

  1. 地狱只意味着痛苦; 这是一种痛苦的心理状态, 消极的状态, 黑暗的状态, 极度孤独.
  2. 如果你对自己感到消极, 你会自动对别人感到消极.
  3. 人的意识是绝对的自由. 如果你是消极的, 你必须不断地做出保持消极的决定. 负面情绪是如何产生的无关紧要, it is meaningless. 它已经发生了; 现在这是既定事实, 你是消极的, 你没有任何积极的流动能量. 你只有闭合能量, 这对你关闭, 陷在你身上; 你没有门可以搬出去. 天空消失了, 而你住在一个黑暗的洞穴里. 它是如何发生的无关紧要: 没有必要回到过去. 我告诉你这是东方密宗心理学的基础, 那个男人, 不管他是什么, 一直决定要那样做 — 只有这样他才能保持那样. 就像踩自行车一样. 你骑着自行车 — 你已经骑了英里, 但如果你想继续旅程,你必须继续踩踏板. 如果你停止踩踏板, 自行车要停下了. 也许通过过去的势头它可能会继续一点, 最多一两弗隆. 但它会停止. 而且无需研究您最初是如何开始踩踏板的, 因为那是一项荒谬的研究. 你不能进入那个, 因为继续下去,你找不到开始. 过去就是永恒; 你找不到起点, 整个搜索将停止你的成长. I tell you: 你只要停止踩踏板, 自行车就要停下了. 如果你是消极的, 你不断地踩着消极情绪. 如果你此刻决定不再踩踏板… your mother, or God — 没有人可以阻止你. It is your decision. 但如果你不想做出决定, 那么你可以找到一千零一个借口. 弗洛伊德给你一个非常美妙的借口, 很科学. 但不要被外表所欺骗. 弗洛伊德创造了一个新神话. 这还不是科学; 实际上, 人类意识的科学是不可能的, 因为科学只有在因果关系的世界中才有可能. 人的意识就是自由; 它没有因果链 — 不能在其中创造科学. 宗教不是科学; it cannot be. 或多或少, 宗教是一门艺术. 它没有因果关系. 所以如果你感到消极, 这意味着不知何故, knowingly or unknowingly, 你在消极情绪上投入了很多.
  4. 如果你诚实, 你会看到,通过你的消极情绪,你正在创造一个地狱. 只有你在受苦, 没有其他人.
  5. 记住一件事: 当毒药附身时,永远不要在心情上做任何事情; 等一下. 当毒药开始转变为另一种毒药时…. 这是生命的基本规律之一: 一切都不断地变成它的另一个. 就像我跟你说的,男人变女人, 女人变男人, 你有周期性的变化 — 好人变坏人, 坏人变好人; 圣人有罪人的时刻,罪人也有圣人的时刻… 一个人只能等待. 圣人至上时行动 — 就这样. 不要在罪人至上时行动, 不要在愤怒至上时采取行动, 否则你会悔改,你会产生一连串的反应,你会陷入业力. 这就是进入业力的全部意义. 当你处于消极时刻时做任何事情,你都会陷入困境, 没有尽头. 当你消极时,你会做某事, 另一个变成负数, 另一个准备做某事 — 消极情绪会产生更多的消极情绪. 消极情绪会激起更多的消极情绪, 愤怒带来更多的愤怒, 敌意带来更多的敌意, 事情一直在继续… 人们为了生活在一起而相互纠缠. 他们继续! Wait. When you are angry, 这是冥想的时刻. 不要浪费这一刻,愤怒正在你体内创造如此巨大的能量 — 它可以摧毁. 但能量是中性的 — 同样的能量可以摧毁, 可以有创意. Wait. 同样的能量可以粉碎, 可以淋浴生活 — 等一下. 等待而不是匆忙做任何事, 总有一天你会感到惊讶, 看到内在的变化. 你充满了愤怒, and then anger goes on and on and comes to a climaxand then the wheel turns. And you can see the wheel is turning, and the anger is relaxing, and energy is released, and now you are in a positive moodthe creative mood. Now you can do something. Now do. Always wait for the positive.
  6. With negativity you feel powerful. Whenever you say no, you feel powerful; the ego is enhanced. Whenever you say yes, you feel humble; the ego is destroyed. That’s why you don’t want to say yes, and you go on saying no. When you love, you become humble; when you are angry, you become powerful. Have you watched? When you are angry, you have four times more energy than you ordinarily have. In anger, in rage, you can throw a rock, a big rock. Ordinarily, if somebody tells you to, you cannot even push it, you cannot even move it.
