Osho – Tâm trí phải ngừng lại, hoàn toàn chấm dứt đối với sự thật là

Osho – Kiến thức vay mượn từ người khác là không đúng sự thật, kiến thức thu thập được từ thánh thư là không đúng sự thật. Nó có thể đến từ một nguồn rất ban đầu, từ một Chúa Giêsu, từ một Lão Tử, từ một Zarathustra — không quan trọng, because truth is untransferable. There is no way to express it. So whatsoever information you gather from scriptures, and from others is all rubbish. One has to unlearn it. Slowly slowly one has to unburden oneself.

When your being is totally unburdened, when your slate is completely clean, when there is no writing on you, then suddenly an invisible writing starts appearing. Your own being becomes your scripture. Then for the first time you come across the Bible, the book of the books, then for the first time you read the Vedas, never before that. This can happen only through meditation; not by studies, not by logical, intellectual understanding, but by becoming more and more thoughtless, báo động, im lặng. You can only be on the receiving end inside.

But if you are full of knowledge it is difficult: your knowledge will hinder it. It won’t allow it to happen. Your mind will go on continuously fabricating, manufacturing. Tâm trí phải ngừng lại, hoàn toàn chấm dứt đối với sự thật là.

One has to become again ignorant, vô tội, ngây thơ. Then something immensely beautiful starts growing in you. Call it wisdom, call it true knowledge, call it realization or whatsoever you will, but remember one thing: true knowledge has to happen within you; it is always yours, it is never borrowed, it cannot be learned from others. You have to dig deep within yourselfit is already there.

Nguồn – Sách Osho “Fingers Pointing to the Moon