
Osho Quotes on Consciousness

  1. Unconsciousness is a wandering outside; 意识是内在的深化.
  2. 我的工作包括转型. 这是一所炼金术学校: 我要把你从无意识变成有意识, 从黑暗到光明. I cannot give you a character; I can only give you insight, 意识. I would like you to live moment-to-moment, not according to a set pattern given by me or given by the society, the church, the state. I would like you to live according to your own small light of awareness, according to your own consciousness. Be responsive to each moment.
  3. A man of consciousness responds, and his responses are spontaneous. He is mirrorlike: he reflects whatsoever confronts him. And out of this spontaneity, out of this consciousness, a new kind of action is born. That action never creates any bondage, any karma. That action frees you. You remain a freedom if you listen to your nature.
  4. Responsibility is awareness, 警觉, 意识. Ego is just unconsciousness. They cannot coexist. As you grow more conscious you grow more towards light, and anything belonging to the world of darkness starts disappearing. Ego is nothing but darkness.
  5. The first thing to becoming a master of oneself is to become more conscious of your acts and your thoughts. Unconsciousness is slavery, consciousness is mastery.
  6. Consciousness means living with a witness; unconsciousness means living without a witness. 当你走在路上, 你可以有意识地走路 — 这就是佛陀所说的人应该做的 — 你很警觉, 在内心深处你知道你在走路; 你意识到每一个动作. 你意识到鸟儿在树上歌唱, 清晨的阳光穿过树林, 光线触及你, 温暖, 新鲜空气, 初开的花香. 一条狗开始吠叫, 一列火车经过, 你在呼吸… 你在看一切. 你并没有因为你的警觉而排除任何东西; 你把一切都带进去了. 气息进入, 呼吸消失… 你正在观看正在发生的一切.
  7. Desire exists with unconsciousness, it cannot exist with consciousness; when you move in desire, consciousness disappears. Hence so much insistence by all the buddhas and Jainas for desirelessness. When you are desireless you will be aware; when you are aware you will be desireless. These are two aspects of the same coinon one aspect, desirelessness; on another aspect, 警觉, 意识.
  8. I teach you transcendenceneither positive nor negative. Be a watcher: witness both. When there is day, witness the day, and when there is night, witness the nightand don’t get identified with either. You are neither the day nor the night; you are the transcendental consciousness. Become more and more centered there in that transcendence.
  9. Bodhidharma is saying in other words, act only out of totality. And this kind of act is possible only if your whole being is totally conscious and your action comes from your whole being, not from a small part of your beingthen it cannot be total and cannot be sure. Act totally and act intensely, and act absolutely in consciousness and in spontaneity. Then whatever you do is good.
  10. One who commits anything against existence has to suffer. One who helps existence to grow towards more beauty and more consciousness, and more joy and more dance, should be rewardednot by any God, but by his own act. 实际上, when you do something good out of your awareness, the very action brings such blissfulness to you, such peace, such joy; you are rewarded in the action itself.
  11. That’s what the state of enlightenment isso alert that only the witness is real and everything else is nothing but ripples on the surface of the water. Everything is passing, everything is a flux. Only one thing remains and remains and remains, and that is your consciousness, 你的意识.
  12. Transforming unconsciousness into consciousnessthat is the real transformation of base metal into gold. Gold represents consciousness, enlightenment.
  13. Being simply a witness you are at the highest peak of consciousness, and when you are at the highest peak of consciousness, from there you can look at the deepest depth of your beingthe very abysmal depth. You have moved from a horizontal into a vertical being.
  14. Unconsciousness goes downwards, consciousness goes upwards. And one thing more: upwards is synonymous with inwards, and downwards is synonymous with outwards. Consciousness goes inwards, unconsciousness goes outwards. Unconsciousness makes you interested in othersthings, people, but it is always the others. Unconsciousness keeps you completely in darkness; your eyes go on being focused on others. It creates a kind of exteriority, it makes you extroverts. Consciousness creates interiority, it makes you introverts; it takes you inward, deeper and deeper.
