- Sannyas is an aspiration to the most distant star. Gọi nó là Chúa, định, phúc lạc, sự kết hợp cuối cùng, tất cả chỉ đơn giản có nghĩa là giống nhau: that we have to drop our separation and become one again with existence. Then bliss simply happens; it simply showers. You are bathed in it!
- Out of deep meditation bliss arises, and then you are so happy the whole day, cả đêm… without any cause. It is just bubbling inside you. Đó là bản chất của bạn, your dharma. Then you don’t need any God and you don’t need any priest, and you don’t live in any kind of misery or imprisonment. The moment you feel that something has become phony, something has become pseudo, something has become just a mask, you simply drop it. You remain truthful to your own consciousness — that is your only responsibility.
- Happiness is not conditional; nothing is needed to be happy. Only to be alive is needed — and that you are, you already are. Only to be conscious is needed — and that you already are. Hence the mystics and the buddhas say that bliss is our very nature. But the mind is a runner and it keeps dragging you.
- In fact bliss is the only criterion to know: Whether you are moving higher or not. As you move higher you feel more bliss More peace, more silence, more tranquillity, More centeredness, simply joyous For no reason at all.
- Đức Phật thường gọi thiền là một thanh kiếm vĩ đại, nó cắt đứt các vấn đề của bạn tận gốc. Nó khiến bạn nhận thức được rằng bạn không cần phải sợ vực thẳm bên trong của mình. Nó thật đẹp, thật là hạnh phúc. Bạn đã không trải nghiệm niềm hạnh phúc và vẻ đẹp của nó bởi vì bạn chưa bao giờ đi vào nó, bạn đã luôn luôn trốn thoát. Bạn chưa nếm thử nó; nó là mật hoa, nó không phải là chất độc. Nhưng làm thế nào bạn sẽ biết nếu không nếm thử? Bạn đang chạy trốn khỏi một thứ có thể trở thành sự hoàn thiện trong cuộc sống của bạn. Bạn đang chạy trốn khỏi điều gì đó là điều duy nhất đáng đạt được. Bạn đang chạy trốn khỏi chính mình.
- If you have made love to a woman or to a man, and the love was really total and orgasmic, you forget who you are. It is mindblowing. You simply don’t know who you are. In a certain moment of deep orgasmic bliss, oneness happens. That is the whole effort of Tantra: to transform sex into an experience of oneness — because that will be your first experience of oneness, and enlightenment is the last experience of oneness.
- You have always been there; it was only desire that was distracting you. Sometimes the desire was for money, sometimes for God, sometimes for power, uy tín, sometimes for heaven, paradise, but any desire is enough to distract you from your nature. Khi không có ham muốn, where can you go? All desires lead you away from yourself. When there is no desire you are simply centered in your being. That very centeredness is bliss, is ecstasy, is samadhi, is nirvana.
- Whenever some bliss happens, trust it, and go in that direction…and you will be moving towards God. Bliss is his fragrance. If you can follow bliss, you will never go astray. If you follow bliss, you will be following nature. And if you are natural, hạnh phúc, thư giãn, wisdom arises.
- Intoxicants will disappear from the world only when meditation has become a world-wide phenomenon, when each single individual has created some meditativeness in his being; when each single individual has become aware, “There is no need to be miserable. Misery is created by me. Life is not misery: life’s nature is bliss. It is my stupidity that I am creating misery out of it.”
- Con người sống trong đau khổ — không phải vì anh ta an phận mà sống trong đau khổ mà vì anh ta không hiểu được bản chất của chính mình., tiềm năng, khả năng phát triển. Sự không hiểu về bản thân này tạo ra địa ngục. Hiểu bản thân là tự nhiên hạnh phúc, bởi vì hạnh phúc không phải là thứ đến từ bên ngoài, nó là ý thức của bạn đang nghỉ ngơi trong bản chất của chính nó.
- The Bauls belong to the seventh type — vui sướng, lễ ăn mừng, song, dance, thuốc lắc — ANAND. They make meditation tremendously joyful — because a person can be meditative and can become sad. A person can be meditative and can become very silent and may miss bliss. Because meditation can make you silent, absolutely still, but unless dance happens in it, thiếu một cái gì đó. Peace is good, peace is very beautiful, but something is lacking in it; bliss is lacking. When peace starts dancing it is bliss. When peace becomes active, tràn ngập, đó là hạnh phúc. When bliss is enclosed in a seed it is peace. And when the seed has sprouted, không chỉ vậy, but the tree has bloomed and the flowers have come and the seed has become a bloom, then it is SAMADHI. That is the highest type of religion.
- Mọi người nói về việc chinh phục thiên nhiên, mọi người nói về việc chinh phục cái này cái kia — làm thế nào bạn có thể chinh phục thiên nhiên? Bạn là một phần của nó. Làm thế nào để một phần có thể chinh phục được Toàn bộ? Hãy xem sự ngu ngốc của nó, sự ngu ngốc. Bạn có thể hòa hợp với Toàn thể, hoặc bạn có thể xung đột với Toàn thể trong bất hòa. Bất hòa dẫn đến khốn khổ; sự hòa hợp dẫn đến hạnh phúc. Sự hài hòa tự nhiên dẫn đến một sự im lặng sâu sắc, vui sướng, Hân hoan. Xung đột dẫn đến lo lắng, đau khổ, căng thẳng, căng thẳng.
- It is impossible for a Buddha to go mad. Everyone else can go mad; only a Buddha cannot. Why only a Buddha? Because he has thrown all his madness out. Meditation means throwing your madness out. When there is no poison within you, you will have a different quality of being. You will be able to fly, you will become weightless. Then bliss is not something that happens to you; it is not something that comes to you from without It is something that arises in you, it is something that is your inherent nature. Then bliss is not accidental. It is you; it is your nature, it is your tao, con người bạn, your very existence. Sau đó, no one can take this bliss from you.
- Go with nature. Go absolutely in tune with nature, not upcurrent but with the current. Don’t push the river, float with it. And life will be a bliss, and life will be an ecstasy, and life will be a benediction.
Pleasure is momentary, of time, for the time being; bliss is nontemporal, timeless. Pleasure begins and ends; bliss abides forever. Pleasure comes and goes; bliss never comes, never goes — it is already there in the innermost core of your being. Pleasure has to be snatched away from the other; you become either a beggar or a thief. Bliss makes you a master. Bliss is not something that you invent but something that you discover. Bliss is your innermost nature. It has been there since the very beginning, you just have not looked at it, you have taken it for granted. You don’t look inwards. This is the only misery of man: that he goes on looking outwards, seeking and searching. And you cannot find it in the outside because it is not there.
Pleasure is momentary, of time, for the time being; bliss is nontemporal, timeless. Pleasure begins and ends; bliss abides forever. Pleasure comes and goes; bliss never comes, never goes — it is already there in the innermost core of your being. Pleasure has to be snatched away from the other; you become either a beggar or a thief. Bliss makes you a master. Bliss is not something that you invent but something that you discover. Bliss is your innermost nature. It has been there since the very beginning, you just have not looked at it, you have taken it for granted. You don’t look inwards. This is the only misery of man: that he goes on looking outwards, seeking and searching. And you cannot find it in the outside because it is not there.
- Pleasure is dependent on others. Happiness is not so dependent on others, but still it is separate from you. Bliss is not dependent, is not separate either; it is your very being, đó là bản chất của bạn. To attain it is to attain to God, to nirvana.