觉知的方法 “I am not the body, I am not the mind” 这就是冥想的意义所在. Watch, 观察你的身体行走, 坐着, 躺着, 你将能够看到你是观察者, 不是身体. 在愤怒中观察你的心, 在仇恨中, 恋爱, 贪婪地, 痛苦中, in joy, 有一天你会意识到你不是头脑中发生的这些事情; 你是观察者. 慢慢地 慢慢地 观察者变得结晶. 那是灵魂的诞生. 那一天你真的诞生了, 那一天你真正的生活开始了. 从那一刻起,上帝对你来说就是一个现实, 和唯一的现实.
人生活在无意识中. 他像机器人一样生活. 他存在的主要部分是在黑暗中; just a little bit has come out of the darkness, 试图向别人隐藏自己 — and that too is very fragile. At any moment it goes back again into darkness. Somebody insults you and you lose your consciousness. It is very fragile. You become unconscious, you start behaving in an unconscious way, and later on you yourself recognise it. You wonder ‘How did I do all this?’ You start saying ‘It happened in spite of me. I never wanted to do it.’ People have done things in anger which only insane people can do — and they were not insane, they were as sane as anybody else, but in anger they lose consciousness, in passion they lose consciousness. There are a thousand and one situations every day when we lose consciousness, so that small portion of consciousness is not very effective either. If one is alert about using it rightly the only purpose is to meditate with that small piece of consciousness that you have not, because through meditation more and more of the unconscious starts becoming conscious, more and more of your hidden darkness starts disappearing. Right now ninety per cent is unconscious, ten per cent is conscious. As you meditate, 这种力量是神圣的, fifteen per cont becomes conscious, twenty per cent becomes conscious. The moment there is at least fifty per cent of consciousness and fifty per cent of unconsciousness, then you can rely upon your consciousness because now there is a balance; the unconscious cannot easily take over.
多谢. 它无语 . .
奥修, 你从未出生, 从未死去, 你来到这个地球只是为了带上你那些谨慎的同胞, 我和你在一起.
奥修就是奥修…无与伦比的 !!
他处理每个问题的方式令人惊叹, 每一种情况.
谢谢奥修, 因为你给了我所有的力量.