, sincere; he has to be as he is: no pretensions, no false personalities, no facades; just being utterly nude as you are, utterly naked in your reality.
  7. Mind moves in the future, being lives here and now. And perfect sincerity belongs to the being, not to the mind. 爱, 真相, 冥想, 诚意, simplicity, 纯真, all belong to the being. The opposites belong to the mind and to hide the opposites the mind creates false coins: false sincerity, which guarantees, 承诺; false love, which is just a name for duty; false beauty, which is just a face for inner ugliness. Mind creates false coins, and nobody is deceived, 记住, except yourself.
  8. 真相, 诚意, 诚实, totality, 同情, service, 冥想, these should be the real concerns of morality — because these are things which transform your life, these are things which bring you closer to God.
  9. MY effort here is to help you to become one. That’s why I don’t teach any morality, any character. All that I teach is meditation so that you can hear your inner voice more clearly and follow it, whatsoever the cost. Because if you follow your inner voice without feeling guilty, immense is going to be your reward, and looking backwards you will find that the cost was nothing. It looked very big in the beginning, but when you have arrived at the point where sincerity becomes natural, spontaneous, when there is no more any division, no more any split in you, then you will see a celebration is happening and the cost that you have paid is nothing compared to it.
  10. Business also can be done with a sincerity, with an authenticity, with a truthfulness; it does not necessarily require you to be cunning, to be exploiting, to be cheating.
  11. Always remember: just sincerity is not going to help. You can be very honest, very sincere, very arduous… but if you are on a wrong path all your sincerity will lead you not to the goal you wanted to reach, but exactly to its opposite.
  12. Unless you do something with great love, with great involvement, with great commitment, with sincerity, with authenticity, with your total being, 什么都不会发生.
  13. Once you decide to be a disciple, you enter into another world — a totally different world of the heart, of love, of trust. Then it is a play. You are not serious but still you are very sincere. Never misunderstand seriousness for sincerity. 真诚很会玩, 从不认真. 是真的, 真正的, 但从不认真. 真诚不长脸, 它洋溢着喜悦, 散发着内心的喜悦.
  14. Meditation requires courage. It requires the basic integrity, 诚意, respect towards your own being. At least don’t deceive yourself.
  15. A man of knowing attains to a sense of humour. Let this always be remembered. If you see someone who has no sense of humour, know well that that man has not known at all. If you come across a serious man, then you can be certain that he is a pretender. Knowing brings sincerity but all seriousness disappears. Knowing brings a playfulness; knowing brings a sense of humour. The sense of humour is a must.
  16. Real religion teaches you playfulness — sincerity of course, but seriousness no, authenticity of course, but seriousness no.
  17. The seeker of truth has to show his credentials, his ability to wait, his capacity to be patient, because the journey is long and the path is very narrow. A master accepts a disciple only when he can see the sincerity of the heart, the risk, the danger of going into aloneness… when the master is convinced that the person is capable of all these, he is accepted as a disciple.
  18. A religious person cannot be a Christian, a Hindu, or a Buddhist, a religious person can only be a sincere inquirer. He inquires and he remains open without any conclusions. His boat is empty.