奥修行情投降 – 投降意味着放弃自我


  1. The best way is to simply surrender to existence and allow it to take you wherever it takes you; 它从未将任何人带入任何错误的空间. 它总是带你回家.
  2. 当爱与信任相遇, 他们最终的副产品是投降. 你放松到主人, 进入他的存在, 没有拿着任何东西.
  3. To be my sannyasin certainly needs a certain commitment, a certain surrender. And I do not want you to be surrendered to me, or to be committed to me. I want you to be surrendered to nature, committed to existence. You need not be my sannyasin, you have just to be A sannyasinand that’s the only way of being my sannyasin.
  4. A real Master is not a teacher: a real Master is an awakener. His function is totally different from a teacher; his function is far more difficult. And only very few people can stay with a Master because to wake up after millions of lives is not an ordinary feat; it is a miracle. And to allow somebody to wake you up needs great trust, great surrender.
  5. The deeper you surrender to existence, life, 自然, the more loving, the more understanding, the more insightful you become; and that insight will bring you closer to me. You will find in me, indirectly, the state of total surrender, total trust.
  6. 投降意味着像一个优秀的游泳者在河里游泳一样生活. 生命是一条河流. 要么你可以战斗,要么你可以漂浮; 要么你可以推动河牌并尝试对抗c. 或者你可以随河漂流,去任何河流带你去的地方.
  7. 投降不是针对某人; 它只是一种生活方式. 上帝不需要屈服于. 有些宗教信仰上帝, 有些宗教不相信上帝, 但所有宗教都相信投降. 所以投降才是真正的神.
  8. 基督徒教导向上帝投降; 上帝只是投降的借口. 这是一个帮助, 因为你很难在没有任何对象的情况下投降. 对象只是一个借口,以便以上帝的名义投降. 佛教说只要投降 — 没有上帝. 你放松. 这不是某个对象的问题, 这是你自己主观性的问题. 放松, 不要打架. 接受.
  9. 信任只是表明你知道什么是爱. 不是上帝坐在天上的某个地方操纵和管理的概念. 信任不需要上帝, 无限的生命, 这个整体, 绰绰有余. 一旦你信任, 你放松. 放松就是投降.
  10. 生活中你总是在抗拒, 斗争, 即使和你的主人; 不投降, 或三心二意地投降 — 这意味着什么. 但是当你死去的时候, 投降更容易, 因为死亡和投降是同一个过程. 当整个身体濒临死亡, 你可以轻松投降. 打架很难, 抵抗是困难的. 你的抵抗力已经被打破, 你的身体正在进入放松状态; 这就是死亡.
  11. 投降就像爱. 这就是为什么我说只有恋人才能成为桑雅生 — 因为他们知道一点如何投降. 爱是迈向神圣的第一步, 投降是最后的. 两步就是全程.
  12. You have lived within many other commitments and you found they all became imprisonmentsbut your own ego can become the imprisonment. When you surrender to a nobody he cannot imprison you, and the very danger of your own, ego becoming an imprisonment for you also disappears. When you surrender to me you are not really surrendering to me, because I am not here. And I’m not enjoying your surrender at allwhether you surrender or not makes no difference to me. 实际上, when you surrender to me, you surrender yourself. You don’t surrender to me. You simply surrender your ego. I am just a device, an excuse. It will be difficult for you to go and surrender to the river, or to the sky, or to the starsit will be very difficult and you will look a little ridiculous. So I pretend to be here just to help you so that you don’t feel ridiculous. You can put you r ego here. There is nobody to receive it and nobody to be happy about it, but it helps.
  13. Man has nothing else to do but surrenderin deep trust, in deep love. Don’t be a doer, just surrender. Let there be a let-go.
  14. Your doing is not going to helpbecause by doing, you become more of a doer and the doer feeds the ego and the ego is the barrier between me and you. By non-doing you will come closer to me, not by doing. Not by will-power can you come closer to me, only by surrendering. Only when you recognise that nothing can be done, and you are helpless and you relax, suddenly you will find that you have come close to me. When you surrender you come close to me.
  15. What is surrender? 投降意味着放弃自我, surrender means surrendering all that you know. Surrender means surrendering your knowledge, 你的想法, your intellect. Surrender is a suicide, a suicide of the past.
  16. It is significant to have come to an understanding of what surrender or submission is. It is one of the keys, but people are very afraid to use itbecause if you surrender, submit, you are lost. It is death-like. It is as if one is committing suicide. So people go on doing other things and they call it submission, surrender.