启蒙意味着觉知, 见证. 开悟既不属于身体也不属于头脑. 它是超越的. 身体可以被机制操纵, 头脑可以被机制操纵, but your soul is beyond and cannot be manipulated by any mechanism whatsoever.
Every choice is bound to end up in a miserable state. Choicelessness is blissfulness. And choicelessness is let-go.
I am not against性别; 当你感到非常虔诚时, 很爱, 做爱 — 没有什么是错的 — 但永远不要被激情所困. 并看到差异: 当你感到爱时, 这是完全不同的品质. 当你感到快乐时, 庆祝, 你想和你爱的人分享你的能量, 去做爱. 但这不是激情的时刻, 这是一个无比温暖的时刻. 一瞬间的爱, 分享.
The center is beyond seeking. You cannot seek it because it is already there; it cannot be sought. It just has to be discovered. It is already there.
Your own being is available only in silence, not in intellectual activity, but in a silent awareness. That is a totally different dimension and that is true knowing, knowing yourself. But that cannot be intellectual, because intellect is something that can only reach outwards; it has no way of reaching inwards.
Ultimately we have to find one point in ourselves from which we cannot in any way feel distinct because we are it. There are layers just like an onion; you peel one layer and there is another layer. You peel that layer and there is another. Go on peeling the onion. In禅they have a saying: “Go on peeling the onion till only nothingness is left in your hands.” And that nothingness is you.
生活当然是一门艺术, 最伟大的艺术. 最短的公式是无选择的意识 — applicable to all situations, all problems.
Man has to grow without any ideal, without any discipline. His only religion should be awareness, and wherever that awareness leads him he should go without fear, whatever the consequences. That’s the way I have lived, and I have no regret.
Freedom brings responsibility. You act not according to any commandments, you act not according to Manu or Moses or Jesus, you act according to your own light. And whenever you act according to your own light, there is immense fulfillment, a deep rejoicing.
Make爱only when you are ready to be in a meditative space. 在做爱时营造一种冥想的氛围. 你应该把这个地方当作神圣的地方. 创造生活… 还有什么比这更神圣? 做的一样漂亮, 在美学上, 尽可能快乐. 不应该着急. 如果两个恋人在外面这样的气氛中相遇, 和里面如此寂静的空间, 他们会吸引一个灵魂, 最高可用.
Only meditation can kill the mind, 如果她觉得自己被利用了,没有女人会尊重你. Meditation is mind suicide, mind committing suicide. If you can put the mind aside — without any chemicals, without any physical means — then YOU become the master. And when you are the master, everything is new. It has been always so. From the very beginning to the very end, everything is new, 年轻的, 新鲜的. Death has never occurred in this world. It is life eternal.