它永远不想在这里, 奥修对自杀的说法和见解

Osho Quotes and Insights on Suicide

  1. To feel that life is utterly meaningless is to be on a crossroads: either you choose suicide or you choose sannyas; either you choose madness or you choose meditation. It is a great turning-point!
  2. Suicide leads nowhere, it simply enters your consciousness into another womb of a lower kind, because you could not manage to live on a higher level.
  3. What are you going to gain out of suicide? Why this constant thinking about it? You will be born into another womb and will again start the same cycle.
  4. The suicide rate is four times more than it is in the East. And in the East, people commit suicide because of hunger, starvation; you have to be compassionate towards them. In the West people commit suicide because they have everything, and they feel life is meaningless. They have all the money, they have all that money can purchasebut there are a few things which money cannot purchase. They cannot purchase silence, they cannot purchase joy, they cannot purchase love, they cannot purchase meditation.
  5. Love is a basic need. You can escape from the world, but you will still need food. You can escape from the world; that doesn’t mean that now there is no need for food. And love is food for the soul, just as food is food for the body. One cannot avoid love. If one avoids love one is avoiding life. To avoid love means to commit suicide.
  6. 人们自杀不是因为他们真的结束了生活,而是因为生活没有满足他们的要求. 但没有生命能满足任何人的要求. 你总是会继续错过一些东西或其他: 如果你有钱, 你可能不漂亮; 如果你很漂亮, 你可能不聪明; 如果你聪明, 你可能没有钱.
  7. Meaning is of the head, and if you go on searching through the head you will come to the same conclusions as Jean-Paul Sartre and other existentialist philosophers. They say, “Life is meaningless. The only thing worth doing is committing suicide, because why go on living a meaningless life?” Life is certainly meaningless, but tremendously joyful, hilarious… 一支舞, 一首歌, a beauty. But you will have to change your gears from the head to the heart.
  8. Unless the heart center starts functioning again man will not be capable of love, and the whole misery of modern life is because unless he loves he cannot feel any meaning in his life. Life looks meaningless. Love gives it meaning; love is the only meaning. Unless you are capable of love you will be meaningless, and you will feel that you are existing without any meaning, futilely, and suicide will become attractive. Then you will like to kill yourself, to finish with yourself, to end, because what is the use of existing?
  9. Man’s creativity is fulfilled only when paradise is created inside. One can paint beautiful pictures and yet may live in hell. Van Gogh painted beautiful pictures and committed suicide; he lived constantly in hell. Many poets, like Mayakovsky and others, have written beautiful poems but committed suicide. Life must have been horrible. Their poetry was only superficial; their being could not become poetry. Great philosophers have gone mad, committed suicide, like Friedrich Nietzsche. Their philosophical understanding did not help. Only one thing is helpful: that I call love. Love infinitely. Love without any miserliness, because it is not a treasure that is exhaustible. In fact the more you give it, the more you have it. It is one of the most fundamental paradoxes of life: keep it, and you lose it; give it, and you have it.
  10. The most vital thing in existence is attention. If no one loves you, you start withering away. If no one pays attention to you, death settles in. You want to die. If someone pays attention to you, you become alive again. Attention is life, elan vital. If no one loves you, you will commit suicide, because you are not capable of loving yourself. If you were capable of loving yourself, if you were capable of giving attention to yourself, you would not need anyone else’s attention. A Buddha can live alone on this earth. 你不能. If you are alone, you will immediately commit suicide. 你会说, “What is the use? Why should I live? Who will love me? Whom shall I love?”
  11. That’s the point Buddha would like you to reach. Where you start thinking of suicide, only there is sannyas possiblenot before it. When you think the whole life is meaningless, only then does your energy start being concentrated on one pointthat now some other meaning has to be searched for. “这一生失败了, in toto. Now another life has to be searched for. I have lived outside myself and seen it is all sadness and agony. Now I have to turn inwardsa one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn.
  12. The spiritual suicide means that a man has come to understand that not only THIS life is futile, but life as such is futile. Then he starts thinking of how to get rid of being born again and again, how to get rid of getting into the tunnel of the body and of being confined and encased; then he starts thinking of how to remain absolutely free without any form. This is what moksha is, this is what liberation isor you can call it salvation.