  15. A child is not conscious. A child lives in a deep unconsciousness. By becoming conscious you are becoming adult, mature, so all that was clinging in your unconsciousness will disappear. Just as you bring light in a room and the darkness disappears; bring consciousness deep in your heart.
  16. Witness that you are not the seven subtle bodies behind the body, 层层. Witness that you are only a witness, 没有别的了 — 纯粹的意识.
  17. Religion is basically the science of creating consciousness in you. Become more meditative, 变得更有意识. Out of that consciousness a very flexible, spontaneous character is born, which changes every day with the situation, which is not attached to the past, which is not like something ready-made. On the contrary, it is a responsibilitya moment-to-moment capacity to respond to reality. It is mirrorlike; it reflects whatsoever is the case, and out of that reflection, action is born. That action is religious action.
  18. Conscience means all the knowledge that you have. And consciousness means being empty, being utterly empty, and moving into life with that emptiness, seeing through that emptiness and acting out of that emptinessthen action has tremendous grace. And then whatsoever you do is right. It is not a question of what is right and what is wrong, because something that is right today may be wrong tomorrow. And borrowed knowledge never helps.
  19. Reaction is unconscious. You do not know exactly that you are being manipulated. You are not aware that you are behaving like a slave, not like a master. Action out of consciousness is response.
  20. Heaven means consciousness, hell means unconsciousness.
  21. You carry your hell in your unconsciousness and you carry your heaven in consciousness. These are not geographical places, these are states of your being. Asleep, you are in hell and suffering from nightmares. 苏醒, you are in heaven and all suffering has ceased.
  22. 人是无意识的; he understands the language of unconsciousness And whenever somebody talks from the peaks of consciousness it becomes utterly ununderstandable, unintelligible. He is so far away! By the time his words reach the dark valleys of our unconscious we have distorted them to such an extent that they have no reference at all to the origin any more.
  23. Problems exist through your ignorance, through your unconsciousness. Consciousness is the solution. 记住, I call it the SOLUTION. It has nothing to do with any particular problem. Every and all problems disappear through itit is THE SOLUTION.
  24. 就诸佛而言, 就我而言, 任何化学物质都无法获得意识. 无意识可以由化学品产生, 因为无意识是一种非常粗暴的行为, 较低的现象. 意识是成长的最高峰, 开放的, 回家的; 不可能通过化学品. 只有你不断提高你的智力才有可能; 如果你继续致力于你的见证灵魂; 如果你越来越多地见证你所做的一切, 你想的一切, 你所感受到的一切. 如果你很不幸 — 每个人都是 — 然后记住, 它只是表明你失去知觉.
  25. That is what sannyas is all about: making consciousness more and more the center of your being, and transforming more and more chunks of unconsciousness into consciousness, bringing more and more light into the inner darkness. A day comes when you are full of light; your whole being is conscious. Not even a corner of your being has any darkness about itall is known and experienced through and through. You are well acquainted with yourself, totally acquainted with yourself; then whatsoever you do, Prem Murti, is right. Right is the flowering of consciousness, and wrong the flowering of unconsciousness.
  26. 如果你的生活充满冥想, 意识, 见证, 那么你也将能够见证死亡. 如果你的一生都保持冷静, 以不同情况为中心, 死亡会给你终极挑战, 终极考验. 如果你能保持居中, 平静而冷静地看着, 那么你就不会无意识地死去, 你的死亡将把你带到意识的终极巅峰. 进而, 当然, 它必须庆祝. So whenever one of my sannyasins dies, we celebrate, we dance, we sing. We give him a good farewell.
  27. 真相很简单, 而且因为它很简单,所以你不看它. 你将不得不学习, 你必须意识到, 真理的简单明了. 没有别的了. 简直就是这个: 意识是幸福的, 无意识是痛苦的.