

  1. Sannyas means to be with a living master. 它需要勇气,因为它会改变你. 这不是儿戏. It is risky, 这不是游戏.
  2. My message contains only one single word: 爱. So if by becoming a sannyasin you become more loving, 够了. Then everything will be taken care of.
  3. 冥想必须变得像你的呼吸. 无论你在做什么, 你在呼吸; 这不是一个单独的动作. 只有这样你才会饱和, 在你生命的每一根纤维中, 沉思.
  4. You cannot know yourself completely unless bliss is known, because a person who is not blissful will go on escaping from himself. Our whole life is an escape from ourselves. Others are significant to us because they help us to escape. That is why we are all other-oriented. Even if one becomes religious, he creates God as the other. He becomes other-oriented again; the same fallacy is repeated.
  5. With our deep 冥想 and gratitude for existence, it is possible that this earth can remain growing with more consciousness, with more flowers; it can become a lotus paradise.
  6. If somebody wants to learn the art of living, he will have to forget all religious scriptures, all doctrines which teach nothing but anti-life attitudes, which are in the service of death, not in the service of life. I want my people, the first people in the world, to have a life-affirmative religiousness.
  7. To me the religious man, the religious consciousness, is nothing but a deep reverence for life itself, because there is no God beyond life, there is no paradise beyond consciousness. Violence is a violation of both life and consciousnessit is destructive.
  8. is pure meditation. It has nothing to do with hell, heaven, 上帝. 耶稣’ miracles, it has nothing to do with. It does not even talk about any of these things.
  9. Friendliness is freedomyou are not dependent on anybody. Friendship is objective, and friendliness is your love shared unconditionally with the whole existence. They don’t mean the same thing. Friendship can become any moment its oppositethe so-called friend can turn into your enemy. But friendliness has no particular address. It is not for anybody, it is for the whole existence. It can never turn into its opposite.
  10. 桑雅生不是放弃, 这是一种完整而强烈的生活方式. 它是全方位生活的艺术, 这是丰富多彩的生活方式. 这不是门徒的旧观念. 我不是在创造僧尼 — no, not at all. 我正在创造活着的人, 充满活力的, 脉动, 热情的人, 年轻清新, 准备好进行任何冒险以寻找真相, 寻找爱情, 寻找上帝.
  11. 爱, and love more deeply. Suffer, and suffer more deeply. Love totally and suffer totally, because this is how the impure gold passes through fire and becomes pure gold.