

  1. The old sannyas used to be an initiation into something serious, 重的, 因为它在放弃这个世界. 我的门徒完全相反, 截然相反. 这是新门徒, a totally new vision of sannyas not of renunciation but of rejoicing, and not of the spirit of seriousness but of the spirit of festivity, of light-heartedness, of taking life as fun, 玩.
  2. I am not against your eating, drinking and merrying. I would like it to happen more deeply, more profoundly. But to give it that intensity, that totality, that profundity, that depthexcept meditation, 没有别的办法.
  3. Meditation needs you in your totality. Nothing less will do. If you withhold something, and just do it halfheartedly, it is better not to do it, because the whole effort is useless. You will be simply tired and nothing will happen.
  4. Enough is the moment unto itself. And that is the way of meditation: enough is the moment unto itself. Living the moment in its totality, in joy, diving deep into it without holding anything back, is bliss. Getting rid of all goalsworldly and other-worldly, material and spiritualone knows the taste of meditation. It is the taste of absolute freedom.
  5. Meditation helps us to be here and now. Meditation is the art of being here and now, the art of being in communion with reality, the art of getting out of the dead past and the unborn future.
  6. Remember only one thing, the only thing that makes the buddha, 那就是见证.
    见证 … you are not the body.
    见证 … 你不是头脑.
    见证 … you are not the seven subtle bodies inside you. You are only a witness, purely an awareness. This awareness will bring you the transformation, the truth, the beautyall the splendor of existence.
  7. Meditation has to become your very style of livingnot that you do it sometimes for twenty minutes: it has to enter into your ordinary life. It has to become like breathing.
  8. Creativity is one of the fundamentals of my sannyas. A sannyasin should not be uncreative.
  9. My sannyas knows only the presentthe now and the here.
  10. 每当你屈服于存在, 每当你生活在信任中, 爱, 祷告, 喜悦, 庆典, 你在天堂.
  11. The whole existence is in continuous celebration, just we have to drop our constant traffic of the mind, which goes on keeping us away from existence. It is far thicker than the China Wall, thousands and thousands of thoughts, 层层 — 梦想, 想像力, 情怀, 情绪, 情绪. They all constitute the mindand you are not the mind. That’s the fundamental finding of the East: 你不是头脑, you are no-mind. You are pure consciousness without any thoughts. Then everything is joy, then everything is blissfulness, then everything is a benediction.
  12. 放松, to make it completely clear that the body is separate, the mind is separate, you are only the witness. In life, in death, everywhere you are a witness. This witness never dies. It is your eternity. This is your buddha. 但他会变得无法爱 — you have only forgotten.
  13. 奥修关于“此时此地”的名言. 奥修关于“此时此地”的名言, 奥修关于“此时此地”的名言. 奥修关于“此时此地”的名言, 奥修关于“此时此地”的名言. 奥修关于“此时此地”的名言? 奥修关于“此时此地”的名言. 奥修关于“此时此地”的名言 — 奥修关于“此时此地”的名言, 奥修关于“此时此地”的名言… 奥修关于“此时此地”的名言, 奥修关于“此时此地”的名言. 奥修关于“此时此地”的名言, now.
  14. My words are just like nets thrown to catch fish. My message is wordless.
  15. My message of love is absolutely simple; nothing can be more simple than that. But your mind is very complex, very tricky. It makes simple things complicated. — that’s its work. And for centuries it has been trained for only one thing: to make things so complicated that your life becomes impossible.