Osho trích dẫn về vẻ đẹp bên trong

Osho trích dẫn về vẻ đẹp bên trong

  1. You don’t know what beauty is. Bạn sử dụng từ, chắc chắn, nhưng từ của bạn trống rỗng. Vẻ đẹp chỉ được biết đến bởi những người biết vẻ đẹp bên trong, one who has known the inner flower opening. Then whenever a flower is seen, it reminds you of your inner beauty.
  2. All this knowledge of the objective world is of no value in comparison to having a little glimpse of the inner sky and its beauty — its sunrises and sunsets, its days and nights, its blue sky and its stars. The outer then looks only a pale reflection of the inner. The inner becomes more real and the outer becomes just a shadow.
  3. Only one thing I expect from all of you: to be yourself, to discover your inner beauty, your purity of consciousness, your hidden splendor — and spread it to as many people as possible. People are miserable. Help them to laugh a little, to sing a little, to dance a little.
  4. Physical beauty and ugliness is not very important. The real thing is the inner. I can teach you how to be beautiful from within, and that is real beauty. Once it is there, your physical form won’t matter much. Your eyes will start shining with joy; your face will have a gleam, a glory. The form will become immaterial. When something starts flowing from within you, một số ân sủng, then the outer form is just put aside.
  5. All beauty, all other beauties are only skin-deep. One can fool oneself for the time being, but sooner or later the other beauty wears out and one is left in utter ugliness because one never developed the real beauty. The real beauty has nothing to do with the face but with the luminosity that comes from your within. It has nothing to do with the form of the eyes but with light that shines through them. It has nothing to do with the body but with the inner presence that vibrates through the body. The real beauty arises at the core, at the very core of your being, and spreads outwards towards the body. The false beauty is just on the surface; it has no roots in you. It is ungrounded.
  6. If your inner being changes, your whole outer life will be totally different. It will have a different fragrance, a different beauty, a different grace. And when your inner being is changed and becomes a flame of light, you will become a light unto others too. You will become a beckoning light, a great herald of a new dawn. Your very presence will trigger revolutions in other people’s lives.
  7. The outer beauty comes from a different source than the inner. The outer beauty comes from your father and mother: their bodies create your body. But the inner beauty comes from your own growth of consciousness that you are carrying from many lives. In your individuality both are joined, the physical heritage from your father and mother and the spiritual heritage of your own past lives, its consciousness, its bliss, its joy.
  8. In your inner being, look at the gaps. Be indifferent to the filled spaces, the occupied spaces. Be interested in the gaps, the intervals. Through those intervals you can dissolve into the ultimate beauty.
  9. I want my people to know the peace, to know the silence, to know the beauty of their inner being, the blissfulness and love and light, and spread it. And spreading it is not going to be a missionary thing — you are not to convert anybody. Just your very presence, just your loving eyes, your peaceful existence — the charisma that arises with enlightenment, a certain different wavelength that the enlightened man starts radiating around him, changes people’s hearts without their knowing.
  10. Once you have seen the inner beauty, then you will be able to see the outer also as beautiful. Once you have seen God within, you will be able to see him without too. The original is very beautiful.
  11. Go inwards. Find your inner space, and suddenly, you will find an explosion of light, of beauty, of ecstasy — as if suddenly thousands of roses have blossomed within you and you are full of their fragrance.
  12. Only your inner beauty can bring you close to me. Just beware of your mind dragging you into unawareness.
  13. Self-awareness is awareness of your inner world, vương quốc của chúa. As you become aware of the tremendous beauty of your own being — its joy, its light, its eternal life, its richness, its overflowing love — you feel so blessed that you can bless the whole world without any discrimination.
  14. Phật nói: But there is a flowering of your inner being, which is far more beautiful than sandalwood, rosebay or jasmine. Its beauty is its absolute freedom. It can go against the wind. The really virtuous man lives in freedom; he follows no commandments, he follows no scriptures, he follows nobody else but his own inner light. He lives according to his heart — he is a rebel.
  15. Buddha is rich because the inner light is there. Jesus is rich because the inner light is there. You are rich if your inner being is suffused with light, bathed in light. You are rich if you know that existence is divine. You are rich if you have experienced the exquisite beauty that surrounds, that permeates the whole. You are rich if you have tasted the nectar of your own consciousness. You are rich if you are capable of sharing your love unconditionally. Otherwise you are a beggar.
  16. In your inner being also you are carrying greater peaks than Everest, with eternal beauty.
  17. You cannot go inwards if you are not finished with the outside world — its beauty, its treasure, its immense vastness. If you have not become acquainted with it, you will never think of going in, because the inner is vaster, the inner is bigger, the inner is more intelligent. The inner is pure wisdom. It is truth, it is beauty, it is godliness.
  18. Unless you get rid of the inner Jew you will never be religious, you will never have innocence — and without innocence there is no beauty, no benediction.
  19. Câu hỏi không phải là làm thế nào để thay đổi cái xấu thành cái đẹp, làm thế nào để thay đổi nỗi đau thành niềm vui, làm thế nào để thay đổi đau khổ thành hạnh phúc. Không. Câu hỏi đặt ra là làm thế nào để thay đổi vô thức thành có ý thức, thái độ chưa giác ngộ thành thái độ giác ngộ - làm thế nào để thay đổi thế giới nội tâm của bạn, làm thế nào để đạt được các giá trị khẳng định cuộc sống và từ bỏ các giá trị tiêu cực trong cuộc sống.
  20. The beauty is that the more you share the inner riches, the more you have them. The more you give, the more you have them. If you hoard them, you will lose them. So nobody who attains to inner blissfulness can hoard it. Hoarding kills it. He has to share it, it is an absolute necessity to share it. Only by sharing it remains alive and flowing. And more and more it goes on coming to you. One is simply amazed.
  21. According to my experience, enjoying the beauty of flowers and stars suddenly makes you aware to look into yourself: what is my beauty? What is my being’s light? The outer beauty indicates towards the inner.
  22. The man of the inner eye not only becomes aware of the inner mysteries, he also becomes aware of the mysteries that are just around him everywhere. A buddha, one who is awakened, is awakened to truth, to beauty, to goodness. His riches are great.