不要看社会和它的谴责. 没有人在这里评判你,也没有人可以假装自己是评判者. 不要评判别人,不要被别人打扰和打扰’ 判断. You are alone and you are unique. You never were before, you never will be again. You are beautiful. 接受它. And whatsoever happens, allow it to happen and pass through it.
Love should be the only law between two human beings if they decide to live together; only joy should be their binding force.
Loyalty brings slavery.
不要寻求上帝. Seek fulfillment and you will find God. Seek God, forget fulfillment, and you will not find God. God cannot come like an accident, God can come as an inner growth. It is something that happens in your innermost core.
Be in the present. Live moment to moment. Don’t allow the past to interfere, and don’t allow the future to cloud your vision. Let the present moment be crystal clear. Enter into it with the body, with the soul. Enter into it as a unity of body and soul. Enter into it not as body or AS soul but as a unity.
Be authentic and true.
My vision of a good world is that people will be individuals, meeting with others, sharing their joy, their love, unconditionally. And not expecting that tomorrow also will be the same — they will remain aware of the constantly changing existence.
In life, you go on compromising without knowing, not only with the society but even with your family. Even the people you love demand compromise. Nobody likes the individual; everybody wants to overpower you, to dominate you.
Religiousness is your gratefulness towards existence.
Impatience is a disturbance in your meditation. Learn to wait. Be patient and trust that existence will give you whatever you are ready for. All that you have to do is to go on deeper in meditation, beyond mind into silence. No thoughts, no emotions, no moods, just a silent watchfulness and waiting for whatever existence finds you ready for.
A sannyasin will have a certain fragrance, a certain style, a certain way which is subtle; it may not be very apparent to the eyes, but it can be detected. I would like you to be known as separate from the crowds, not by your clothes not by anything outer, but just by your very being — 你的沉默, 你的平安, your love, your eyes. Every gesture of you should declare that you are a sannyasin.