- 没有必要选择. 为什么不无选择地生活?
- 你太弱了, 不是因为别人强, 你是软弱的,因为你充满了太多的欲望.
- 我的信息很简单: 实时警报, and live spontaneously, and live totally.
- When love comes through an aware consciousness it is just a pure gift with no condition, and the person who is giving it is happy because he is giving it. The very act of giving is his bliss, his ecstasy.
- Thinking too much is non-meditative. Thinking less and less you become more and more meditative. The moment thinking ceases, you are in meditation.
- My people have no ambitions. They rejoice without any reason. They dance and sing — they don’t need any cause for dancing and singing, dance in itself is cause enough. We have to spread this red belt of energy around the earth. This is the only protection for humanity and life on the earth.
- The creative person is always leaving the known behind and moving into the unknown. To repeat somebody else is nothing but pretending, cheating, deceiving. It is beautiful to know Christ, it is beautiful to love Buddha, it is beautiful to understand Lao Tzu, but it is ugly, humiliating to repeat them, to be imitators.
- The whole message is to get beyond the mind and then everything is crystal clear. Then you don’t ask any questions. You simply act out of your clarity, out of your transparent vision. And each of your acts has a beauty — tremendous beauty of its own. It has a grace. And it has a power of blessings to shower over the whole world.
- The mind always wants to go on and on, because that is its very lifeblood. Stopping, even for a single moment, the mind dies. And the death of the mind is the birth of you. While the mind has power over you, you are not born yet.
- 小心! 变得越来越重要,越来越少偶然. Always remember: 只有永恒的才是真实的; 只有那将永远存在的才是真实的. 瞬间的东西是不真实的. 瞬间必须被观察而不是被认同.
- My whole effort here is to help you towards self-knowledge. It does not need time; it needs intensity, 诚意. It needs commitment. It needs a tremendous effort to go in.
- Just learn to be aware in all situations. Make a point of using every situation for awareness.
Damn Fucker
The words carry weight. One needs to understand the depth of words. These words might happen to come out with great power of silence. ADORABLE.