- 完全是任何求道者的基本要求, 对于任何寻求沉默和真相的人.
- 真相不能说, 不能写, 不能以任何方式表示. 如果可以说, you will attain to truth just by hearing it; if it can be written, you will attain to truth just by reading it; if it can be indicated, you will attain to truth by mere indication. This is not possible, there is no way to transfer truth to you; there exists no bridge. It cannot be given, it cannot be communicated.
- Truth cannot be delivered, there is no way to deliver it. Once delivered it is dead, it has already become untrue.
- The words of a buddha may not be able to communicate the truth, but they can communicate the music, the music that exists in one who is enlightened. They carry the melody, something of the source, a tiny part, a very tiny part, but something of the source. It should be so, because when a word comes out of a buddha it carries something of the buddha. 必须如此. The word has been vibrating in his being, it has been in touch with buddha’s heartbeat, it has passed through the buddha’s silence, it has been in the womb, the womb of the buddha. It carries the scent, the fragrance.
- They may not tell the truth but they can become a help, a step towards the truth.
- The truth cannot be conveyed, but the thirst can be given.
- ZEN BELIEVES that truth cannot be expressed by words, but it can be expressed by gestures, action. Something can be done about it. You cannot say it, but you can show it.
- 头脑, and mind’s hold on you, is the imprisonment. Get rid of the mind. The question is not how to know truth; the question is how to get rid of the mind, how to get rid of this constant ignoring, this ignorance; how to be just here naked, 悸动的, 流媒体, flowing, overflowing, and meeting the truth that has already been there, that has always been there.
- 真相是立竿见影的, 容光焕发, 现在这里. 并不是必须要发现真相 — 只有你必须意识到. 真相已经在这里.
- You can come to truth only when you are absolutely nude; when you have discarded all clothes, all philosophies, all theologies, all religions; when you have dropped all that has been given to you; when you come empty-handed, not knowing in any way. When you come with knowledge you come already corrupted. When you come in innocence, knowing that you don’t know, then the doors are open — then you will be able to know. Only that person who has no knowledge is capable of knowing.
- Let your knowing be there, but don’t allow it to become knowledge or character. The moment it is turning into knowledge, 放下它, empty your hands. Forget all about it. Move ahead! again like a child. Difficult, 我知道. Easy to say; difficult to be that way — but that is the only way you can attain to satchitanand — you can attain to truth, you can attain to consciousness, you can attain to bliss.
- Here you disappear and there everything is ready, everything that you ever sought, everything that you were seeking, every inquiry fulfilled. Here you dissolve and all answers disappear and all queries dissolve. Suddenly the truth is there. Your dissolution is the truth. Your ‘not being there’ is the Way. Your absence is the presence of God.
- The falsity of life is the first step towards truth. 自我是最伪造的代理人.
That’s what spirituality is really all about: to live death intensely, to live life intensely; to live both so passionately that nothing is left behind unlived, not even death. If you live life and death totally, you transcend. In that tremendous passion and intensity of life and death, you transcend duality, you transcend the dichotomy, you come to the One. That One is really the truth. 你可以称它为上帝, you can call it life, 你可以称之为真理, 三摩地, ecstasy, or whatsoever you choose.
- I cannot give you God, I cannot give you truth, I cannot give you your inner core, but I can take all the rubbish that has been heaped upon you. And once that rubbish is removed, God starts becoming alive in you. Once all the obstacles are removed, the spring of your life starts flowing, the innocence is regained. Innocence regained is paradise regained; you enter again into the Garden of Eden.
love it. i am desire to know more and more
help pls!what is he saying