Osho – Tâm trí luôn tầm thường. Tâm trí không bao giờ sáng, không bao giờ rực rỡ

Osho – Tâm trí luôn tầm thường. Tâm trí không bao giờ sáng, không bao giờ rực rỡ. Theo bản chất của nó, nó không thể như vậy. Tâm trí là một bộ lọc bụi. Tâm trí có nghĩa là quá khứ. Nó luôn chết; it is nothing but an accumulation of memories. And how can dust be brilliant? How can the past be intelligent? It is dead. Only the living can have the quality of intelligence, brilliance.

Meditation is bright, brilliant, sự im lặng của họ. Mind is always repetitive, old; it is a junkyard. Through mind nothing has been achieved. All that has been achieved has been achieved through meditationnot only in religion but even in science. Of course in science meditation is unconscious; meditative moments are just accidental in science, but all the breakthroughs have happened through intuitive gaps. They have not come through the mind but beyond the mind.

This is a confession by all of the great scientists; they are puzzled by it, that whatsoever original contribution they have been able to make is not really their own. It comes from somewhere they know not. They are only vehicles, at the most mediums. But in religion meditation is very deliberate and conscious. Religion practises meditation. In science it is accidental, in religion it is deliberate.

The whole effort of religion is concentrated on a single point: how to help you to be meditative. And that means how to help you to put the mind aside so that you can look into reality directly, without mind as a mediator. If you look through the mind, mind always distorts. You are never able to see that which is through the mind. When the mind is not functioning you see reality as it is. And that’s what god is all about: seeing reality as it is.

God simply means that which is. But to know it you need to be utterly silent; and mind is a constant chatterermind is crazy, noisy. Silence is original, intelligent. Whatsoever happens out of silence is good, đẹp, is divine.

Nguồn – Sách Osho “The Golden Wind