  13. It is a very critical moment in the history of life. Either we will settle for this hopelessnessthen only suicide is the wayor we will try to find out another way of reaching to higher planes. Not just by jumping but by creating the ladder. I call that ladder meditation.
  14. Meditation can make you inwardly rich. Then suicide is out of the question; even if you want to destroy yourself, 没有办法. Your being is indestructible. And to know this immortality is a great freedomfrom death, from disease, from old age. All those things will come and go, but you remain untouched, unscratched. Your inner health is beyond any sickness. And it is there, just to be discovered.
  15. People think that those who commit suicide are against lifethey are not. They are too lusty for life, they have great lust for life; and because life is not fulfilling their lust, 愤怒中, in despair, they destroy themselves.
  16. You get the womb that is right for you. And dying in suicide is dying in such anguish, because it is one of the most unnatural things to do, most abnormal things to do. No animal commits suicide, no tree ever commits suicideonly man. Only man can go that insane. Nature knows nothing of suicide; it is man’s invention. It is the most ugly act. And when you do something ugly to yourself you cannot hope that you will get a better life. 你会在丑陋的精神状态中死去,你会进入一个更丑陋的子宫.
  17. Love is the ultimate in suicide. All other suicides are small suicides. Somebody commits suicide; that is only physical. Love is psychological suicide and meditation is spiritual suicide. In love you die psychologically, you drop the psychological ego, and in meditation you drop the very idea of the self, even of the supreme self. You become a nothingnessand in that nothingness blooms the white lotus of a Buddha
  18. 桑雅生是真正的自杀, 因为它破坏了思想, 它带你超越头脑. 如果你超越了头脑,你就不会重生. 为什么要重生? 为什么要在这个恶性循环中继续下去? 我知道你厌倦了生活. 如果你真的很无聊, 那么冥想就是方法, 不是自杀 — 因为自杀会让你过同样的生活, 也许比你现在的生活更丑陋, 因为自杀会在你身上制造它自己的丑陋. 自杀是对上帝的忘恩负义. 他给你生命作为成长的机会, 而你放弃了机会.
  19. 冥想是内在转化的方法. 当自杀和冥想仍然是仅有的两种选择,别无选择 — 要么毁掉你自己,因为你的整个生命毫无意义, 或将自己转变为一个新的存在层面 — 一个人必须在自杀和冥想之间做出选择.
  20. 一时自杀是不行的,一时容易上当受骗, 你可能在幻觉中. 如果你服用毒药, 它可以在一个瞬间完成. 我觉得自杀的人如果耽误片刻, 他们永远不会这样做; 如果耽误片刻, 他们会改变主意. 他们在一种疯狂中自杀. 他们受够了, 他们一下子就搞定了, 他们没有任何机会反悔自己的决定. 没时间了. 他们跳. 他们可能会在海里受苦,他们可能会哭啊哭啊喊啊, '救救我!’ 但现在为时已晚. 他们整个人都想起死回生. 很快他们就会回到子宫里. 这不是自杀, 暂时的自杀不是自杀. 你会再次回到另一个子宫, 和, 比那更糟, 自杀将萦绕在你身边, 它将成为业力. 它会像一个黑影, 你脸上的阴郁, 在你身边. 你将在死亡笼罩的生命中前行. 那可不好.
  21. One basic thing about suicide is that it arises only in people who are clinging very much to life. And when they fail in their clinging, the mind moves to the opposite pole. The function of the mind is of either/or: either it wants the whole, or none of it. The lust for life cannot be fulfilled totally, because life as such is a temporal thing; it is bound to end at a point, just as it began one day at a point. 你不能只有开头的一行; 某处或其他地方一定会有尽头. 所以自杀的人并不是反对生命; 它只是看起来如此. 他们想要完整的生活, 他们想把它全部拿走, 当他们失败时 — 他们注定会失败 — 然后出于沮丧, 出于失败, 他们开始想到死亡. 那么自杀是唯一的选择. 他们不会满足于生活给他们的任何东西; 他们想要越来越多. 生命短暂, 对越来越多的渴望的系列是无限的, 所以失败是肯定的. 总有一天,他们会觉得自己被生活欺骗了. 没有人在欺骗他们 — 他们欺骗了自己. 他们要求太多了, 他们只是问, they have not been giving anything, not even gratefulness. In anger, in rage, in revenge the pendulum of the mind moves to the other endstill they do not know with whom they are taking the revenge. They are killing themselves: it does not destroy life, it does not destroy existence.