  7. Religion is not renouncing, religion is rejoicing. Rejoice in the world, rejoice in your family; 为你所能得到的一切而欢喜. 很高兴,因为大自然给了你这么多. 在这种喜悦中你能想到仇恨吗, 愤怒的, 消极的, 任何黑洞? 当你在你的中心, 一切都很轻, 一切都是爱, everything is as it should be. 你什么都不要做. 这是最难的事情, 停止做任何事.
  8. 你为什么要消极? 深究一下. 你为什么消极? 消极情绪是什么? 什么原因? 生活给了你太多. 它给了你生命, 无法购买, 这是无价的. 它给了你爱的能力. 它给了你在意识中成长的能力. 它提供了有一天开悟的全部机会. 而你充满消极情绪! 针对谁? 为了什么? 你应该充满感恩. Have you ever thought, 你值得拥有生命吗? What have you done to deserve it? Do you deserve love? What have you done to deserve it? Do you deserve enlightenment? You deserve nothing. It is all a gift from existence. Out of abundance existence goes on giving to youand you are negative. Existence goes on giving things to you, but because of your negativity you don’t receive them. You are not available, you are closed. Just try to look at your negativity. Try to understand, see the foolishness of it. Don’t force yourself to be positive, that is not the right way; the negativity will remain repressed. Go deep into your negativity and find that there is no reason to be negative. And the moment you have found there is no reason to be negative, negativity disappears; and what remains is positivity. Positivity is not something to be imposed. Negativity has to be understood. In that understanding is its disappearance, 它的死亡. 当消极的尸体不再占据你, 沉默, 一个深深的是 — 不为任何信仰, religion, 但为了纯粹的快乐,存在为你提供 — 出现. 不费吹灰之力 — 你只是看到它在你身上升起. 那是人生中最美丽的时刻之一 — 当你看到你内心升起的是时. 你不能不跳舞, 不唱歌. 你必须以某种方式表明你是. 语言太小. 你必须用你的整个人说出来 — 那是舞蹈. 你是在用你的整个存在说是. 你全身的每一个毛孔都参与其中. 这不是你嘴里说的假话, 这可能根本没有任何意义. 深入你的绝望. 是什么让你如此绝望? 你的绝望有某些原因. One is — 最基本的 — that you have not been true to your nature. You have listened to all kinds of nonsense from the priests, pedagogues, politicians, saints, and all kinds of people who are really parasites. They suck your blood.
  9. Just watch where you are going against your nature. Change your course, be in tune with nature. Be truly animals. Man is the highest animal in existence. He has to be really a more authentic animal than anybody else. In your being natural, despair is not found. And the moment despair disappears, negativity disappears, that will be the moment when the honeymoon begins. It can beginit is never too late.
  10. Negative things have a way of their own: they spread more easily, faster, quicker, because the whole of humanity lives in negativity.
  11. Mind is very much afraid of doing good. Why is mind afraid of doing good? For two reasons. One: to do good is nonnourishing to the mind; mind is nourished by doing evil, by doing bad. 例如, if you say no, mind is strengthened; if you say yes, mind is not strengthened. Hence mind is never interested in saying yes to anything. Mind is basically atheistic. It enjoys saying no; no is its power. Negativity is its food; it eats negativity. Positivity is its death. Try to say no and you start feeling powerful. Whenever you say no, whenever you can manage to say no, you feel powerful. Whenever you have to say yes you feel humiliated, as if something has been done against yourself. To say a total yes is to destroy the mind totally, and to remain in a total no is to remain in the mind, in the ego.
  12. With negativity you feel powerful. Whenever you say no, you feel powerful; the ego is enhanced. Whenever you say yes, you feel humble; the ego is destroyed. That’s why you don’t want to say yes, and you go on saying no. When you love, you become humble; when you are angry, you become powerful. Have you watched? When you are angry, you have four times more energy than you ordinarily have. In anger, in rage, you can throw a rock, a big rock. Ordinarily, if somebody tells you to, you cannot even push it, you cannot even move it.
  13. When one feels negative about oneself, one feels negative about everything else. One’s attitude becomes negative, that of a NO. 如果消极的人被带到玫瑰丛中,他会数荆棘, 他不会看玫瑰花 — he cannot. 他没有那个能力. 他只会忽略玫瑰花, 他会数荆棘.
  14. 我告诉你,即使是负面情绪也是好的, 如果是真的; 如果它们是真实的, 渐渐地, 他们的现实改变了他们. 他们变得越来越积极,当所有积极性和消极性都消失的那一刻到来了. 你只是保持真实: 你不知道什么是好什么是坏, 你不知道什么是积极的,什么是消极的. 你简直是真实的. 这种真实性会让你一睹真容. 只有真实的才能知道真实的, 真实的可以知道真相, 真实的可以知道你周围的真实.
