你生于性. 你的每个身体细胞都是性细胞, 你所有的能量都是性能量. 所以如果宗教教导说性是不好的, 性是罪, 他们完全谴责了你. 他们不仅谴责了你, 现在你会谴责自己. 现在你无法超越它,也无法离开它, 现在这是一种罪过. 你分裂了; 你开始和自己战斗. And the more this guilt can be created in you – over the concept that sex is something unholy – the more neurotic you will become.
I take sex as the basic problem. And if your sex problem is solved, you are a different man or a different woman, because then all the perversions simply are no more. You have resolved the base. And when sex is solved and it is not a problem for you, not a fight, when you have deeply accepted it and said a deep yes to it, then you can transform it – because that is the energy which is alive in you. When you are dead, that energy will go on and on, more and more. You are just a wave in a sex ocean: the ocean continues, and the waves go on, die and disappear. The ocean continues. Sex is the BRAHMAN. If you go deep into sex, then it is the very life. If you forget it, 然后你留在表面上. 然后就丑了. 如果你不与之抗争,不沉沦其中, 但投入其中, 融入其中, 融入其中, 当你让性成为生活, 然后突然变成了爱. 这就是机制自动运作的方式. 如果你与之抗争, 性变成仇恨. 所以那些充满仇恨的人是那些与她们的性别斗争的人.
The mechanism of sex is so much a momentary phenomenon that it only functions momentarily; if you do not cooperate at the right moment, it stops. At the right moment your cooperation is needed, otherwise it cannot work. It is only a momentary mechanism, and if you do not cooperate with it, it will stop by itself.
First the energy will try its best to be released sexually, because that is its usual outlet, its usual center. 所以一个人必须首先意识到自己的向下 “门。” 只有意识才能关闭它们; only noncooperation will close them. Sex is not so forceful as we feel it to be. It is forceful only momentarily: it is not a twenty-four-hour affair, it is a momentary challenge.
结婚多年后与你的配偶发生性关系怎么样, 而你不再享受它? 如果你想和别人做爱怎么办?