奥修关于纯度的名言什么是纯度 – 我不教完美, 我教完整性, 不完美


  1. In life, 奥修关于纯度的名言什么是纯度. 奥修关于纯度的名言什么是纯度.
  2. 奥修关于纯度的名言什么是纯度. 奥修关于纯度的名言什么是纯度. Don’t have any ideals, don’t try to make something out of yourself, don’t try to improve upon God. You are perfect as you are. With all your imperfections you are perfect. If you are imperfect, you are perfectly imperfectbut perfection is there. Once this is understood, where is the hurry? Where is the worry? You have already slowed down. And then it is a morning walk with no destination, going nowhere. You can enjoy each tree and each sunray and each bird and each person that passes by.
  3. 完美主义是神经症. 这是一种病. 你越努力变得完美, 你会变得越沮丧. 完美的目标导致全人类走向疯狂; 地球几乎变成了疯人院. 我不教完美. 我教什么? 我教完整性, 不完美. 完整; 完全; 但不要考虑完美.
  4. A person remains incomplete unless he becomes enlightened. You cannot expect perfection from a person before enlightenment, but you can expect perfection in a skill. You cannot expect perfection in the being, but in the doing it can be expected, there is no problem about it. An archer can hit the target without ever missing itand may not be in it. He has learned the technique, he has become a mechanism, a robot. It is simply done by the head and the hand.
  5. 冥想与完美主义无关, 但完美是副产品. 当你变得沉默它跟着你, 无论你走到哪里,它都在那里 — 它不是死的东西, 挂在你身边. 它正在增长. 这是它最神奇的地方, 因为我们总是认为完美是死胡同.
  6. Why this obsession with perfection? Then you will be tense, 焦虑的, nervous, always uneasy, troubled, in conflict. The English word ‘agonycomes from a root which means: to be in conflict. To be constantly wrestling with oneselfthat is the meaning of agony. You will be in agony if you are not at ease with yourself. Don’t demand the impossible, be natural, 安心, loving yourself, loving others. 记住, a person who cannot love himself because he goes on condemning, cannot love anybody else either. A perfectionist is not only a perfectionist about himself, he is about others also. A man who is hard on himself is bound to be hard on others. His demands are impossible.
  7. If you love the woman, you love the woman with all her limitations, with all her imperfections; she loves you with all your imperfections and limitations. But this is whatparticularly to the Indian mindis very significant: perfection. And to demand perfection is a kind of neurosis. It will drive the other neurotic, and as far as you are concerned, you are already neurotic. If you ask perfection in any human being you will create trouble for yourself and for the other, and your life will be nothing but misery. The real man of understanding and intelligence accepts the imperfections of the other and still loves. Love is great enough; it can even love people who have no character, people who are not pure according to your ideas, people who sometimes go astray, people who sometimes commit small sins. Love is big enough to accept all this and to transform it too.
  8. 完美主义者是神经质的. 他不仅神经质, 他在他周围制造神经症倾向. 所以不要成为完美主义者, 如果你周围有人是完美主义者,在他污染你的思想之前尽快远离他. 所有的完美主义都是一种深度自我之旅. 仅仅用理想和完美来思考自己,无异于把自我装点得淋漓尽致. 谦虚的人接受生活并不完美. 一个谦虚的人, 一个真正虔诚的人, 接受我们是有限的, 有限制.
  9. Ego wants to be the first, ego wants to put everybody below itself; hence it takes itself seriously. Hence it is perfectionist: it demands perfection, which is impossible. Nobody is perfect; nobody can exist for a single moment if he is perfect. Imperfection is the way of life, because it is possible to grow only if you are imperfect. If you are perfect there is no more growth, no more evolution. If you are perfect you are stuck. Perfection means death; imperfection means flow, growth, 移动, dynamism. The ego demands perfection of oneself and of others too. It asks for the impossible, and because the impossible cannot be achieved it can go on living. It is not happy with the ordinary; it wants the extraordinary, and life consists only of the ordinary. But the ordinary is beautiful, the ordinary is exquisite. There is no need of anything extraordinary. The ordinary life is sacred, but the ego condemns it as mundane. It demands extraordinary life. Hence all the religions go on inventing stories about their founders which are all untrue: Moses separating the sea, Jesus walking on the waterall these stories are inventions, lies, created by the followers just to prove that their master is extraordinary; he is not an ordinary human being.
  10. 佛说: 冥想足以解决你的问题, 但里面少了点什么 — 同情. 如果慈悲也存在, 然后你可以帮助别人解决他们的问题. 他说: 冥想是纯金; 它有自己的完美. 但若有慈悲,则金亦有香 — 然后是更高的圆满, 然后是一种新的完美, 黄金有香味. 黄金本身就足够了 — 非常有价值 — 但有同情心, 冥想有香味.