  15. For thousands of years buddhas have been always teaching: “了解你自己,” but nobody listens to them. To know oneself seems to be such a difficult thing. 为什么? — because you have to encounter ugly phenomena. They are there, one has to pass through them. You have a beautiful being within you, but that beautiful being is not on the periphery, it is at the center. And to reach the center you have to pass through the periphery. And you cannot escape, there is no way to escape, one has to pass through it. You have to pass through all the ugliness, all the negativity, hatred, 妒忌, 暴力, aggression, and if you are ready and mature enough to pass through the periphery, only then will you reach the center. Then the scene changes. At the center you are God. At the periphery you are the worldand the world is ugly. At the periphery you are nothing but a miniature society, and the society is ugly. At the periphery you are a Napoleon, a Hitler, a Genghis Khan, a Tamerlane, and all the politicians, and all the mad people of the world. At the periphery you are a miniature of all that; you are the whole history of aggression, 暴力, oppression, slavery. At the periphery, 记住, you are the history that belongs to this world. Everything is involved; it has to be so because mind is not your own, it is a social product. Mind carries all the germs of the past, all the diseases of the past, all the ugliness of the past, because mind belongs to the collective. There are certain moments when you can see and watch your own Genghis Khan, your own Hitler. There are certain moments when you can see that you would like to murder and kill and destroy the whole world. You have to be very courageous to pass through the periphery, to be a witness. And if you can enter this periphery, this society, the history, then at the center you are God himself. Then there is infinite beautybut that infinite beauty is untouched by the society, it is not the periphery. Then you are innocent like a newborn baby, fresh as the dewdrop in the morning, uncontaminated. But to reach that, you have to pass through all the ugliness. The whole history of man has to be crossed. You cannot simply avoid it.
  16. A master is always ready to bring all that is in you out, even your negativity. Even if you are going to hit him he will allow you to. Who knowsin hitting the master you may become aware of your negativity; you may become aware of your illness, your disease, your madness. 打高手可能会变成豁然开朗 — who knows. 师父是在各方面帮助你.
  17. 没有什么只能是消极的; 每一种消极情绪也有积极的一面. 每一片乌云都有一线希望, 每个夜晚之后都是黎明.
  18. 实际上, 所有这些积极哲学的信徒基本上都是消极的. 为了隐藏消极情绪,他们坚信积极的哲学.
  19. 消极情绪是一种自杀方式. By and by, you die; 在碎片中你自杀了, 那你就冻僵了. 但这不是成就, 实际上它在掉下来.
  20. 悲观主义只是意味着消极地看待生活, 一直在寻找破绽, 为了漏洞, 对于消极的事情, 并积累所有这些负面因素. 当你看到黑暗的一面, always, of course, 有两个晚上,两个晚上之间只有一个小白天 — 漆黑的黑夜. 乐观最终变成悲观. 每个悲观主义者都曾是乐观主义者 — 他以前是个乐观主义者. 他希望太多,因为那些希望没有实现,他变得酸溜溜的, angry, 激怒. 现在他看不到花朵和星星. 他看不到任何美丽的东西; 他继续寻找丑陋的. 当你寻找丑陋的东西时,你会发现它在每一步. 无论你寻找什么,你一定会找到它, 记住, 因为生活由两者组成 — 积极性和消极性 — 数量相同. 没有另一个生命就无法存在; 另一极是必须的.
  21. 积极的想法只对消极的人有吸引力, 因为他们不断地知道自己的消极性. 但是没有启蒙, 你不能有正能量. 所以我看到扔掉所有那些关于积极思考的书. 他们在骗你. They are giving you a sense as if without being enlightened you can be positive. That is impossible.
  22. The person who is negative about himself cannot be positive about anybody else either, because the faults that he finds in himself he will find in othersin fact he will magnify them in others. He will take revenge. Your parents have made you negative about yourself, you will take revenge on your children you will make them even more negative. 因此, negativity goes on growing with each generation. Each generation becomes more and more pathological. If the modern man is suffering psychologically so much it has nothing to do with the modern man himself: it simply shows that the whole past has been wrong. It is all accumulation of the whole past. The modern man is suffering from the past; the modern man is not suffering from his own sins as the so-called religious preachers go on saying to you. You are suffering from the sins of centuriesbut now things have come to a peak. Man is falling apart. Up to now somehow we have managed to keep ourselves together, but now things have come to such a point that either man has to change totally and has to change his vision of life, or man has to commit suicide.