

  1. Go beyond the past and the future and you will go beyond anxiety. 没有焦虑的生活是唯一的生活方式. 生活在焦虑中的人简直就是在死去, not living. They are on their deathbed already; missing that which is and wasting time on that which is not. There cannot be anything more foolish than this.
  2. If you start celebrating everything you become a real worshiper. And you need not believe in anything; you need not go to any church or temple. Wherever you are, whatsoever you are doing becomes your prayer, becomes your meditation, becomes your sadhana, your discipline.
  3. Just be totally here and allow me to reach the innermost core of your being. Don’t resist, don’t come in the way. Don’t stand between me and you. Remove yourself, and then things start happening so easily, without any effort. And when things happen without any effort they have a tremendous beauty, just like a bud opening and becoming a flower.
  4. To be a sannyasin is to be a farmer, sowing seeds of bliss, 真相, 喜悦, celebration. And not only sowing seedshelping them to grow, nourishing them, watering them. And one day the moment certainly comes when one can reap the crop. That moment is called God. That moment of reaping the crop of bliss is itself God. God is not a person but that experience, that experience of utter bliss and ecstasy that one is totally drowned in, 永远失去, gone beyond the point of no return.
  5. Meditation is not something external, it is not something that has to be added to you from the outside. It is not extrinsic, it is intrinsic. It is your own nature functioning in deep inner harmony. One can function as a chaos, one can also function as a cosmos. One can function as a crowd, as a marketplacefull of noise. One can function as tremendously beautiful music, as a silent shrine in the mountains. It all depends on how you enter into your being.
  6. To me a sannyasin should become more and more aware of all that surrounds him, all that is within and without. And the more you ar aware, the more you will be ready to dance out of sheer joy, out of sheer gratitude, out of thankfulness to the whole.
  7. To be a sannyasin means a great work in the inner world. It is the beginning of a new life. And much has to be done. It is arduous; it is an uphill task. But it is worth it because when you reach the Sunlit peaks then you know that whatsoever you have done is nothing compared to what you have gained.
  8. Start taking risks, because the heart grows only through risk. The head is a coward, the heart is courageous. It can even go into the mouth of death laughing and singing and dancing. The head is so cowardly that it cannot even go into life dancing, singing and laughing. Even in life it remains so-so, 温, always afraid. It always keeps itself at a distance from everything so that if something goes wrong it can escape. It is the heart that jumps into the centre of things, and in the centre of things is God. It is not on the periphery.
  9. 冥想是终极的音乐. 它是不是由任何乐器创作的音乐, 是在你的沉默中升起的音乐. 这是寂静的声音. 当所有的噪音都消失了,那是和声. 当拥有成千上万种声音的头脑消失了,你的内心空间完全空了, 沉默的, still, that stillness itself has a tremendous 音乐 对它. 所有的创造力都源于音乐, 真正的创造力.
  10. Truth is a happening. All that is needed on our part~is an opening towards it. And we are very closed. Our religions make us closed, our ideologies make us closed, our belief systems make us closed. Without knowing anything of truth we have gathered too much rubbish about truth. And one can go on collecting great information about truth, that is not going to help. To know about truth is not to know truth.
  11. By becoming a sannyasin you are dropping out of the crowd mind, you are becoming an individual. 现在, from this moment inwards you will be living the life of a rebel, but it is a joy, it is an ecstasy to be rebellious. Only the rebellious people know what life is, only the rebellious know what god is, because god is the very centre of life. In fact life and god are synonymous.
  12. God comes one day and takes you unawares, but he comes only when there is absolute 喜悦. In that absolute joy you are in tune, bridged. That is the orgasm that hindus have called samadhi: the drop has fallen back into the ocean.
  13. Relax and start enjoying things here; don’t remain in the head. You come closer to me if you come into your heart; you remain far away if you remain in the head. Two heads can be very close? but they can never be really close. Physically they can be close but spiritually they are worlds apart.
  14. My work here consists in helping you to cleanse your mirror. Mind is only dust and meditation is the mirror.
  15. Misery is rooted in our robot-like behavior; it arises out of our unconsciousness. You become angry because you are unconscious; if you are conscious, to be angry is so stupidit is impossible to get into it. One can get into it only unconsciously; hence even unconscious people later on repent.
  16. Meditation simply means transforming your unconsciousness into consciousness. Normally only one-tenth of our mind is conscious, nine-tenth is unconscious. Just a little part of our mind, a thin layer has light; otherwise the whole house is in darkness. And sannyas is a challenge to grow that small light so much that the whole house is flooded with light, so that not even a nook or corner is left in darkness. And then the whole house is full of light, then life is a miracle; it has the quality of magic. Then it is no more ordinaryeverything becomes extraordinary. The mundane is transformed into the sacred and the small things of life start having such tremendous significance that one would not have ever imagined: ordinary stones look as beautiful as diamonds, the whole existence becomes illuminated. The moment you are illuminated the whole existence is illuminated. If you are dark then the whole existence is dark. It all depends on you. You will find only yourself reflected in thousands of ways in existence; in people’s eyes, in the stars, 在河流中, in the mountains, 在树上, in the flowers, you will find yourself reflected. If you are full of darkness then you will not find light anywhere.