Osho Quotes and Sayings

Osho Quotes and Sayings

  1. Life is a purposeless play, một trò chơi của các lực lượng vô hạn — đẹp nếu bạn không có đầu óc nhạy bén, xấu xí nếu bạn có tham vọng trở thành một cái gì đó, trở thành một cái gì đó, làm gì đó.
  2. All beliefs suffocate and all beliefs help you not to be really alive. They deaden your being.
  3. The Baul lives an undivided life; he never divides. He is not against anything, he is not for anything; he simply lives. Whatsoever comes in the moment, he lives it. He is surrendered to reality; đó là lời cầu nguyện của anh ấy. Death comes, he yields beautifully, gracefully. He dies. He cooperates with death. There is not a little bit of resistance, not even a little bit. Anh ấy không chiến đấu; he embraces death.
  4. cuộc sống has no meaning. Hân hoan! It has no meaning. Nhảy, Và một người trở nên xứng đáng chỉ bằng cách sống thực sự, thưởng thức! It has no meaning. You need not be serious. It is a cosmic joke! What is there to get? But the achieving mind is always trying to get something, even out of a joke. Can’t you relax at all? Can’t you simply listen and laugh? Do you have to understand it and its significance and its esoteric meaning then you will laugh? By that time the joke is finishedyou have missed the point.
  5. Don’t take your so-called life for granted. This is not life at all. You have to go through a revolution; and that revolution has nothing to do with any politics, with any economics. It has something to do with your spirituality, and an awarenesswhen your innermost core is full of light, your outer light also starts reflecting it.
  6. Mọi khoảnh khắc đều đẹp, chỉ bạn phải tiếp thu và đầu hàng. Tất cả các khoảnh khắc đều là phước lành, chỉ bạn mới có khả năng nhìn thấy. Tất cả các khoảnh khắc đều là may mắn. Nếu bạn chấp nhận với một lòng biết ơn sâu sắc, không có gì sai cả.
  7. If an old man cannot relax, that means he has not lived life. And if you cannot relax, how can you die? And those who cannot die, they create desire for a permanent self, for a permanent God. Know well: The only change is the God. Change is the only permanence in the world, only change is eternal. Everything else is changing except change, only change is the exception; nếu không thì, everything is changing.
  8. Ambition makes you stupid. Tại sao? — because intelligence is of the herenow and ambition is of the future. Intelligence blooms THIS moment, and ambition always thinks of faraway lands. Ambition is of the tomorrow, and because of ambition you go on missing the intelligence that is just now showering, welling up within you.
  9. Unless you love God, you will love in vain. Your love will create frustrations, it will never give you a contentment. Love needs such a vast phenomenon to fill it that only God can do that. No father, no mother, no wife, no children, no brother, no sister, no friend can do thatunless God comes to you as a father, or your father appears to you to be a god.
  10. Unless the wife becomes the whole, or the whole become.s the wife, you will not be fulfilled. That’s why there is so much misery because of love. You love the part and you expect the whole. That’s the misery. You love the small and you want the great. It cannot be fulfilled. Kể từ đây, thất vọng. Whenever you fall in love with a man, you expect something divine. Every lover expects it. And when it is not delivered you are hurt, and you feel you have been cheated. Then the misery of love arises. Expectations are great and the reality is very tiny. You expect from the wrong sources: you want a small stream to become the ocean. Nó không thể, it is helpless. When your eyes are open to the reality, and the dream disappears and the honeymoon is overa small tiny stream. And you were thinking of the ocean! Now you are crestfallen, frustrated, wounded deeply in the heart. Love wounds because you expect the whole from the part. And this is the only love that you know. This love is not exactly love. It is attachment. There is a greater love which arises only when your eyes are open to the vast, to the infinite, đến chúa.
  11. Buddha gives man absolute dignity, sự tự do, as nobody else before him has ever done. He drops the idea of God just to raise your dignity and your freedom to its ultimate height. He removes God to make YOU God. There has never been another human being who has loved other human beings as Gautam Buddha has loved themand not only human beings but all living beings. His love is infinite.
  12. My neo-sannyasins are total: they have renounced, and yet they have not escaped. They will live in love and they will not cling to love; that is their renunciation. They will love in the world and they will not be possessive; that is their renunciation. They will live in love but they will not be jealous; that is their renunciation. They will use things but they will not be used by things; that is their renunciation. They will find the creator in the creation, and they will not divide the creator and the creation; they will not tolerate any division. They will try to find the harmony in the opposites.