Osho – Yoga có nghĩa là nghệ thuật của sự giao cảm, trở thành một với toàn bộ

Osho – Yoga có nghĩa là nghệ thuật của sự giao cảm, trở thành một với toàn bộ, hòa mình vào cái toàn thể như giọt sương rơi từ lá sen xuống hồ. The moment it falls into the lake it becomes the lake. It loses one thingits small identity, its ego, its boundarybut it gains infinitely; it becomes the whole lake. The dewdrop was always in danger, the sun will rise and it will evaporate. Dewdrops are always on the verge of death, any moment death can happen. But once the dewdrop becomes part of the lake, death becomes impossible.

Man is just a dewdrop, and that’s why he is miserable, sợ; afraid of death, afraid of a thousand and one things, constantly trembling inside. Và đó là điều tự nhiên, understandable. The only way to get rid of all this fear, run rẩy, is to become one with the whole.

That’s what yoga is: the art of dissolving yourself into the whole, losing your boundaries, losing your ego, danh tính của bạn. In the beginning it seems to be very difficult because that’s all we know about ourselves.

The function of the master is to help you, to encourage you, to seduce you, to push you to take the jump.
And if one loves the master, trusts the master, things become simple, rất đơn giản. Đó là tất cả những gì về tính chất sannyas; it is just a trust. And in trust it is easy to take the jump; without trust it is impossible to take the jump. In doubt you cannot take the jump because you will always be doubting whether to take it or not and it will always remain an either/or, either/or, either/or.

And there is no way to decide through the mind because the mind has no way to know the unknown, it remains confined in the known. And you have never experienced the melting with the whole, so it is a gamble. The doubting person cannot risk. It really needs guts, great courage, to trust, to put all the doubts aside. In spite of all the doubts one falls in love with someone who has known, who has taken the jump, who has found. And in trust one takes the quantum leap. It is a single step. Once you have jumped, then nothing can prevent you. Even if you doubt on the way you can doubtnothing to worry about. Now you will reach the lake; you cannot hang somewhere in the air.

So once somebody has jumped I don’t bother about it at all. I don’t even lookit is finished, I start working with somebody else, because there is nowhere in the air you can stop, you have to go to the very bottom. So my work is finished once somebody has taken the jump.

And the moment you become one with the whole there is bliss. Life for the first time has meaning because for the first time there is no more death. For the first time you know you have always been here and will always be here, that you are indestructible. In knowing it there is rejoicing, in knowing it there is freedom from fear, in knowing it one starts dancing.

Then there is nothing else to dodance, Và một người trở nên xứng đáng chỉ bằng cách sống thực sự, rejoice!
Then this whole universe belongs to you because you are part to it.

Nguồn – Sách Osho “Just the Tip of the Iceberg