- One has to choose between ego or consciousness. 那些选择自我的人仍然是无意识的; 那些选择无我的人有一天会成为完美的意识 — 这就是这个词的意思 “佛” — 他们成为觉醒者. Be small and be awakened. Be nobody so that you can be God.
- Just a single drop of it is enough to give you the t taste of eternity. A single moment of love is enough to give you the vision of that which is beyond time and beyond death and beyond mind.
- I have a totally different vision of religion: bliss is the core of it. 爱, life, 笑声, they should be the qualities to be imbibed. Life should be lived playfully, with a tremendous sense of humor, only then does it become religious. And the so-called saints have completely forgotten how to laugh. They have become sad because they are against life. Nobody can be blissful if he lives in negativity; with no you can only be in hell.
- One has to learn to become a little more contented. One has to learn to accept things as they are. One has to learn, not to complain, but to accept, and not only to accept, but accept gratefully. The mind of discontent asks for that which is not and never is thankful for that which is. And the being of contentment is just the opposite; it never asks for that which is not and thanks for all that which is.
- To be really religious means dropping this obsession for meaning, becoming utterly blissful for no reason at all, just for blissfulness’ sake.
- The ego is very ambitious: it wants to be great. Because it is not great it has the desire to be great. 记住, we desire only that which we are not, we only desire that which is not the case.
- One has to seek and search within oneself. We contain the truth. We have to go into our own being; we have to learn the ways of being more and more interior so that we can start functioning from deeper recesses of our being. This is what sannyas is all about. The ego is the periphery, the circumference, and the real self is the center.
- Freedom is the goal of life. We are caught in many limitations — 身体, 头脑 — and we have created many artificial limitations — of nation, of religion, of color, of race — and all together they create a prison around us. Just disidentify yourself from the body, mind, from all that limits you, and out of this disidentification, freedom arises and a fragrance that is bliss.
- A sannyasin has to get out of all slaveries, has to declare his total freedom whatsoever the cost. And if from the very childhood you start tasting the joy of freedom, then there is a possibility that your life will not be a wastage, that your life will have some meaning, some significance, that you would have lived truly. Very few people live truly; people’s lives at the most are just acting, pseudo.
- Creative persons get more easily into-meditation and go deeper. Poets, painter, 音乐家, 舞者, can get into meditation more easily than businessmen — they live a routine life, absolutely uncreative.
- Be less efficient but more creative. Let that be the motive. Don’t be bothered too much about utilitarian ends. 相当, constantly remember that you are not here in life to become a commodity; you are not here to become an utility, that is below dignity;. you are not here just to become more and more efficient — you are here to become more and more alive; you are here to become more and more intelligent; you are here to become more and more happy, ecstatically happy. But that is totally different from the ways of the mind.
- Competition is foolish. 没有必要. If you enjoy running — perfectly good. Run. and enjoy. But why compete? What is the point of competition? Competition brings illness, unhealthiness; competition brings jealousy, and a thousand and one diseases.
- Meditation is to get out of your psychosis and to get out of your neurosis; it is simply to slip out of them. So you don’t have any ultimate conclusion with you on one hand; and on another hand you are not worried about trivia. You are simply silent. You are simply being yourself, with no decision, with no conclusion, with no center, and not worried about small things. If you can be in a state where no thought interferes with your being, no thought passes by, suddenly you are overwhelmed.
- Do only that which doesn’t strengthen your ego, and sooner or later you will become enlightened, because when the ego is not, if even for a single moment it leaves you — suddenly the eyes open and you have seen it. Once seen, it is never forgotten. Once glimpsed, it becomes such a powerful magnet in your life that it goes on drawing you nearer and nearer to the center of the world. Sooner or later you will be merged into it.
- The whole art of meditation is, how to leave the personality easily, move to the center, and be not a person. Just to be and not be a person is the whole art of meditation, the whole art of inner ecstasy