奥修生活名言, 不要让生活成为争论的问题


  1. 怀疑可以杀死. 它是负面的, 它不能给你生命. 怀疑就是死亡. 信任就是生命. 随着信任度越来越高, 更丰富的生命可供你使用.
  2. 生与死为一 — 一种现象, 一种能量. 生命就是这种能量的体现, 死亡又是放松. 生活正在形成, 死亡再次进入无形之中. 结束与开始相遇. 生与死不分离, 死与生不分离 — 他们相遇并打成一片. 即使说他们相遇也不对,因为头脑会立即带来: “如果有会议,那么必须有两个。” 这不是会议, 这是一种现象.
  3. 如果没有早晨, 不要以为总会有傍晚 — 根本不会有晚上. 如果没有死亡, 不要以为会有永生 — 将没有生命… 因为死亡造成了这种情况, 设置能量现象. 每一个生命都会带来死亡, 每一次死亡都会带来新的生命.
  4. 没有什么是一样的. 一切都在改变. 只有头脑是老的和死的. 能够心无旁骛地看待生活就是禅修.
  5. One who has lived his life truly, authentically, one who has enjoyed it, is always ready to die, is always ready to leave. One who has not enjoyed and celebrated, one who has not lived the moment, the life, is always afraid to leave becausethe time has come to leave and I am yet unfulfilled.The fear of death is not the fear of death, it is a fear of remaining unfulfilled. You are going to die, and nothing, nothing at all could you experience through lifeno maturity, no growth, 不开花. 你空手而来, 你空手而归. This is the fear!
  6. 不要让生活成为争论的问题, 或真相争论的问题, 或者喜欢争论的问题, 或喜悦争论的问题. 居住, 经验, 因为这是唯一知道的方法. 争论不是知道的方式. 只有经历过才能知道.
  7. You cling to life because your life is unfulfilled. You have not risen against a strong wind. You have not known the morning, and the evening has come. You have never been young, and old age is knocking at the door. You never loved, and death is coming. This unfulfilled state and the coming of death creates the fear. Buddha says that if you have lived you will always be ready to die. And that readiness will not be something forced upon you. It will be the thing, it will be a natural thing! As you are born, you die. As you come, you go. This is the wheel of existence. You lived the being part, now you will live the nonbeing part. You existed, now you will not exist. You rose, you manifested, now you will move into the unmanifested. You were visible, embodied, now you will move without the body to the invisible. You had your day; now you will take rest in the night. What is wrong in it?
  8. If each moment brings you something from the unknown, if each moment is a penetration of the unknown into the known, then life is an excitementwithout expectation. Then life is a constant movement into the unknown. Nothing can frustrate you because in the first place you never expected that anything was going to be the same for ever.
  9. An old person becomes beautiful if he has lived life. If he has not lived, then he wants to cling to some past moment which is there no more. And this is the ugly man: when youth has passed and you are trying to show that you are young; when sex has passedshould have passed if you have livedand you are still seeking things which are good in their season, which are beautiful in certain moments of life. But an old man is ridiculous falling in love… 荒谬的! He is as ridiculous as a young man NOT falling in loveout of season, out of step with life.
  10. Life is mysterious. 你不能对它数学. 没人知道. 你可能是国王, 但你不能强迫爱. 他可能是个奴隶, 但爱会让他成为国王. 没人知道! Life is mysterious. 这不是算术, 这不是经济学.
  11. 这是社会对每个孩子犯下的最大罪行. 没有比这更大的罪行了. 破坏孩子的信任就是破坏他的一生,因为信任是如此宝贵,以至于当你失去信任的那一刻, 你也失去了与自己存在的联系.
  12. 生活在任何地方都不是一种紧张,除了在人类的思想中. 轻松生活, 没有任何紧张, 不着急 — 那不是懒惰, 那很容易.
  13. 不要让生活变成问答游戏. 让它更真实, 以及任何你觉得合适的东西, 尝试用它做实验. 有数百万人知道什么是对的, 数以百万计的人知道什么是好的, 数百万知道必须做什么的人. 但他们只知道, 他们从不试图将他们的知识转化为行动, 变成现实.
  14. 除非上帝被认识, 你的生活一直在浪费. 那就是你的能力, 你的潜力 — 存在的神圣性的实现. 只要一点点味道,你的整个生活就会充满这样的荣耀, 这样的狂喜, 如此辉煌,你甚至无法梦想它.