奥修冥想名言, 冥想只是一种摆脱思想的方法


  1. Only meditation can make humanity civilized, 因为冥想会释放你的创造力并消除你的破坏性. 冥想会带来你的慈悲,会带走你的残忍. Meditation will make you responsible to your own being and then you cannot be a criminal.
  2. Except witnessing, I don’t teach anything else. So just witness your mind and the meditation will be happening. And once you have got in tune with your being, you know the way, you know the how. Then it does not matter where you are. Alone or in the crowd, in the silences of the forest or in the noises of a marketplace, it is all the same. You can simply close your eyes and disappear inwards.
  3. Music is the easiest method of meditation. Whoever can let himself dissolve into music has no need to seek anything else to dissolve into. Music is wonderfully intoxicating. Music is the ultimate wine. Dissolving deeper and deeper into it, your thoughts will go, your ego will go. Understand music as meditation.
  4. 与冥想, 所获得的一切都与你同在. 如果您停止该技术,您将无法继续进行, 但无论你取得了什么,都将与你同在. 它不能丢失; 真正的成长永远不会丢失. 它不是添加给你的东西,你可以失去. 是你长大了.
  5. If thinking does not begin and dozing does not happen, meditation will take place. Meditation means the absence of thinking and sleeping. You will then be in meditation.
  6. Meditation brings you to the final peak of consciousnessthat is chit, exactly in the middle. On one side is truth; on another side is bliss. As meditation flowers, you find that on one hand truth has revealed to you all its mysteries and on the other blissfulness is showering all its treasures on you.
  7. 冥想只是一种摆脱思想的方法.
  8. In deep meditation the realization can come that there is no goal and all movement is futile. If there is no goal, there is no need to move, since all movement is goal-oriented; they are together. If the goal disappears from your mind, you will find yourself slowing down, in your body, in your mind. A deep relaxation will start settling. It is one of the most beautiful experiences. The meditation is actually meant to bring you to this full stop, where for the first time you are no more motivated by any desire, by any ambition, by any longing.
  9. 成为罪犯需要极大的无意识. 冥想摧毁你的无意识, 打开光之门突然间你在黑暗中所做的一切开始消失.
  10. Put your whole energy into meditation. Once you are centered in your being, once you know the inner path, then wherever you are you can manage to go to the center without any difficulty. Even when you are dying, it will not make any difference. You may be sick, it will not make any difference.
  11. All methods of meditation are nothing but methods to help you to remember the art of let-go
  12. Meditation covers a very long pilgrimage. When I saymeditation is witnessing”, it is the beginning of meditation. And when I saymeditation is no-mind,” it is the completion of the pilgrimage. Witnessing is the beginning, and no-mind is the fulfillment. witnessing is the method to reach the no-mind