奥修关于嫉妒的名言 – 放下比较,嫉妒就消失了


  1. 嫉妒是比较. 我们被教导要比较, 我们已经习惯于比较, 总是比较. 别人有更好的房子, 别人有更漂亮的身体, 别人有更多的钱, 别人有更魅力的个性. Compare, 继续将自己与路过的其他人进行比较, 结果将是极大的嫉妒; 它是用于比较的调节的副产品.
  2. 比较是一种很愚蠢的态度, 因为每个人都是独一无二的,无与伦比的. 一旦这种理解在你心中安定下来, 嫉妒消失了.
  3. Whenever you have a sexual urge in your mind, a sexual happening in your being, whenever you feel sexually attracted and related to somebody, jealousy enters because you are not in love. 如果你恋爱了, jealousy never enters.
  4. Sex creates jealousy but it is a secondary thing. So it is not a question of how to drop jealousy; you cannot drop it because you cannot drop sex. 问题是如何将性转化为爱, 然后嫉妒消失.
  5. 如果有嫉妒, 知道没有爱.
  6. If you go on condemning, your condemnation shows that somewhere there is a wound, and you are feeling jealousbecause without jealousy there can be no condemnation. You condemn people because somehow, 某处, unconsciously you feel they are enjoying themselves and you have missed.
  7. Heaven and hell are not realities but ways of living. You can live in jealousythat’s how people live. You can live in competition, you can live in conflict, you can live in ambition. That’s how you have been brought up to live. This is the way to hell!
  8. Awareness is the fire; love is the gold; 妒忌, 占有欲, hatred, 愤怒, 情欲, are the impurities.
  9. What is envy? It is nothing but passive jealousy. Maybe jealousy is too strong a phenomenon; envy is a little passive. The difference may be of degrees, but it is not of quality, it is only of quantity. Envy can become jealousy at any moment; envy is just jealousy in progress. Mind has to drop all envies and jealousies.
  10. Just think: you cannot find a single misery for which you are not responsible. It may be jealousy, it may be anger, it may be greedbut something in you must be the reason that is creating the misery.
  11. When jealousy disappears, there is a deep friendliness towards all.
  12. In pure awareness the mind cannot drag you down into the mud, into the gutter. In anger, 在仇恨中, 嫉妒中, the mind is absolutely impotent in the face of awareness. And because the mind is absolutely impotent, your whole being is in a profound silencethe peace that passeth understanding.
  13. You know your inside, and you know the others’ 外部: that creates jealousy. They know your outside, and they know their inside: that creates jealousy. Nobody else knows your inside. There you know you are nothing, worthless. And the others on the outside look so smiling. Their smiles may be phony, but how can you know that they are phony? Maybe their hearts are also smiling. You know your smile is phony, because your heart is not smiling at all, it may be crying and weeping. You know your interiority, and only you know it, 没有其他人. And you know everybody’s exterior, and their exterior people have made beautiful. Exteriors are showpieces and they are very deceptive.
  14. Because of jealousy you are in constant suffering; you become mean to others. And because of jealousy you start becoming phony, because you start pretending. You start pretending things that you don’t have, you start pretending things which you CAN’T have, which are not natural to you. You become more and more artificial. Imitating others, competing with others, what else can you do? If somebody has something and you don’t have it, and you don’t have a natural possibility of having it, the only way is to have some cheap substitute for it.
  15. The jealous man lives in hell. 放下比较,嫉妒就消失了, meanness disappears, phoniness disappears. But you can drop it only if you start growing your inner treasures; 没有别的办法.