  22. People who commit suicide don’t want to commit suicide. 他们自杀是因为他们对生活期望太多而得不到. 失败是如此之大, 可耻地生活变得困难. 他们自杀而不是反抗生命; 他们自杀是因为他们无法学会生活的艺术. 他们希望生活成为一个伟大的祝福, 这是一个拖累. 天生就知道如何生活,这似乎是全世界的谬论. This is not right. 出生是一回事. 了解生活的艺术和充分地生活是完全不同的. 出生只是一个机会 — 你可以成功或毁掉它. 出生不等于生命. 几乎每个人都认为出生等同于生命; 所以势必成为拖累 — 只是呼吸, 每天吃, 去睡觉, 早上醒来, 去同一个办公室, 相同的文件和相同的例程. 对于白痴来说,这完全没问题, 但对于任何有智慧的人来说,它必然会成为拖累. 因为他能看到 — 有什么意义? 我到底为什么活着? 如果明天又是今天的重复, 因为今天是昨天的重复, then why go on living? 不必要地重复同一个圆圈有什么意义, 同样的套路, 同样的事情? 但谬误在于你接受了一个错误的概念, 出生就是生命. 出生只是一个机会. Either you can learn to live a beautiful life or you can just drag yourself towards the graveyard.
  23. Watch people who think of committing suicide. They are not against life. 实际上, on the contrary, they are so attached to life that life cannot fulfill them. They take revenge, they complain. They murder, kill themselves, just to lodge a complaint against the whole existencethat it was not a fulfillment. They are grumbling; they are saying, “Life is not worth it.But why is life not worth living? They expected too much; that’s why it is not worth it. They asked too much; they never earned it. They asked too much and it was not delivered. They are frustrated.
  24. 通过自杀, 跳进河里, 或在海洋中, 或从山顶, 你可以摧毁你的身体部分. 但你的身体部分并不基本, 你的精神部分是基础. 你的精神部分承载着身体的蓝图. 你的思想会跳进另一个子宫,开始收集另一个身体部分. It will be born again. Suicide is useless. I am not against suicide because it is a crime. I am against suicide because it is futile, it is foolish. 这是愚蠢的. If you really want to commit suicide, then become a sannyasin. Then you will be destroying the mind, the deep blueprint for your future lives.
  25. When God is there, then creativity is simply a consequence of His presence, just His presence. You can attain to His presence through love or awareness, it doesn’t matter. How you annihilate yourself is irrelevant; the only thing is that you should be annihilated, that you should not be. Do it through love, that will do. How you commit suicide does not matter, with what kind of poison. Whether you jump from a cliff, or you lie down in front of a railway train, or you shoot yourself, or you hang yourself, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you should have committed the suicide of the ego: through love, 通过意识; through Yoga, through Tantra, Taoism, 禅, Sufism, Hassidism. It doesn’t matter; these are different ways of committing suicide. I don’t mean the physical, I mean the metaphysical. Once you are not there, all that is left is God.
  26. There is a deep desire in everyone to commit suicide for the simple reason, that life seems to be meaningless. People go on living, not because they love life, they go on living just because they are afraid to commit suicide. There is a desire to; and in many ways they do commit suicide. Monks and nuns have committed psychological suicide, they have renounced life. And these suicidal people have dominated humanity for centuries. They have condemned everything that is beautiful. They have praised something imaginary and they have condemned the real; the real is mundane and the imaginary is sacred. My whole effort here is to help you see that the real is sacred, that this very world is sacred, that this very life is divine. But the way to see it is first to enquire within. Unless you start feeling the source of light within yourself, you will not be able to see that light anywhere else. First it has to be experienced within one’s own being, then it is found everywhere. Then the whole existence becomes so full of light, so full of joy, so full of meaning and poetry, that each moment one feels grateful for all that god has given, for all that he goes on giving. Sannyas is simply a decision to turn in, to look in. The most primary thing is to find your own center. Once it is found, once you are centered, once you are bathed in your own light you have a different vision, a different perspective, and the whole of life becomes golden. Then even dust is divine. Then life is so rich, so abundantly rich that one can only feel a tremendous gratitude towards existence. That gratitude becomes prayer. 在那之前, all prayer is false.