

  1. 记住, 你都一样. 数量可能存在差异, 但每个人的思想在质量上都是一样的, 因为头脑认为, 争论, 收集和收集知识变得迟钝. 只有孩子聪明. And if you can retain your childhood, if you continuously reclaim your childhood, you will remain innocent and intelligent. If you gather dust, childhood is lost, innocence is no more; the mind has become dull and stupid. Now you can have philosophies. The more philosophies you have, the more you are far away from the divine.
  2. Fear will give you fearlessness. Out of anger will come compassion. Out of the understanding of hate, love will be born to you. But this happens not in a conflict, this happens in a passing-through with alert awareness. 接受, and pass through it. And if you make it a point to pass through every experience, then there will be death, the most intense experience. Life is nothing before it because life cannot be so intense as death.
  3. If you ask Zen people they will say; tea is not something that you pour with unawareness and drink like any other drink. It is not a drink, it is meditation; 这是祈祷. So they listen to the kettle creating a melody, and in that listening they become more silent, more alert.
  4. 佛陀会帮助你放松, 因为只有在你的深度放松中,你也会成佛. 没有其他办法.
  5. 师傅就是妈妈, 他不是父亲. 与父亲只有智力上的联系, 与母亲的关系是完整的. 你已经成为你母亲的一部分, 你完全属于她. 反序高手也是一样的. 你从妈妈里出来了, 你会进入主人. 是一种返璞归真. So Zen masters always invite you for a drink. They are saying in a symbolic way, “Come and become a child to me, let me become your mother; let me become your second womb. Enter me, I will give you a rebirth.
  6. 记住, 冥想永远不能以结果为导向; 你只需冥想, 就这样. 一切都会发生,但不会有结果. 如果你追求结果,什么都不会发生; 冥想将毫无用处.
  7. Your whole mind is premeditated poverty; you have all the answers and not a single response. You have already decided what to do, and in that decision you have murdered yourself, committed suicide. The mind is suicide. Start acting spontaneously. It will be difficult in the beginning, you will feel much discomfort. With a premeditated answer there is less discomfort, you are more certain. Why are we not spontaneous? It is because of fear, the fear that the answer may be wrong. It’s better to decide beforehand then you can be certain; but certainty always belongs to death.
  8. 记住, life is always uncertain. Everything dead is certain, life is always uncertain. Everything dead is solid, fixedits nature cannot be changed; everything alive is moving, changinga flow, a liquid thing, flexible, able to move in any direction. The more you become certain, the more you will miss life. And those who know, know life is God. If you miss life, you miss God.
  9. Act spontaneously. If there is discomfort in the beginning allow it to be there; don’t hide it and don’t suppress itand don’t imitate. Be childlike but don’t be childish. If you are childlike, you will become a great saint; if you are childish, you will become a great, knowledgeable person.
  10. Love is a dangerous path and only those who have courage can travel it. And I say to you it is the same, just like meditationonly for those who are courageous. And there are only two ways to reach the divine: either meditation or love. Find out which is your way, which can be your destiny.
  11. 桑雅生应该对每个人开放. 整个国家都必须能够成为桑雅生, 但这只有在你能在日常生活中成为桑雅生时才有可能 — 如果你能去办公室, 如果你能在商店工作, 如果你能成为一名劳动者, 或老师, 或医生, 或工程师,但仍然是门徒.
  12. The first thing to be understood is: a real sannyasin cannot claim any ownership. 桑雅生是指放弃所有财产的人, 或所有的占有欲, 这是更深更基本的. 你可以留下财产, 这很容易; but to leave possessiveness is difficult because it goes deeper in the mind. You can leave the world, but the mind goes on clinging to it.
  13. Meditation is not contemplation, it is actionaction of the whole, of the total being. In the West particularly. Christianity has created a false impression, and meditation looks like contemplation. It is not. Because of Christianity the West has missed many things, and one of them is meditation, the rarest flowering of a human being, because they have made it equivalent to contemplation. Contemplation is thinking. Meditation is no-thinking.
  14. Consciousness is a continuum; it is like a river, flowing constantly. If you are meditative the whole day, every moment of itand only when you are meditative the whole day the flowering will come to you. Nothing will come before.
  15. 记住: life is a rhythm between day and night, 夏天和冬天. 这是一个连续的节奏. 永远不要停在任何地方! 动起来! 而且摆动越大, 你的体验会越深.
  16. 记住, 警惕知识不必被收集, 你必须像个孩子一样 — 充满惊奇, 充满敬畏. 每个角落都是神秘的, 你不知道它是什么. 你想不通, 这是什么生活. 着迷于你朝这个方向和那个方向奔跑.
  17. MEDITATION comes naturally to a happy person. Meditation comes automatically to a joyous person. Meditation is very simple to a person who can celebrate, who can delight in life.