

  1. The only way to show our gratitude to the Master is to help others. 如果这是给你的一份亲切的礼物, 把它作为一份优雅的礼物送给别人. Give it without any idea of giving only then is it gracious. Give it without any idea of reward only then is it gracious. Simply give it for the sheer joy of giving It.
  2. 真相不能说, this is one part. The second part is: but truth can be transpired. It can be sharednot told but shared. And for that sharing the love affair of the disciple and the Master is a must; without it it is not possible.
  3. The moment the mind becomes impotent, the work of the Master is finished. Then he simply watches. Then he enjoys the disappearance of your ego, 你的想法, your whole so-called personality.
  4. 一个真正的桑雅生应该在这个世界上, 在行动中, 并深深植根于冥想. 你的根应该在冥想中, 你的分支机构应该在行动.
  5. Enlightenment happens only if you become more and more sincere and authentic. And you have to be very alert because the ways of the ego are very subtle: it would like to claim that which you don’t have. Beware of the ego!
  6. THE WORK OF A MASTER is really the work of seduction: he seduces you into the unknown. 没有其他办法, only seduction can be helpful. You cannot be convinced of the unknown; whatsoever you can be convinced about is bound to be the known. The unknown is unknown. 你还没尝过, you have not even heard anything about it, you have no idea what it is.
  7. 有一点是确定的: once the journey begins you cannot come back. A journey begun is already half the work done; once it begins it has to reach to its climax. Only the beginning part is the most difficult part.
  8. Zen wants you to resurrect, to take hold of your life again, which you have given to somebody else to be taken care of. Be a master, and you will start blossoming flowers of beauty and blissfulness and ecstasy, and a divine drunkenness.