When you stop asking for knowledge you have stopped asking about the truth, 因为真理是知识的目标. 如果你不问什么是, 而是你变得如此沉默, 如此无脑, 那是, is revealed.
My work is done as far as I am concerned because I am done. 现在能量变成了慈悲和溢出, and all those who really want to taste are invited to do so without any condition. You are not to give anything, you simply are to take. No discipline, no bargain- nothing is expected on your part. It is a gift. It has always been so, 永远都是这样; the ultimate bliss is always a gift. That’s why we have been calling it grace, PRASAD… as if the divine gives to you out of his overflowing energy.
佛陀会帮助你放松, 因为只有在你的深度放松中,你也会成佛. 没有其他办法.
That is the golden rule: Before you die, share whatsoever you have. If you are of a sound mind you will share your whole life. Before you die, spend yourself in love.
The great miracle of禅is in the transformation of the mundane into the sacred. And it is tremendously extraordinary because THIS way life has never been approached before, THIS way life has never been respected before.
The Master liberates you from words, he liberates you from all kinds of imaginative philosophies. He brings you to a state of wordless silence. The failure of religion and philosophy is that they all become substitutes for real experience. 当心它!
The society teaches you knowledge. So many schools, colleges, universities…they are all devoted to creating knowledge, more knowledge, implanting knowledge in people. And the function of the Master is just the opposite: what your society has done to you the Master has to undo. His function is basically anti-social, and nothing can be done about it. The Master is bound to be anti-social.
The society, 实际上, makes you uprooted from your nature. It pushes you off your center. It makes you neurotic.
Zen cures you of your abnormality. It makes you again normal, it makes you again ordinary. It does not make you a saint, 记住. It does not make you a holy person, 记住. It simply makes you an ordinary person — takes you back to your nature, back to your source.