奥修行情投降 – 在投降中,你的自我被抛弃


  1. 佛陀说的第一句话: 投降! 最基本的是: 屈服于现实. 你越战斗, 你越是和它冲突, 你越会制造障碍. 你越是与现实抗争, 你越是失败者. 当然, 通过战斗你可以达到自我, 你可以成为一个非常强大的自我, 但你的自我将成为障碍.
  2. 他们应该完全臣服于生命之河, 完全臣服于存在之河. 在深深的投降中, 自我消失. 当自我不存在时, 你第一次意识到一直存在的东西.
  3. 佛陀对弟子说: 每当你冥想, 每次冥想后, 放弃你从冥想中获得的一切, 把它交给宇宙. 如果你幸福, 倒回宇宙 — 不要把它当作宝藏. 如果你感觉很开心, 立即分享 — 不要执着于它, otherwise your meditation itself will become a new process of the self. And the ultimate meditation is not a process of self. The ultimate meditation is a process of getting more and more into un-self, into non-selfit is a disappearance of the self.
  4. 在东方, the concept of surrender has been developed very minutely, in details. But this example of a driftwood is almost perfect; you cannot improve upon it. 有时, sitting by the side of the river, watch timber flowing down. See how peacefully, how relaxed how very trusting the driftwood is. No doubt. If the river is going south, it must be good to go to the south. None of its own desire, no private goal — “the river’s goal is my goal.The river is already going towards the ocean. The river is going to dissolve into the vast infinity of the ocean. 如果你能臣服于它, 就足够了.
  5. 归于师父,臣服于师父,无非是入流. 大师是臣服于存在之河的人. 你很难看到存在的河流, 它非常隐形. 这不是物质, 这是非常无关紧要的. 很难把它握在手中, 但你站​​在佛的身边,至少你能握住佛的手.
  6. 成为门徒意味着准备好与师父一起漂浮. 如果你能和一个男人一起漂浮, 与大师, 你会开始享受, 你将开始庆祝 — 因为所有的焦虑都会消失, 所有的痛苦都会消失. 然后你就会准备好完全投降.
  7. 找出一个你在场的人,你觉得发生了什么事. Find out a person in whose presence you feel a fragrance of the Divine, in whose presence you feel a coolness, in whose presence you feel love, 同情, in whose presence you feel a silenceunknown, unexperienced, but it surrounds you, overwhelms you. Then surrender to that person. 然后, 渐渐地, he will bring you to the point where surrender will not be neededyou will realise your own innermost core of being, you will become an Arhat. The Arhat is the final stage of enlightenment.
  8. Disobedience is needed to become obedient. Rebellion is needed to know what surrender is. Ego is needed to become egoless. Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. 但他会变得无法爱, and never be afraid of the forbidden. The forbidden is the path. Go into it! Go courageously. Go totallyso that you can finish the attraction. And you are not going to find anything in it. 你会从中空出来 — 这将是一次很棒的经历, 非常成熟. 罪永远无法实现, 那为什么要害怕?
  9. 投降不是推卸责任. 投降只是表示信任, 你信任这个人. 现在无论他要说什么, 你要做. 投降是伟大努力的开始! 投降是伟大旅程的开始. 投降正在进入溪流. 当你向我投降, 你只是向我投降,这样我就可以让你成为你自己. 你以自己的方式尝试过,但失败了. 您尝试并关注了很多人,但您失败了 — 因为那些人​​对你并不真正感兴趣; 他们对自己的想法感兴趣. 有人试图让你成为基督徒. 有人试图让你成为印度教徒. 有人试图把你变成伊斯兰教徒. 他们对自己的方式感兴趣. 他们有自己的想法要强加给你. 你是受害者. 与我一起, 我不是想让你成为基督徒、印度教徒、耆那教徒或佛教徒 — 我只是想让你成为你自己, 你注定要成为, 上帝希望你成为.
  10. 除非欲望消失, 除非希望被放弃, 它不会发生. 投降只有在欲望的时候才会发生, the hope, 消失. 完全放弃它发生.
  11. 降服是上天赐予的礼物. 当你完全不在的时候, 不做也不做, it happens. 但这与你无关, 所以你可以完全忘记它. 你只是做你平常的事: 吃, 睡觉, 它永远不想在这里, 舞蹈, 唱歌, 爱 — 你做你平常的事,你就忘记了投降. One day, 突然, 它在那里. 做平凡的生活, 不等待任何不寻常的事情发生, 不等待奇迹, 有一天它在那里. It is simply there. 一天早上你起来,它就在那里 — 你的整个房间都充满了祝福. 在那之后, 你不能失去它; 没有办法失去它. Because, really, 在投降中,实际发生的是你自己的本性开花了. 但这是上天赐予的礼物. 甚至不为它祈祷, 因为在你的祈祷中也会有渴望.
  12. 问题不在外面的某个地方; 问题是你的自我. 你必须从自我中拯救出来. 问题是人自己; 人必须从人自己手中被拯救出来. 敌人不在外面, 敌人在里面. 投降时,你放弃了那个敌人. 就在那坠落中,内心的黑暗消失了. 不是你投降,我会做点什么; 记住, 没有人可以做任何事. 当你投降, 在那个投降中,发生了一些事情,你的内心之光开始燃烧, 你内心的光芒开始变得清晰. 云消失. 不是通过你的投降我会对你做些什么; 你通过投降对你做某事. I am just an excuse. 这必须理解.
  13. 不要为了不负任何责任而向我投降. 不要贪婪地向我投降. 不要向我投降,以为现在我会做点什么. 没有人可以对你做任何事: 那是你完全的自由, 没有人可以干涉. I am just an excuse. 没有我你很难投降. 除此以外, 你可以去,你可以向天空投降; 同样会发生. 你可以去,你可以臣服于佛像,同样的事情也会发生. You can go to a mosque where there is no statue and surrender, and the same will happen. These are all excuses. Whichever excuse you like best you can dobut surrender you have to do. 在投降中,你的自我被抛弃. Your ego is your ignorance, your ego is your darkness, your ego is your prison.
  14. 按说, you think people who surrender are weaklingsyou are wrong. Only very strong people can surrender, surrender needs strength, great strength. If you surrender out of weakness, your surrender is meaningless, impotent. If you surrender out of strength, then your surrender has meaning, significance. At the sixth center, when will comes to its ultimate focusing, surrender is possible. Out of will is created surrender: out of man, God created woman.
  15. Surrender simply means an understanding: Enough of this “总有现在” — now I drop it. The moment you drop “总有现在”, 你已经放弃了社会强迫你经历的整个催眠. 放下自我的那一刻, 你已经放弃了状态, the religion, the church, 那么事情就会解决, the parents, 学校, 大学, the civilization, the culture: 你已经放弃了所有的条件. 然后突然间,你会看到一股巨大的幸福在你身上升起. 它在那里, 等待 — 只需卸下重量, 春天可以再次流动.
找出一个你在场的人,你觉得发生了什么事. Find out a person in whose presence you feel a fragrance of the Divine, in whose presence you feel a coolness, in whose presence you feel love, 同情, in whose presence you feel a silenceunknown, unexperienced, but it surrounds you, overwhelms you. Then surrender to that person. 然后, 渐渐地, he will bring you to the point where surrender will not be neededyou will realise your own innermost core of being, you will become an Arhat. The Arhat is the final stage of enlightenment.