- 爱 makes you more of an individual. 它不会抹杀你的个性, 它给你个性, 它给你独特性. 爱是很尊重的.
- In 性别, 呼吸混乱. 恋爱, the breathing is musical. In prayer, it almost stops.
- As your silence and joy deepen, you start feeling that there is no death for you.
- 恋爱, drop the object. 在冥想中, don’t meditate upon somebody or something — drop the object.
- Meditation begins only when there is nothing to meditate upon, when there is simply consciousness — you are aware — but you are not concentrating on anything.
- Meditation begins only when there is nothing to meditate upon, when there is simply consciousness — you are aware — but you are not concentrating on anything.
- Become individuals, the first thing. The second thing: don’t expect perfection, and don’t ask and don’t demand. Love ordinary people . Nothing is wrong with ordinary people. Ordinary people are extraordinary. Each human being is so unique. Have respect for that uniqueness.
- Your continuous habit of judging is nothing but an effort to put everybody lower than you. When you criticize something, when you judge someone, you have already taken a higher position. You don’t know the other person. You don’t know his life story, you may have known a little fragment. On that fragment, you judge the whole life of a man — unashamedly.
- My people have to be aware and alert not to pass on any sickness which they may have received from the past generation. Let this be the dead end. Don’t pass it to the new generation. Let the new people grow — the new earth, the new man.
- Each act brings its reward or punishment immediately. Try to be a little aware, and out of your awareness let things happen and see: you are so full of joy, 没原因 — just because you have removed a stone which was lying on the street and may have hurt somebody, may have caused an accident. No religious scripture tells you to do it. It is not one of the commandments, but your alertness, your humanness, feels in the moment to remove it.
- 虔诚的人没有自卑感. 只有虔诚的人没有自卑感,因为他从不比较, 没有比较,你就不会高人一等或低人一等. 所以宗教人士既不高人一等也不低人一等; 他就是他自己. 他接受上帝创造他的方式,他享受上帝创造他的方式. 他非常开心. 只因为他是, 他很感激. 他的每一刻都是感激之情. 他不想成为别人, 他心满意足. He knows he is unique — neither inferior nor superior. 他知道每个人都是独一无二的, 因为两个人不一样.
- My sannyas does not mean renunciation, it means rejoicing — rejoicing in this beautiful world, rejoicing with totality, 强度, 意识, 同情, 爱, of all that existence has provided for you without any guilt, without any sin. All ideas about guilt and sin are created to exploit you.
rational views.