  11. Meditation makes one perfectnot a perfectionist, 记住. 完美主义者是神经质的. Meditation makes you perfect, but not a perfectionist. Perfection comes just like a shadow to meditation: you need not bother about it, you need not care about it. it is simply there, it will follow you. The perfectionist has an idea of a goal ahead of him and the meditator has no idea of perfection; perfection follows him from the beyond like a shadow. That is the difference between a perfectionist and a perfect man. Perfection is behind the perfect man and ahead of the perfectionist. Because it is ahead it drives him nuts. he is trying to become it, he is sacrificing his present for the future and once you become accustomed of sacrificing your present for the future your whole life will be rained; not only this but your future lives will be ruined.
  12. Meditation is not a static thing. It is a balance. You will have to attain it again and again and again. You will become more and more capable of attaining it, but it is not going to remain forever, like a possession in your hands. It has to be claimed each momentonly then is it yours. You cannot rest, you cannot say, ‘I have meditated and I have realised that now there is no need for me to do anything more. I can rest.Life does not believe in rest; it is a constant movement from perfection to more perfection. Listen to me: from perfection to more perfection. It is never imperfect, it is always perfect, but always more perfection is possible.
  13. 完美是未来某个地方的目标, 整体是现在的一种体验. 整体性不是目标, 这是一种生活方式. 如果你能全心全意地做任何事情, 你是完整的. 整体带来整体,整体带来健康,整体带来理智. 完美主义者完全忘记了整体. 他有一些知道他应该如何, 显然需要时间来达到这个想法. 现在不可能发生 — 明天, 后天, 今生, 也许下一生… 所以生活必须推迟.
  14. The ego remains imperfect and goes on demanding perfection. My whole message is to see the truth, to see the hell that ego creates in the name: of perfection, uniquenessand to let it drop. Then there is a tremendous beautyno ego, no self, just a deep emptiness. And out of deep emptiness is creativity, out of that nothingness arises bliss, SATCHITANANDA, 真相. Being, 极乐, all arise out of that absolute purity. 当自我不存在时, you are a virgin. Christ was born out of a virgin; your nothingness is that Mother Virgin, Mother Mary.
  15. The moment you desire something you are saying thatI am wiser than the whole.You are saying thatYou don’t know what has to be done and I have come to advise you.You are telling the whole thatThe way things are is not right: they should be according to me.Prayer is just the opposite of desire. Prayer means, “The way things are is absolutely perfect, they are as they should be. 因此, I have nothing except a deep gratitude.Real prayer is bowing to existence in tremendous thankfulness because whatsoever is, the way it is, is the most perfect way it can ever be. A prayerful heart knows that the universe is perfect each moment; it is moving from perfection to more perfection. The world is not moving from imperfection to perfection, 记住: it is moving from perfection to more perfection. That’s the understanding of the prayerful heart. But we are full of desires.
  16. 你是人类, 在一定时间内, 在某个空间, 有一定的限制. 接受这些限制. 完美主义者总是处于疯狂的边缘. 他们是痴迷的人 — 他们做什么都不够好. 没有办法完美地做某事 — 完美是不可能的. 实际上, 不完美是唯一的方法. 那我在这里教你什么? 我不教你完美, 我教你完整. 那是完全不同的事情. 完整. 不要为完美而烦恼. 当我说要完整时, 我的意思是真实的, 在这里; 无论您做什么, 完全做到. 你会不完美,但你的不完美会充满美丽, 它会充满你的整体. 永远不要试图做到完美,否则你会产生很多焦虑. 已经有很多麻烦了; 不要给自己制造更多的麻烦.
  17. 我不教完美. 完美只会让人神经质. 完美主义者是神经病; 他们为了完美而把自己逼疯, 因为他们正在尝试做不可能的事. 我教整体; 我教完整性, 不完美. 做任何事都要全神贯注. 总计. 如果你生气, 然后彻底生气. 如果你恋爱了, 然后完全爱上. 如果你难过, 然后完全伤心. 做任何事都不要三心二意. 那是一种完全不同的生活态度.
  18. The path of Buddha is of total surrender: total surrender to the dhamma, to tao, to the universal law, 对上帝. These are different names for the same phenomenon. We are living in a cosmos, not in a chaos. Everything is as perfect as it can be; nothing can be improved upon. The very idea of trying to improve upon things is sheer stupidity. Those who have known, they have known the absolute perfection of existence. Then what is left? To dissolve in the whole and celebrate!