- Looking inside is meditation — 只是向内看, 眼睛向内转动一百八十度, 你到家了. 无需迈出任何一步, because you are not going anywhere; you are simply coming from here to here. You are already there where you need to be, just you are not aware. 因此, meditation can be called awareness, 警觉, 警觉, 见证 — but it is not thinking. Contemplation is thinking; it will not lead you anywhere.
- Meditation means you don’t have anything, any object to think about. You are just in a state of absolute aloneness. You don’t have anything on which you can focus yourself — not a sutra, not a mantra, not any great value of life, just pure space all around you. Then you are in meditation. Meditation is never about something. Meditation is a state.
- 冥想只是超越头脑, 超越头脑的运作, 超越一切心灵的束缚, 只是进入这种沉默, unmoving, 坚定不移 — 只是纯粹的觉知, 无声的火焰, 非常高兴… but nothing to see. A great clarity of seeing, a vast openness… the whole sky is yours, but nothing objects to you, nothing prevents you. For the first time the nothingness has opened its doors to you. 你只是, utterly centered, without even a single thought flying across your mind. Then you are in meditation.
- If you really want to live and not to vegetate, meditation is the only way; and meditation means no-mind… 只是沉默.
- 我在这里的全部努力就是让你尽可能不认真, 原因很简单,冥想, 各种冥想, 会让你过于严肃,而那种严肃只会造成精神疾病,除此之外别无他法. 除非冥想给你带来更多欢笑, 更多欢乐, 更有趣, 躲开它. 它不适合你.
- So silently, 和平地, without hurry, 没有任何紧张, without any anguish, move into yourself instantly. It is urgent. Unless meditation becomes urgent to you, it will never happen; you will die before it. Put meditation on your laundry list as the most important, urgent… number one. But meditation in your life is just at the very end of your laundry list — and the laundry list goes on becoming bigger and bigger. And before you finish your laundry list, 你完蛋了, so the time for meditation never comes.
- 你已经成为一个桑雅士. 现在你有责任履行桑雅生的承诺 — 那就是冥想. 没有冥想就没有桑雅生. 只是你纯粹的意识在上升 — 这种力量是神圣的, 慢慢地超越低级事物的引力 — 那会让你成为桑雅生.
- Meditation is not against mind, it is beyond mind.
- 大部头书, neither God is important nor heaven nor hell nor angels — all those are just hypothetical. 大部头书, meditation is the very soul of religion. But it can be attained only if you move rightly. Just a single step in a wrong direction… And you are always moving on a razor’s edge!
- Thoughts can create such a barrier that even if you are standing before a beautiful flower, you will not be able to see it. Your eyes are covered with layers of thought. To experience the beauty of the flower you have to be in a state of meditation, not in a state of mentation. You have to be silent, utterly silent — not even a flicker of thought — and the beauty explodes, reaches to you from all directions. You are drowned in the beauty of a sunrise, of a starry night, of beautiful trees.
- A musician can easily become a meditator, he is very close. There is nothing closer to meditation than music — wordless, 无意义的, but tremendously significant. It says nothing but shows much, expresses nothing but brings to you a great splendor. From musician move towards the mystic. The day your music consists only of silence, you have arrived home.
- Meditation cannot be taught, it can only be caught. I am meditation. If you are available you can catch it.