- Unless you become aware, 思绪会继续.
- 一个宗教组织得越好, 它成为宗教的可能性越小.
- 当喜悦在心中, 当寂静在里面, 和平围绕着你, grace surrounds you, God surrounds you….
- 爱 is not for some invisible God. Love is for the visible — human beings, animals, trees, 海洋, mountains. Spread your wings of love as far and wide as you can.
- Every moment is full of danger and full of ecstasy. If you can use it for awareness and watchfulness, it becomes a great ecstasy, the juiciest experience of life. But if you are not aware, some moment, some day, you are going to die…
- 被白痴尊重就得按照他们的方式行事, 他们的期望. 要被这个病态的人类尊重,你必须比他们更病态. 然后他们会尊重你. 但是你会得到什么? 你将失去你的灵魂,你将一无所获.
- 桑雅生不是放弃, 这是一种完整而强烈的生活方式. 它是全方位生活的艺术, 这是丰富多彩的生活方式. 这不是门徒的旧观念. 我不是在创造僧尼 — no, not at all. 我正在创造活着的人, 充满活力的, 脉动, 热情的人, 年轻清新, 准备好进行任何冒险以寻找真相, 寻找爱情, 寻找上帝.
- Everybody is really lost. Very few people have reached their home. But your pilgrimage of finding your home should not be serious and sad and heavy; it should be of laughter and song and dance. If you can find your home dancing, laughing, it is true finding. By sadness and seriousness you are bound to find some graveyard, not your home. We need people who are seekers but not serious. That kind of seeking, serious and sad, has not led man anywhere.
- Always remember that peace is not the goal. The goal is ecstasy. Unless you can dance, unless you can abandon yourself in dance, unless your dance can become a deep orgasm, unless you can bloom, don’t stop yourself somewhere in the middle of the journey.
- There is only one statement in the whole Holy Bible which I am not against. The statement is, “God can forgive everything, but not despair.” Whoever wrote it must have been a man of immense understanding. God cannot forgive only one thing, and that is despair. But everybody is living in despair — God or no God, despair is a reality. It is self-destruction. If you love your child, you will make him rejoice, laugh, 请享用, 舞蹈. But just the opposite is being done.
- I am trying to remind you that when you are full of blessings inside, all your questions will disappear — not answered, 消失; dissolved, not solved. And being in that state of no questioning, no doubting, no belief but utterly fulfilled, 满足, knowing happens.
I am not against anyone in the whole world, for the simple reason that I have no vested interest in anything at all, not even in my own life. My purpose is fulfilled. If I die this very moment, there will be no complaint, because I will not be leaving anything incomplete. Enmity arises when somebody hinders you in your ambition. But I don’t have any ambition.
OSHO a man who went beyond words and thoughts