[一个桑雅士说他受够了自己的思想. 我觉得我从来不在这里,我什么也没看到. 我尝试一切: 我尝试冥想, 我试着意识到, 但很多时候感觉不到. 奥修检查他的能量。]
奥修 – 要记住的两件事…. One: 不要试图阻止它. 这就是你制造整个问题的方式; 不要试图阻止它. 这对你来说很自然; 如果你试图阻止它,你会发疯的. 它会像一棵树试图停止它的叶子; 树会发疯. 叶子对它来说很自然.
你是一个有头脑的人. 如果你想成为一个有爱心的人,你会给自己制造很多麻烦, 并且不必要地, 因为有一条从头脑本身出发的路. 没必要把自己变成有心人, mm? 那将违背你的本性. 永远倾听你的本性, 跟随你的本性. 自然就是宗教, 完全符合你的本性就是所需要的. So the first thing: 不要试图停止你的思考; 非常好.
The second thing: 只是不停是不够的; 二是乐在其中. 玩它! 这是一个美丽的游戏. 玩它, enjoying it, welcoming it, 你会开始变得更加警觉, 更了解它. 但这种意识会非常非常间接地出现; 不需要努力去意识到. 那就是你一直在做的: 你正试图意识到. 然后头脑分散了你的注意力,你就对它生气了. 你觉得这是一个丑陋的头脑,它不停地喋喋不休; 你想保持沉默,但它不允许你. 所以你开始对头脑产生敌意. 这不好; 那就是把你自己一分为二. 然后你和头脑变成了两个,冲突和摩擦开始了. All friction is suicidal because it is your energy being wasted unnecessarily. We don’t have that much energy to waste in fighting with ourselves. The same energy has to be used in joy.
So forget about being aware: 相当, 开始享受思考过程. Just see the nuances of thoughts: how they take turns, how one thing leads to another, how they get hooked with each other. It is really a miracle to watch. Just a small thought can take you to the farthest end, and if you look you don’t see any connection. A dog starts barking and your thought process is triggered. The dog is forgotten; you remember a friend who had a beautiful dog. Now you are off! Then the friend is forgotten; you remember the friend’s wife who was beautiful, and so you go on, and then other women…. Where you will end, nobody knows; and it all started with a dog barking!
Just watch and see the association of thought – how thoughts are linked, 彼此相连 - 并享受它, 让它成为一场游戏. 故意玩, 你会感到惊讶: 有时只是享受它, 你会发现我所说的那些美丽的停顿. 突然你会发现狗在叫,脑子里什么都没有, 没有链开始. 狗继续叫,你继续听; 没有念头生起. 会出现小间隙, 但它们不会被生产. 他们自己来, 当他们来的时候, 他们好美. 在那些小间隙中,您将开始观察观察者; 但这很自然. 思想会再次开始,你会喜欢它. 轻松继续, 别紧张. 意识会来找你,但它会间接地来.
观看, 享受看到思想轮流的乐趣就像看到波涛汹涌的大海一样美丽. 这也是一片海, and thoughts are waves. But people go and enjoy the waves in the ocean and they don’t enjoy the waves in their consciousness. I teach you to enjoy everything, otherwise we go on finding something or other to fight with. Mm? somebody is fighting with sex and somebody is fighting with anger, and somebody starts fighting with thinking, and somebody starts fighting with emotions and somebody with the body. But one thing is the same: they all fight. And to fight is to destroy yourself. There is no need to fight – love! All fighting energy has to be transformed into love
So in the time you are here, forget about it. Even if I go on talking against the mind, 记住: I am not talking to you! Otherwise you will collect clues…. And every day I go on talking against the mind. 允许我说话但不要陷入其中. 尽情享受吧, 很快事情就会开始改变.
资料来源 – 奥修的书“别咬我的手指”, 看我指的地方”
我也有同样的问题 , 连锁反应就像一个不受控制的连锁反应 ! 我相信这会帮助我 …
谢谢师傅 !
我担心消极思想的原因是因为我读过《秘密》,如果你对某件事想得太多,它就会发生 & 它教会了摆脱这种情况的方法…..但你的教学绝对很有道理…..此外, 我正在练习你的冥想 “嗯嗯” 声音,它增强了我的能量….I will suggest everyone to do this meditation its easy and VERY HELPFUL……Thanks Master…..